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Rebuilding Paradise

Paradise like Rome is not built and not rebuilt and rebuilt and redeveloped and healed and redeemed in one 24-hour cycle and recycle and revolving round day v night, And/or appreciatively regarding both day and dualdark rich and fertile souled and soiled recycling night. So too my personal and political and economic and ecological and theologically reformed dawn of unconditional win/win regard, like God's light and not EarthMother's and not Buddha's and maybe not Allah's and not Atman's and not Gaia's and not Diana's and not Blue Heron's and not Dragonfly's, has become Christian Deformed Evangelistic LeftBrain dominantly complicated in chaotic will-powered efforts to resiliently hang onto cooperatively co-invested peace for more than an inter-religious bodhisattva day, or even a polytheistic sacred hour Instead we are distracted dismayed by chronic win/lose dogmatic stress, By early childhood trauma experiences of community original win/lose sin unrest Capitalized by zero-sum competitive closed cause/effect linear either/or bipolarizing fundamentalism, either unconditionally regarded as saved, or guilty of unredeemed evil sinister cynicism Discontinuously disregarded as dementedly damned: too sacredly win/win holistic unrealistic, too round paradoxical circling, too wide open-systemic intuitive ecofeminist, too polytheistic pantheistic goddess worshipers mother tree huggers womanly unmanly mystics full of wicked womb witchery emasculating slutty butchery. Original sin remains monotheistically addicted to patriarchal fear and capitalist revenge about panentheistically sensuous intuitively introverted Eve and big black sensually seductive Serpents offering MotherEartha's nutritious Apple Pie in sun enlightened sky Various Mosaic Law reformers including Jesus of Nazareth teaching and prophesying against Patriarchal-Capital monopolistic pretensions inspiring LeftBrain dominant commercial commodified imbalance, have suffered and died too powerfully bereft, polytheistically indigenously sacred returning to wisely rooted Holy Nature/Spirit win/win creolizing co-passion and active multicultural EarthTribe co-investment Deep rooted in dualdark soul and soil of love's co-present peakish daylight causes and valleyed nightdream effective affective and reflective experience Reforming my win/lose original zero-sum competitive judgmental predative self-righteous greedy leftover assumptions about humanity's essential step away from win/win Paradise, our mortal Achilles' heel of ego-self v. eco-other, unhealed, Rather than ego+eco sacred EarthMother, primal potential resolved without overwhelming lose/lose disintegration Feeding win/win integrity's felt regeneration, and all not-quite-so-original win/lose in-between historical hysterical compromises Round Win/Win Win/Lose Lose/Lose octaves of whole open sensory globally universal organic paradising faradizing bilateral neuro-systems nested and networked working cooperatively co-invested co-passionately co-relationally co-intelligently co-therapeutically together better than monotheistically divided judged, poles transcendent anthro v immanent sacred Earth apart. A win/win Holy Open Whole EarthSystem, non-zero sum cooperatively co-invested Original Paradise Theory of polycultural wu-wei communion feels like it could polyculturally attract inter-religious and meta-paradigmatic enthymematic health and safety advocates octave sound and vision scientists multicoloring scaled and rhythmed and patterned artists octave harmony/dissonance musicians dialectical muses cultural comedians climate fracturing tragedians Integrating our capital, our gut, and our sacred grown round root, and full core curious intelligence pregnant with polypathic paradigms, both secular and sacred narratives, myths about integral Paradise potential, transcendent Heavens of original win/win systemic sensory health sensual wealth sexual Paradise potential for regenerative unconditional regard, resilient Non discard ego-death through robust resilience re-absorbing cooperative brilliant dawning resonance, not so much competitive nightmare dissonance. Yet, somehow, despite all our narratives that healthy Paradise of Love overpowers unhealthy dark demons of hate, God's monotheistic anthro-exceptionalist not at all unconditional win/lose judgmental disregard for lesser creatures, like my own disassociation, remains patriarchally and capital addicted to long term degenerative trends gut-wrenching mortal loser bends Like suicidal ideation, Traumatic Stress DisOrder, corporate and corporal greed for egosupreme comforting security, anthro-supreme aloneness, sex-sensual secular repression, sacred ecofeminist polytheistic suppression, nationalistic straight white exceptionalism, monoculturally self-righteous genocide and, now, LeftBrain commodifying EarthMatricide short-term ecopolitical returns for underreporting risks of global ecocide Blind and deaf to natural spiritual feelings longing for Earth Matrimonial Sacred ReParadise Needing resilient health and peaceful polytheistic global systems of care, unconditional ecofeminist sacred regard wanting universal salvific health through unitarian yintegral wealth of cooperatively co-invested PolyCultural-Communion NonViolently communicating win/win panentheistic Here/Now Space/Time Body/Mind SpatialLeft/TemporalRight Nature/Spirit Outside/Inside Paradise fomenting virulent indigenous wisdom restoring unconditionally resilient EarthTribe warm and well-moisturized regard Which, like Rome and like Peace, is not built and rebuilt, informed and exflowed, experienced and re-membered, resiliently thought and resonantly felt, in one 24-hour bodhisattva wu-wei day.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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Date: 11/3/2022 6:02:00 PM
Absolutely! (but exhausting for the poet). ~;o)
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