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Long Longing Poems

Long Longing Poems. Below are the most popular long Longing by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Longing poems by poem length and keyword.

Village In the Valley
Village in the Valley left behind, and then it's a fine find
Mountain in the the dark alleys of my mind

You're a flashlight
In the night
You are a friend 
Till the end
Bite the bullet
You're the village...

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Categories: longing, deep,
Form: Free verse

Poetically Pathetic Crow
Just enough to make it just
I want this to be enough to make this
The last song ever, the last note ever
The last romantically, poetically sad excuse for an apology, epilogue
But I've already messed up the...

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Categories: lonely, longing, loss, lost, lost love, love,
Form: Free verse
The Breeze at Ease - with hardly any difficultiez
Driven insane by sorrow, there’s no tomorrow to cure it…
Honestly, I’m in vain and so guilty…feeling way less than legit…
I’m holding you close in my optimism and its memories along with it
Torn apart by negative...

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Categories: longing, angst, beautiful, emotions, encouraging, endurance, hope, how
Form: Free verse
Poems of Recanted Bachelorhood
Poems of Recanted Bachelorhood

by Michael R. Burch

& disarming,
but mostly ALARMING
since my resolve


by Michael R. Burch

Beth, my sweet,
fresh as a daisy,
when I’m with you
my heart beats like crazy
& my future gets hazy ...


What Goes Around, Comes

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Categories: longing, desire, engagement, first love, girl, love, marriage,
Form: Verse
Yellow Winged Angel
He was patient very-very
with child's tenderness in eyes
yellow winged angel's unwary,
He was living quiet in skies.
Without disputes, without roughness, 
without want to weep and moan,
He was dreaming among heartless
building cloud castles alone.
He was waking up...

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Categories: longing, abuse, angel, angst, philosophy, solitude, yellow,
Form: I do not know?

Poems About Flowers
Lady’s Favor
by Michael R. Burch

her riotous petals
into the air,
ignoring the lethal
and may
cry gleeful-
ly Hooray!
as the abundance
till a sudden June
leave us out of tune,
when the last rose is left
inconsolably bereft,
rudely shorn
of every device but her thorn.


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Categories: longing, flower, june, rose, roses are red, spring,
Form: Rhyme
Short Stuff: Epigrams
Epigrams by Michael R. Burch

by Michael R. Burch
Show me your most intimate items of apparel:
begin with the hem of your quicksilver slip ...

by Michael R. Burch

Love should be more than the sum of its...

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Categories: longing, body, clothes, death, eulogy, introspection, love, obituary,
Form: Epigram
Premium Member An Bee Cailleach
“Éagmais croí a dhíscaoileadh ar gach eagla.
Faoi dhíon taobh istigh de na blianta seo.
Fanacht i bhfianaise, a dhíscaoileadh ar gach eagla.
Ós rud é go ndearnadh tú a chaitheamh.
Briseadh an tost seo”

"An Bee Cailleach"

She lives to...

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Categories: longing, fantasy, imagery, joy, life, love, magic, symbolism,
Form: Free verse
by Michael R. Burch
We stood, kids of the Lamb, to put to test
the beatific anthems of the blessed,
the sentence of the martyr, and the pen’s
sincere religion. Magnified, the lens
shot back absurd reflections of each...

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Categories: longing, allegory, allusion, analogy, crazy, fantasy, imagination, magic,
Form: Sonnet
Poems About Flight, Flying and Birds Ii
Poems about Flight, Flying, and Birds

by Michael R. Burch

I shall rise
and try the bloody wings of thought
ten thousand times
before I fly...

and then I'll sleep
and waste ten thousand nights
before I dream;

but when at last...
I soar the...

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Categories: longing, animal, bird, flying, nature,
Form: Free verse
Rejection Slips 2
Rejection Slips 2

The Shape of Mourning
by Michael R. Burch
The shape of mourning
is an oiled creel
shining with unuse,
the bolt of cold steel
on a locker
shielding memory,

the monthly penance
of flowers,
the annual wake,
the face in the...

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Categories: beauty, death, desire, life, longing, love, nature,
Form: Free verse
Rejection Slips 3
Rejection Slips 3

Rejection Slip
by Michael R. Burch

Whenever my writing gets rejected,
I always wonder how the rejecter got elected.
Are we exchanging at the same Bourse?
(Excepting present company, of course!)

When editors reject my poems, did I slip...

