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Long Passion Poems

Long Passion Poems. Below are the most popular long Passion by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Passion poems by poem length and keyword.

Be of Good, Compassionate Courage
They flutter, now I see
Fiery lions…
They're dancing with me
Come out and shine down 
Shun out my darkened frown

I am the infinitesimal stars in the tranquil, terrestrial night
I am the scars minutes before the sunlit dawn...

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Categories: confidence, courage, encouraging, endurance, hope, muse, passion,
Form: Free verse

Falling Into Place: Solace Solitude
Let me take a little sip
Of your blessed, breathtaking brilliance that will numb...
This pain I have in this heart of stone
The voices in my head won't leave me alone
I thought I was on my own,...

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Categories: passion, deep, desire,
Form: Lyric
The Injury of Fury
~~**This poem is super long, but it took me hours to write. I hope you all enjoy reading this as I have enjoyed writing it wholeheartedly.**~~

Awful anger expressed in verses
Didn’t give me blessings, but curses

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Categories: passion, anxiety, courage, deep, depression, desire, forgiveness, hope,
Form: Free verse
Faded In Xoxo Oxox Fadin' Out
A special dedication to Beyoncé's "Drunk in Love" song in her album "Beyoncé", which came out in 2013.
I took a cat nap...yah put on your classic, clever-mini cap 
drank that sorrow sap, my companion...

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Categories: passion, deep,
Form: Lyric
Where Is Your Mind
Where Is Your Mind?

Where is your mind?
Is it way out there in the clouds of smoking cigarettes and cigars?
Is it way out there in the clouds of smoking marijuana?
Where is your mind?
Is it way out...

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Categories: adventure, allegory, analogy, desire, growth, passion, perspective,
Form: Lyric

Village In the Valley
Village in the Valley left behind, and then it's a fine find
Mountain in the the dark alleys of my mind

You're a flashlight
In the night
You are a friend 
Till the end
Bite the bullet
You're the village...

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Categories: passion, deep,
Form: Free verse
An Adverse World Uncurled
“I am NOT like my father!!!
You say that again, I’m going to kill you!”

I shrivel up in shame
For, I am not to blame
For the shenanigans you put me through so many times
Sometimes, I wish I...

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Categories: passion, addiction, anger, angst,
Form: Free verse
The Hardships of Honesty - Neither Will I
I often surprise many people in many ways
With the words I say…with the actions I make…
It’s extraordinary how many seek high praise
With the words they say…with the actions they fake…

Neither will I…
Assume the worst in...

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Categories: angst, conflict, emotions, endurance, faith, hope, passion,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Fairer, Indeed

Truly amaze me ... they possess the super-human
strength to birth a child - one of the most painful
and demanding physical and emotional feats of end-
urance known to our species - yet they have the

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Categories: passion, appreciation, humanity, love, wisdom, woman, women,
Form: Free verse
Honey Bee Flying Around In Winter
I have been reluctant to pen this verse 
Because I don't understand what it was all about
I have been reluctant to pen this verse
Because I don't want anyone to  get hurt
Morning comes and evening...

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Categories: passion, angel, blessing, business, community, freedom, mythology, people,
Form: Narrative
I Can'T Just Change Overnight Part 1
(Inspired by my sister, Laura Breidenthal’s poem called “The Dream in His Eyes” and also, inspired by Disturbed’s song “Forsaken”. Special thanks to my sister for such an awesome poem and the writer that wrote...

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Categories: passion, angst, dark, deep, depression, desire, loneliness, words,
Form: Free verse
Emo Love
With this needle and thread I stitch the wounds Avril left
but with this blade I angrily carve a new
rough, short, jagged adjacent from the bone in my wrist
for a reflection of our relationship
and an outlet...

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Categories: passion, anxiety, beauty, emo, i love you, jealousy,
Form: Narrative
Sappho Translations
Sappho fragment #155
translation by Michael R. Burch 

A short revealing frock?
It's just my luck
your lips were made to mock!


Sappho fragment #156
translation by Michael R. Burch 

She keeps her scents
in a dressing-case.
And her sense?
In some undiscoverable...

