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Long Monotheistically Poems

Long Monotheistically Poems. Below are the most popular long Monotheistically by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Monotheistically poems by poem length and keyword.

Premium Member Watering Gaian Grace
One of the least talked about,
yet most problematic issues
for regenerating  

mental and physical
health and public safety

Well fed and watered
to empower and enlighten interfaith
action and reflection,
song and dance
liturgical and fire-circle
contemporary-indigenous wisdom

Is to explore together
how and...

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Categories: monotheistically, caregiving, community, earth day, education, health, integrity,
Form: Political Verse

Premium Member Yangyyolks With Yinyin-Whites
Start and end each day,
and life,
with a taoist egg.

I doubt my eggs are religious.

No, but they are natural,
organic incubators, 
co-arising nondual yolk form
with transparent regenerative function,
cosmological purpose, maybe,
if you're a chicken,
or a turkey, 
or a...

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Categories: monotheistically, analogy, culture, earth, food, health, math, science,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Rebuilding Paradise
like Rome
is not built
and not rebuilt
and rebuilt
and redeveloped
and healed
and redeemed
in one 24-hour
and recycle
and revolving
round day v night,

appreciatively regarding both day
and dualdark
rich and fertile 
souled and soiled
recycling night.

So too
my personal
and political
and economic
and ecological
and theologically reformed...

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Categories: monotheistically, earth, eve, god, health, love, paradise, passion,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Faith In History Lessons
Patterns of phylogenic history
retell our creative creation story
as bicameral restoration
of Earth's nature-spirit ecology,
both Eastern karma
and Western co-redemptive grace.

Spiritual memory experience
of RNA
and later DNA developments
and traumatic extinctions,
positive great transitions
and double-negative traumas;
are exegetical rhythms
and sacred seasoned pattern...

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Categories: monotheistically, creation, culture, education, health, integrity, peace, psychological,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Pope Francine's Transfiguration
If Laudato Si'
were written by Pope Francine
and not me
replacing Pope Francis's
root anthrosupremacist choices
with similar
but more nuanced
and multiculturally inclusive choices,
cooperatively healthy premises
might further enlighten
to resolutely empower
a rather more transubstantially engaging
creolizing catholic haute cuisine.

#110.  The LeftBrain...

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Categories: monotheistically, creation, earth, health, humanity, humor, integrity, meaningful,
Form: Political Verse

Premium Member Empowering Regenerative Healthcultures
is our shared regenerative tradition
as Earthlings,

And dying
is our autonomously
fading degenerative position
as former organic life systems
living ego-identified upon
and economic-ecologically within
an organic Sun/Earth Revolving HealthSystem
spiraling through Time
revolving through Space,
a global organic ecohabitat network.

Anthropoid memory
of matriarchal history
proscribes unrealistic...

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Categories: monotheistically, culture, earth, health, history, integrity, life, mother,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Bipolarity
has been largely ignored

Linear and stagnant hierarchies
peaking in well-capitalized severance
and sterile self-satiation

Use you
then leave you
win/lose planning
and worldview design
by non-feminists

Uninspired by EarthTribe's co-arising,
Both/And reconsidering

Bruised blue traumatic,
and green grown therapeutic
sides of each red coin's

Of Left hemisphere's newer

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Categories: monotheistically, earth day, green, health, integrity, light, mother,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum
Premium Member On Naming Plants and Animals
A Commentary on

"A Note on the [Patriarchal-Colonizing] Treatment
of Plant Names"
by Robin Wall Kimmerer, p. 385

I too often accept
with nary a LeftBrain dominant thought
that our verbalized labels
for individual EgoPersons

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Categories: monotheistically, earth day, health, humanity, integrity, nature, planet,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Empowering Peace
All my favorite on-line EarthJustice
and Transformation
and Compassion
and Global Peace resources
are scientifically
and inter-religiously sure
we have all the information
and physical resources needed
for optimizing global healthy wealth,
and multiculturally

Yet, at yesterday's municipal youth and family services
community advisory board gathering

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Categories: monotheistically, health, nature, peace, religion, spiritual, stress,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Silent God
I don't know,
S/He said,

(right winged left
exhaled downstream
past everyone's egopaled head)

If God is dead
and also much too Capitalistic,
LeftBrain dominant hegemonalistic

(like water to a philosophical shark)

If God is straight
and white
and a patriarchal supremacist accountant
calculating monoculturally ambitious values


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Categories: monotheistically, earth, health, humor, integrity, power, psychological, science,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Exploring Midterm Mindbodies
Our minds play
an eisegetical game
transubstantiating our debating minds
translating our felt bodies
embodied contexts

Natural/Spiritual environments
felt yet untouched messages
spoken through ancient metaphoric narratives
polypathic tales
multiculturing mysteries
sacred polytheistic histories

egocentrically thoughtful

sacred trans-pantheistic skin
outside transparent reverence
for all born vulnerably holy
within and...

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Categories: monotheistically, animal, culture, health, integrity, peace, religion, soulmate,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum
Premium Member When Them Becomes Us
When does their health
become essential
to our public health system?

When does global human health
become compassionately communicated intrinsic
for preserving
nurturing our climate health-cooperative

When did we LeftBrain max out
opt out of,
give up on,
unhealth unsystemic uncare about
Earth's green democratic conversion...

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Categories: monotheistically, culture, environment, health, integrity, peace, psychological, spiritual,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Bread Is From Earth
Deep warm-blooded
Dark brown 
Multigrain Manna is from Heaven.

