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Long Rubaiyat Poems

Long Rubaiyat Poems. Below are the most popular long Rubaiyat by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Rubaiyat poems by poem length and keyword.

State of the Art Iii
State of the Art (III)

These are my "ars poetica" poems: the ones about the art and craft of writing poetry in a modern world that doesn't always recognize the artists or their work. 

Come Down

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Categories: rubaiyat, art, muse, poems, poetry, poets, write, writing,
Form: Rhyme

Poems About Poems Iv
Poems about Poems IV

The Toast
by Michael R. Burch

For longings warmed by tepid suns
(brief lusts that animated clay),
for passions wilted at the bud
and skies grown desolate and gray,
for stars that fell from tinseled heights
and mountains bleak...

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Categories: rubaiyat, allegory, allusion, appreciation, art, poems, poetry, poets,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Welkin - and - the Influences
1. The Welkin
Wind blows / clouds race / vast blue sky
Breeze tugs / trees sway / great green hills
Sun scourged / sand glares / small white beach
Skip stones / thoughts nag / mind fug stills


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Categories: rubaiyat, analogy, nature,
Form: Jueju
Poems About Poets Vi
Poems about Poets VI

Michael R Burch

Perhaps at three
you'll come to tea,
to have a cuppa here?

You'll just stop in
to sip dry gin?
I only have a beer.

To name the greats:
Pope, Dryden, mates?
The whole world knows their names.


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Categories: rubaiyat, poems, poetry, poets, words, world, write, writing,
Form: Rhyme
Antinatalist Poems
Antinatalist Poems

Habeas Corpus
by Michael R. Burch 

I have the results of your DNA analysis.
If you want to have children, this may induce paralysis.
I wish I had good news, but how can I lie?
Any offspring you...

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Categories: rubaiyat, baby, birth, child, child abuse, childhood, children,
Form: Rhyme

Ezemony: Part I
Grow old along with me:
The best is yet to be!

See! Ben Ezra stares Rubaiyat in the eye,
	In a debate so hot and ever fresh;
Their porters seem in the semels to lie!
	Are they also gone or...

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© Canny Amah  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: rubaiyat, epicheart, tree, dark, dark, heart, me, tree,
Form: Pastoral
Henry Morgan the Privateer
Henry Morgan was an admiral of the Royal Navy
In his time, commissioned, but most found him crazy
Such that the Spanish called him a pirate rebellious
Whilst he considered himself with the truth not hazy

He took Campeche...

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Categories: betrayal, character, conflict, courage, destiny, freedom, french,
Form: Rubaiyat
China Clipper
Listen and you can hear the wind whisper 
the name of a lost ship and its skipper.
The wind’s name is Favonius, winged god
His sotto voce is but a whimper.

Gentle breeze doth tell of China Clipper...

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Categories: sorrow,
Form: Rubaiyat
Why Do I Write
Why Do I Write?

I was born in an era when Shakespeare, Shelley and Wordsworth were kings.  Reading them was like hearing beautiful music and after all these years…it still is. Then I fell in...

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Categories: rubaiyat, introspection, on writing and words, passion, words,
Form: Blank verse
The Way of Bright Honour
o seeker read these words and weep
for thy soul so still asleep
as yet unawakened to
this world of love divine and deep

o seeker hear these words and sigh
thy soul and god are ever nigh
divided by the...

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Categories: allah, beauty, devotion, god, love, philosophy, spiritual,
Form: Rubaiyat
Premium Member Truth Potion
tread on! move on! in this life’s caravan,
unending trail of life from dusk to dawn!
pass skeletons in sand from days of yore,
sand has blown over, past footprints are gone

man with limp walks to meet destiny’s...

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Categories: angel, angst, anti bullying, heart, heartbreak, heartbroken,
Form: Rubaiyat
Behold Beatrice, Pitcairn
Behold Beatrice, Pitcairn
the paradise sunsets lie in Tahiti
sunrise, the folly of Easter
islands, sanitoriums, deluded, denuded
limbos and purgatories, the never evermore
Polynesian metaphors transmigrate my mind
O to graze with the deer, dear
the tree never falls silently
lizards scatter,...