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Categories: passion, girl, girlfriend, love, lust, sensual, woman, women,
Form: Epigram
by Michael R. Burch

How can I write and not be true
to the rhythm that wells within?
How can the ocean not be blue,
not buck with the clapboard slap of tide,
the clockwork shock of wave on rock,

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Categories: passion, assonance, extended metaphor, language, metaphor, music, poetry,
Form: Verse
The First Valentine Poem, Circa 1415
The First Valentine Poem

Charles d’Orleans (1394-1465) has been credited with writing the first Valentine poem for his wife in 1415. Charles wrote the first Valentine poem in the first year of his captivity while being...

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Categories: heart, love, passion, romance, romantic, romantic love,
Form: Rhyme
Family Poems
Family Poems

Mother's Smile
by Michael R. Burch

There never was a fonder smile
than mother's smile, no softer touch
than mother's touch. So sleep awhile
and know she loves you more than "much."

So more than "much, " much more than...

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Categories: passion, child, childhood, family, father, father son, mother,
Form: Rhyme
Poems About Flowers
Lady’s Favor
by Michael R. Burch

her riotous petals
into the air,
ignoring the lethal
and may
cry gleeful-
ly Hooray!
as the abundance
till a sudden June
leave us out of tune,
when the last rose is left
inconsolably bereft,
rudely shorn
of every device but her thorn.


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Categories: passion, flower, june, rose, roses are red, spring,
Form: Rhyme
Limericks Ii - Nature and Animals
Limericks II - Nature Poems and Animal Poems

Dot Spotted
by Michael R. Burch

There once was a leopardess, Dot,
who indignantly answered: "I’ll not!
The gents are impressed
with the way that I’m dressed.
I wouldn’t change even one spot!"

Clyde Lied!

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Categories: passion, animal, humor, humorous, light, nature, nonsense, silly,
Form: Limerick
Short Stuff: Epigrams
Epigrams by Michael R. Burch

by Michael R. Burch
Show me your most intimate items of apparel:
begin with the hem of your quicksilver slip ...

by Michael R. Burch

Love should be more than the sum of its...

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Categories: passion, body, clothes, death, eulogy, introspection, love, obituary,
Form: Epigram
Various Heresies 7
Pagans Protest the Intolerance of Christianity
by Michael R. Burch

“We have a common sky.” — Quintus Aurelius Symmachus

We had a common sky
before the Christians came.

We thought there might be gods
but did not know their names.

The common...

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Categories: passion, angel, atheist, bible, christian, faith, god, jesus,
Form: Rhyme
Love Poems Iii
LOVE POEMS III by Michael R. Burch

These are love poems by Michael R. Burch about passion, desire, lust, sex, dating, relationships, devotion and marriage. 

by Michael R. Burch

Once, only once,
when the wind flicked your skirt

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Categories: desire, devotion, love, lust, marriage, passion, relationship,
Form: Rhyme
by Michael R. Burch

Over hushed quadrants
forever landlocked in snow,
time’s senseless winds blow...

leaving odd relics of lives half-revealed,
if still mostly concealed...
such are the things we are unable to know

that once intrigued us so.

Come then, let us...

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Categories: passion, education, extended metaphor, farewell, first love, graduation,
Form: Free verse
Poems About Dogs
Poems about Dogs

This Dog
by Rabindranath Tagore
loose translation by Michael R. Burch

Each morning this dog,
who has become quite attached to me,
sits silently at my feet
until, gently caressing his head,
I acknowledge his company.

This simple recognition gives my...

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Categories: passion, animal, dog, friend, friendship, heart, joy, love,
Form: Free verse
State of the Art Iv
State of the Art (IV)

These are my "ars poetica" poems about the art and craft of writing poetry. 

by Michael R. Burch

“When you are old and grey and full of sleep...”  — W. ...

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Categories: passion, art, muse, poems, poetry, poets, write, writing,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member An Bee Cailleach
“Éagmais croí a dhíscaoileadh ar gach eagla.
Faoi dhíon taobh istigh de na blianta seo.
Fanacht i bhfianaise, a dhíscaoileadh ar gach eagla.
Ós rud é go ndearnadh tú a chaitheamh.
Briseadh an tost seo”

"An Bee Cailleach"

She lives to...

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Categories: passion, fantasy, imagery, joy, life, love, magic, symbolism,
Form: Free verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things