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Long Icons Poems

Long Icons Poems. Below are the most popular long Icons by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Icons poems by poem length and keyword.

Doggerel I
Doggerel I or Nonsense Verse

by Michael R. Burch

Einstein, the frizzy-haired,
proved E equals MC squared.
Thus, all mass decreases
as activity ceases?
Not my mass, my a$$ declared!

Bible Libel
by Michael R. Burch

If God
is good,
half the Bible
is libel.

I came up...

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Categories: icons, dog, hilarious, humor, humorous, light, nonsense, nursery
Form: Limerick

by Michael R. Burch

Clyde Lied!
by Michael R. Burch

There once was a mockingbird, Clyde,
who bragged of his prowess, but lied.
To his new wife he sighed,
"When again, gentle bride?"
"Nevermore!" bright-eyed Raven replied.

The Platypus
by Michael R. Burch

The platypus,...

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Categories: icons, giggle, light, nonsense, parody, silly, smile, word
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Watering Terror
I'm so confused,
raised to believe cooperative love overpowers competing fears
about scarcity of time, 
and other resources,
and anger about past over- and under-valuing of myself
as a regenerative resource,
CoPresence Source,
raised to believe the Golden Rule
is most effectively...

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Categories: icons, anger, destiny, fear, hate, love, power, violence,
Form: Epic
Premium Member Psychotripic Theory of Everything
Compassion co-arises nondually 

Today I want to talk about possibilities
for integral polycultural dynamics,
which are systemic relationships,
between LeftBrain deductive ego-mind,
RightBrain inductive eco-body,
and a boundary between these bicameral landscapes,
which we call unconsciousness.

The feasibility
and health value
of recognizing this...

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Categories: icons, community, political, psychological, science, spiritual, western,
Form: Free verse
Sonnets Xc-Xcvii
Sonnets XC-XCVII

Artificial Smile
by Michael R. Burch

I’m waiting for my artificial teeth
to stretch belief, to hollow out the cob
of zealous righteousness, to grasp life’s stub
between clenched molars, and yank out the grief.

Mine must be art-official?zenlike Art?

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Categories: icons, art, grave, grief, life, night, pain, smile,
Form: Sonnet

Premium Member Hymn To Farewell
Why does my multicultural applauding message,
my polycultural cheerleading,
sound so monocultural chant, rant,
a passionless litany of redundant verse?

Who would have it said of their voice
It remains both too rich
and yet wandering on far too long?

Even resonance

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Categories: icons, bullying, earth, education, health, humor, integrity, peace,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Couples Counseling
My early 20s Eldest Black Lives Matter Son
wears his disabling ADHD label uncomfortably,
like a possibly self-redeeming crown
but with unfortunate MessiahComplex thorns
as the Great WhiteMan's sacrificial lamb.

His First, and hopefully last, Girl
is an ADHD Latina,
with sparkling...

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Categories: icons, earth, games, health, humor, integrity, mental illness,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Breathing By Design
"...making this shift [from ego to Authentic ecoSelf] usually requires inspired [inductive Right to Left +health-reiterative messages] intention and consistent, diligent effort [and a supportive vocational and residential and eco-logically balanced environment.]"

"And the way this...

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Categories: icons, earth, love, passion, peace, planet, political, psychological,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Professor Yangyinstein's Agenda
The Professor's campaign
although stealthily benign
still co-arose fair hecklers.

How can you reassure me
that our vulnerable children
will not hate me
and you
for stealing from all Earth's tribal presence,
and any possibility of healthy future?

While Yangyinstein stood stunned
with wonder
about all...

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Categories: icons, beauty, culture, math, political, religion, science, society,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Love Lesson Planning
First, imagine, if you can,
"Love" is not just a many splendored thing,
although it is that,
but behaviorists and existentialists behavioralize
the complex of emotions and consciousness
wearing that synergetic label
as active, sometimes spontaneous
an antonym for "competition."

Imagine you grew...

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Categories: icons, conflict, culture, discrimination, health, integrity, religion,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Ego Speaks For Yangyin History
Most everything I learned about the history of evolution
feels colored by Julian Jaynes' theory of language
and culture
and history
and icons of ecological systems and functions,
forms and frequencies,
rhythms and ironic, ionic 
dualdark cosmological bicameral transparency.

This is not...

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Categories: icons, creation, earth, humanity, identity, love, psychological, sun,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Energy Democracy V Fascism
I suppose
is the logical conclusion
of rabidly overpopulated fascism.

Some cannibals,
perhaps all,
ate their human prey
not for typical nutritional reasons
like other forms of digested nature,
but more specifically
because those dining
hoped their prey's sacred powers
would thereby become their own,
conjoining for...

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Categories: icons, bullying, earth, hate, health, integrity, philosophy, psychological,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Windstorms of Neglect
Dearest Sons
and dearest Cinderella StepSister,
I regret ways I have failed each of you.