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Categories: rubaiyat, fate, history, lust, metaphor, romantic love, sensual,
Form: Romanticism
Premium Member A Little Alliteration: a Collaboration With Gary Thomas
Form: Alliteration
A little alliteration by a long shot speaks so loud.
Metaphors muddle my mind
And silly similes stymie the sentence.
A terrible trope takes too much of my time
g Tiberius is my tag and title
My nom de...

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Categories: adventure, community, drug, daffodils,
Form: Rubaiyat
Premium Member Persian and Proud
I'm proud to be a Persian, there's no doubt
Though some may look at me with veiled disdain
To honored heritage I give a shout
And here I bare my love in words so plain

When Cyrus captured Babylon's...

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Categories: rubaiyat, how i feel, identity,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Rubaiyat of ' Lenore's Love '
The - Rubaiyat of  “ Lenore “ LOVE

In a distant time  of memories, swimming in a deep blue sea
Floating with the clouds above , disguised as azure tapestry
Forest eyes, gleaming in the evergreens,...

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Categories: death, life, lost love, love, wifeurdu, heart,
Form: Rubaiyat
Premium Member Tamam Shud
“Tamam Shud”

Handsome comes
as handsome goes

not missed

lies waiting 

a code

Mystery in the end - 
far more interesting 

answers calling
something whispers:

"Death -
open gate ...

Come in"

(LadyLabyrinth / 2020)

"Spin Spin Sugar" / Sneaker Pimps

"Police found a book...

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Categories: rubaiyat, muse, mystery, psychological,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Decayed
Age is not all decay; it is the ripening, the swelling, of the fresh life within, that withers and bursts the husk. George MacDonald

In a world where decay is dominant,
Arctic tundra is melting, and...

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© Sotto Poet  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: analogy, angst, bereavement, care, creation, devotion,
Form: Rubaiyat
Amber Dawns Appeal
                    A wish, a dream, from birth til death,

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© Gail Smith  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: faith, loss, passion, peace, urdu, day, words,
Form: Rubaiyat
The Hunt Not For Contest
Our guns were pregnant with bullet
Bullet pregnant with desire to eat bush meat
Our hunting dogs roamed up and down
Pregnant with desire to eat bush meat

We went as a group we were three and a half

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Categories: addiction,
Form: Rubaiyat
Premium Member The Sea King Beckons
You sit alone on the shore
        And play with the sand
My heart swells at your sight, 
        I long to take...

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Categories: sea, sensual,
Form: Rubaiyat
Slamming the Super-Duper-Soupers
you want to know a secret
when I write a poem and it's perfect
i dont share it
i bury it 
deep inside of me 
where no one else can see
i mean its perfect
not like this shift 

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© Nathan D.  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: humor, slam, perspective,
Form: Rubaiyat
Premium Member One Against Many
The Ancient Mariner of the parliament square
Like the mariner he was, a scrawny, skin unfair
A loner with a glittering eyes, possibly a bit touched
A Clint Eastwood impersonator look, he seemed to bear

But a powerful speaker...

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Categories: history, , western,
Form: Rubaiyat
Premium Member Sir Henry Morgan

Come all, sail along with me!
Welcome aboard to a Pirate's Ship of World History
I’ll be your story teller, to you I will relay
All about the great buccaneer named, Sir Henry

Sir Henry Morgan was his complete...

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© Len Gasun  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: courage, dedication, hero,
Form: Rubaiyat
Premium Member Fair Wings and Following Seas
Far, far out at sea one day
          A Hummingbird so found its way

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Categories: bird, nature, ocean, sea,
Form: Rubaiyat
Premium Member River Stream Elixir
 "The streams are my veins." 

Rivers, rather than flowing around us, deliver vitality to every cell and fiber in the body. They are the life-giving arteries and veins of the earth. By Poet

Sarcastic, keen...

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© Sotto Poet  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: analogy, appreciation, beauty, river, romance,
Form: Rubaiyat

Book: Shattered Sighs