OK, most times,
I'm not actively building a cooperatively co-invested
and environmental health system,
or even a local family-safe 
multiculturally resilient community

Because I am too capitalistically infested
with buying and selling
highest and...

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Categories: monotheistically, community, earth, health, home, paradise, wisdom, women,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member A-Gnostic About A-Theism
My bicameral strong connection
between monotheism
and anthro-supremacism
lies in dogmatic monocultural belief

created and recreated
and remade and premade
this Universal Home
MeWe bilaterally celebrate
as HealthyTrue 
enlightened resonance
and WealthyBeautiful
empowering resilient PatriCapitalist editing
while recopying

Scribes transcribing
hoping to transubstantiate
our own LeftBrain monoculturing
encultured comfort training


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Categories: monotheistically, earth, engagement, god, health, integrity, religion,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member High Beams
Love ripens,
filling a vacuum left by former fears 
about shortage of time
and lack of meaning.

High pitched synergy
swells toward Beloved Climax Community
as fears and anger about Here and Now
EarthDay's lack of healthy fullness... 
subside in peaceful...

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Categories: monotheistically, beauty, culture, destiny, fear, integrity, life, love,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum
Premium Member Competitions In Disregard
Am I unhealthy and unsafe oppressed,
right-brain negatively depressed?

Not really all that:
competitively left-brain impressive,
first through last impression 
enticingly marketable,
profitably commercial,
slickly corporate,
predatively intelligent

More camouflaged
unnoticed and undefined
and, frankly, perhaps unstable

Because of my environmental circumstances?
as liberal lovers
would have failing...

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Categories: monotheistically, depression, desire, god, health, humor, love, peace,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Masculine V Patriarchal
What looks sexy
and aesthetically pleasing
on Society's well-endowed Page

May not feel so hot
when StraightWhite Daddy's capital-headed
economic fornication systems
lead toward Great White Father's abortion
of global green forests
and resonantly blue skies 
and sun-warmed water 
resilient EarthCare

Cosmic polarizing predations

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Categories: monotheistically, black love, god, health, humor, hyperbole, integrity,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum
Premium Member Democratic Trust
When I drove away from the family farm
to embrace my freshman year
at the University of Michigan
in Vietnam-era 1970,

I was planning on majoring in political science
which later turned into a double major
in communication theory
and positive neuro-psychology


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Categories: monotheistically, america, conflict, health, integrity, political, relationship, trust,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Learning To Accept
Thank you Stathi,

I thought we were going to be 
about Learning to Accept

degenerating ancient bodies
losing soulful minds;

A cosmic loss
of indigenously NatureYang
is Spirit Yintegrally wise EarthTribe
for bilaterally becoming 
organic EcoSystemic 
MultiReligious PolyCultures:
StraightWhiteMale Universal-West...

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Categories: monotheistically, culture, earth, god, happiness, health, humor, integrity,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Contagious Health
Are you feeling sad,
wanting your faith community,
democratic society,
to live more...
live more deeply...
live more widely...

Faithful to wealthy health, yes,
and I wonder if you are angry,
wishing for more enthusiastic RESPECT,
more Aretha Franklin listened to
and more explicitly understood,


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Categories: monotheistically, devotion, dog, faith, games, health, humanity, peace,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Orthodox Experiences
I was bruised by dogmatically non-evangelical
Christ monotheistic Jehovah judgmental bad faith
of divine powers
equally entitled
to generously create love
and selfishly act out of jealousy
divine punishment for unfaithful sins
of worship omission
and secularizing commission

Prescribed and proclaimed
by the inspired
and kleptocratically...

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Categories: monotheistically, addiction, health, integrity, nature, peace, religion, spiritual,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum
Premium Member Breaking Through Nationalism
Yuval Noah Harari
suggests that Nationalism's
Big Three Nemeses are fear of
nuclear holocaust,
degenerative climate trends,
and Business As Usual disruptions 
of eco-politically salvific technology.

When I first read this list
of his global Three,
the one that stood out
at least for...

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Categories: monotheistically, caregiving, earth, health, peace, power, wisdom, woman,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Animated Earthintegrity
Nothingness in spirited spaces
breathed places
windswept re-connecting
re-ligious experience

ZeroZone intuited
and non-violently
not ultra violetly re-communicating
economic green co-investments
and political win/win empowering
healthy wealth, resiliently abundant
polypathic potential
for future/from past 
love's green/blue reweaving

ZeroZone nothingness
of denatured
statically disconnected win/lose dogma
of capitalistic righthand dominant fundamentalism

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Categories: monotheistically, caregiving, creation, extended metaphor, health, integrity, religion,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member What We Mean Connected
and timeless Muse memory
wears Her integral capacity
to naturally craft a re-ligious spirit
out of any transcendent
transregenerational relationship,

Within any AnthropoCentric 
NonViolent Communioning Network.

And, a positively correlating observation,
perhaps both decent and indecent,
sacred and secular,
sensory and sexual,

We can,
and have,

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Categories: monotheistically, health, integrity, nature, peace, religion, spiritual, wisdom,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Reconnecting Rituals
are sacred
when they reconnect
what LeftBrain dominant
straight white privileged man
has transcendently and monotheistically 
disconnected secular nature
from sacred polytheistic spirits

Earthly nature
divorced from Heavenly spirit,
from light,
from enlightenment,
autonomous theological identity
from interdependent ecological experience,
personal health
from transcendent joy

Like segregating
sexual health rituals

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Categories: monotheistically, beauty, culture, earth, health, integrity, passion, truth,
Form: Political Verse

Book: Shattered Sighs