From today's view of memory clips,
frames as farms of teaching-learning times,
my Great Lover Eldest, yet perpetually unfulfilled,
AfricanAmerican urban male Thug,
driver of van repurposing...

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Categories: icons, culture, family, happiness, health, humor, love, nature,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Family Therapy
Feminist ecotherapists,
deeply immersed in polycultural ecology,
a systematic teleology of cooperative nutrition economics,
remain rarely flushed out from their safe spots.

A self-isolating,
often eremitic,
with shamanic nature-as-spirit tendencies,
our most articulate mentors often wander off
to pray for,
breathe and suffer and...

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Categories: icons, addiction, endurance, environment, health, judgement, political, psychological,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Revolutions In Resistance
Before we had the LeftBrain eclipse word,
circa 1200s on back through space and time,
we had great sacred transformational co-arisings,
re-alignment as BlackHole icons
of ancient eco-alignments,
Yang solar resilience 
with Yin lunar resistance.

Before we had dualistic separation,
from sunlight's...

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Categories: icons, deep, earth, gender, health, history, math, psychological,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Follow the Nutrient Stream
Regenerating light
reiterating bright as dual dark
fertile shadowing sighted polypathic light
when notnot night.

Healthy sight
as notnot dissonating blight.

Languaged cognition, thought, beliefs, ideas,
a LeftBrain Yang capacity
to extend internal emotional life,
evolving shared eisegetical stretch across a range
of empathic-trust to...

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Categories: icons, culture, earth, education, emotions, happiness, health, integrity,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member The Lorax Sequel
I took the only seed of hope
for any future healthy Truffula Trees,
but reminded my clinically depressed acquaintance
we are all born co-redeemers,
not addictively incubating extractors.

Ours is not to commodify 
what we could not recreate
for its sufficient...

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Categories: icons, earth, environment, integrity, love,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Great Recycling Retransition
Icons are funny things,
she thought.

Heaven feels like a warm light circle
when we are thriving
and more like a cold dark triangle
of weaponed tipping points
against me
and mine
competitively not communicating
when we are barely surviving
above the mortally terrifying bottom

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Categories: icons, health, identity, integrity, psychological, religion, wisdom, woman,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Logic of Time's Ununfolding
I imagine the ecological sciences
as interior formal, and not so formal, systemic voices,
speaking of biological sciences
as exterior systemic function,
biology evolves what ecology resolves,

Ecology refines healthy regenerative biological reasons
for cooperative ecotherapeutic intent,
political practice,
and  economic development

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Categories: icons, community, culture, earth, nature, science, time,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Bodyminds of Christ
My gay white boyhood
struggled with the theological problem
of personally appreciating heterosexual superiority 
sacred stories
and multiply mistranslated word-choices
of Jesus Christ

Within a Christian
evangelically triumphalist doctrine.

This personal mindbody intimacy problem
may be iconic
unveiling my transparent
and vulnerable Savior's distancing 

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Categories: icons, christian, earth, environment, health, peace, religion, senses,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Undead Through Full-Love Health
Here's my thing.
I wonder if Yin-UnDead,
river of Time's ebbing wave
predicts Yang-Love Health Abundant PowerWith.

No, really,
I think about that,
and I wonder if EcoReligious CoOperative Messiahs
could also become Bodhisattva Integral-Unitarian Occupiers,
Zero-centric self-invested/divested PlaceHolders,
bilaterally stretching thresholds toward health-balanced...

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Categories: icons, destiny, earth, health, humanity, love, nature, universe,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Family Health Assessment
I have watched my youngest son
while nurses give him baths
using diverse models of health optimization 
ranging from PositivEnergy Promotion,
restorative ego-eco
I-Thou therapies,
to lower, not too much NegativEnergy, concerns
for hygienic technology professional management,
anger and fear commercialized insurance...

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Categories: icons, earth, education, health, humor, muse, music, nature,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Routine Rituals
New Year
yet the same ritualistic routines,
absent their blissfully celebrating roots
buried in more fertile loves and hope-filled times
and might have beens
if not for this today
with these people
on this sacred nurturing Goddess Earth,

Still making more or less...

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Categories: icons, blessing, earth, health, myth, nature, new year,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Radically Conservative Revolutions
Radical conservatives are cooperatively embracing a culture war.
Our battlefield is our ecologically evolving brain.

At stake is what Earth and Earth's hosted tribes become.
Our cooperative vocation is to radically co-arise nondual human development
to fit conservationist moral...

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Categories: icons, body, bullying, creation, culture, earth, health, psychological,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Money Where Your Mouth Was
Jesus help me,
cried Mother Earth
to Adam's Sacred Son,
I can't be birthin' all these ego-dominating babies,
gettin' on,
you know...
Makes me sad.
From "Mother Earth's Laboratory Journal", post-millennially self publishing

Money, like fertility,
is sexy,
needing attention
to continue regeneratively thriving,
health icons rooted...

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Categories: icons, earth, humor, money, philosophy, political, psychological, science,
Form: Political Verse

Book: Shattered Sighs