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Categories: death, desire, family, heart, life, longing, love,
Form: Rhyme
Roses and Lilacs
by Michael R. Burch

The rose of love's bright promise
lies torn by her own thorn;
her scent was sweet
but at her feet
the pallid aphids mourn.

The lilac of devotion
has felt the winter hoar
and shed her dress;
she shivers—nude, forlorn.


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Categories: desire, longing, love, nature, romance, rose, roses
Form: Verse
Poems About Fathers and Grandfathers I
Poems about Fathers and Grandfathers I

I translated the first six Native American poems for my father when he chose to enter hospice and end his life by not taking dialysis …

Cherokee Travelers' Blessing I
loose translation/interpretation...

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Categories: longing, father, father daughter, father son, fathers day,
Form: Rhyme
Poems About Fathers and Grandfathers Iii
Poems about Fathers and Grandfathers III

by Michael R. Burch

for Jeremy

We need our children to keep us humble
between toast and marmalade;

there is no time for a ticker-tape parade
before bed, no award, no bright statuette

to be delivered...

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Categories: longing, family, father, father daughter, father son, fathers
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Solo Performance
It had been a hellish week.

On Monday
my lonely and tired AfricanAmerican husband
told me, as gently as possible,
that what I had hoped was a temporary separation
is to be extended into perpetuity.

This separation had been scheduled to...

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Categories: longing, age, earth, family, health, integrity, nature, spiritual,
Form: Political Verse

The villanelle is a poetic form based on repetition, with a double refrain. 

Villanelle: The Divide
by Michael R. Burch

The sea was not salt the first tide...
was man born to sorrow that first day, 
with the...

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Categories: longing, moon, repetition, romance, romantic, romantic love, sea,
Form: Villanelle
Sonnets Xxxiii-Xli

The Folly of Wisdom
by Michael R. Burch

She is wise in the way that children are wise,
looking at me with such knowing, grave eyes
I must bend down to her to understand.
But she only smiles, and...

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Categories: longing, child, childhood, children, death, life, time, world,
Form: Sonnet
Free Verse I
by Michael R. Burch

When I was closest to love, it did not seem
real at all, but a thing of such tenuous sweetness
it might dissolve in my mouth
like a lozenge of sugar.

When I held you in...

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Categories: longing, forgiveness, heart, humanity, life, love, relationship, together,
Form: Free verse
Otomo No Sakanoue No Iratsume Translation
To a Daughter More Precious than Gems
by Otomo no Sakanoue no Iratsume
loose translation by Michael R. Burch

Heaven's cold dew has fallen—
and thus another season arrives.
Oh, my child living so far away,
do you pine for me...

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Categories: longing, child, childhood, children, daughter, girl, mother, mother
Form: Tanka
Premium Member Why Life
Why does dawn dress robust morning,
while dusk undresses sight?
Each dawn incarnates another Earth Day
a lifetime of Easter mornings 
redeeming nocturnal sight's revolution,
another therapeutic day of gift-it-forward light,
some longer,
some shorter 
before naked covered night.

Why life?
To uncover...

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Categories: longing, adventure, earth, earth day, farm, love, peace,
Form: Free verse
Dream of Infinity
Dream of Infinity
by Michael R. Burch

Have you tasted the bitterness of tears of despair?
Have you watched the sun sink through such pale, balmless air
that your soul sought its shell like a crab on a beach,

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Categories: confusion, depression, dream, farewell, leaving, loneliness, longing,
Form: Couplet
by Michael R. Burch

Here the hills are old and rolling
carefully in their old age;
on the horizon youthful mountains
bathe themselves in windblown fountains...

By dying leaves and falling raindrops,
I have traced time's starts and stops,
and I have...

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Categories: loneliness, lonely, longing, loss, lost, seasons, time,
Form: Sonnet
The Tender Weight of Her Sighs
The Tender Weight of Her Sighs
by Michael R. Burch

The tender weight of her sighs
lies heavily upon my heart;
apart from her, full of doubt,
without her presence to revolve around,
found wanting direction or course,
cursed with the thought...

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Categories: longing, creation, depression, divorce, farewell, goodbye, sorrow, sorry,
Form: Sonnet
Ono No Komachi Translation: Autumn
Watching wan moonlight
illuminate tree limbs,
my heart also brims,
overflowing with autumn.
—Ono no Komachi, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch

As I slept in isolation
my desired beloved appeared to me; 
therefore, dreams have become my reality
and consolation. 

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Categories: longing, age, autumn, death, depression, desire, heartbreak, women,
Form: Tanka

Book: Reflection on the Important Things