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Long Heroin Poems

Long Heroin Poems. Below are the most popular long Heroin by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Heroin poems by poem length and keyword.

by Michael R. Burch

How can I write and not be true
to the rhythm that wells within?
How can the ocean not be blue,
not buck with the clapboard slap of tide,
the clockwork shock of wave on rock,

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Categories: heroin, assonance, extended metaphor, language, metaphor, music, poetry,
Form: Verse

Poems About Mothers
Poems about Mothers

Mother's Smile
by Michael R. Burch

There never was a fonder smile
than mother's smile, no softer touch
than mother's touch. So sleep awhile
and know she loves you more than "much."

So more than "much, " much more...

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Categories: heroin, child, children, love, mother, mother daughter, mother
Form: Rhyme
by Michael R. Burch 
Yesterday the wind whispered my name
while the blazing locks
of her rampant mane
lay heavy on mine.
And yesterday
I saw the way
the wind caressed tall pines
in forests laced by glinting streams
and thick with...

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Categories: heroin, anxiety, break up, change, confusion, sleep, time,
Form: Verse
Premium Member Gangster Disciples gang threats from Violent Offender Mandy behind bars Ciro Gargano Scum
I will not apologize for wearing 
wires pregnant for the Fbi buying 
weapons and drugs from corruption 
and taking down gang leaders who 
migrated to Wisconsin under queen 
pin cocaine heroin hard drugs 
manufacturer Mandy...

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Categories: heroin, america, anxiety,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Body bag or body of lies
After numerous threats on our lives after 
the domestic violence with my abuser after 
I returned from Tampa testifying in a murder 
trial I  was finally healing several therapist home 
visits my children and...

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Categories: heroin, baptism, beautiful, writing,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member A Poem For My Algebra Teacher
I know I promised
 no more ‘Make you Cry Poems’
I said I'd never write another 
‘Wipe your eye poem’

 And for three years 
I tried not to retract, 
but after so many tears 
I have...

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Categories: heroin, 6th grade, abuse, betrayal, children, confusion, family,
Form: Free verse
Territory Trample
Headlights messaged through midnight windows 
Curtainless glass unable to subdue the urgency 
Car obtained in street nearby was theirs temporarily
Three hour drive to ship leaving island next morning

Two sixteen year old girls barely registered surprise...

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Categories: heroin, 11th grade, change, conflict, for teens, journey,
Form: Bio
A Rhyme Into My Active Prescription Medication Addiction, and the Start of My Recovery
TRIGGER WARNING this piece features active addiction, the struggles etc 

I Can't stop screaming, sobbing the pain in my stomach is excruciating,
Eventually Im assigned a bed to be left in whaling, waiting, 
Finally a nurse...

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© Sarah Cope  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: heroin, addiction, child, cry, emotions, evil, growing up,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Letters From Batman
Playing Batman and Robin is a lot different

When the Riddler is your Stepfather

And simultaneously an alcoholic and pedophile

When your secret mission is to keep him

From bringing heroin and pornography

To Gotham city


Your mother wanted to...

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Categories: heroin, abuse, adventure, courage, death, hero, introspection, mystery,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member And Miles To Go Before I Sleep For Miles Davis
Kind Of Blue (For Miles Davis)

Woodlawn Cemetery, Bronx Ny 1991

Before they could lower Miles 
into the damp, dark ground
Thought they heard musical sounds

Before the Preacher could say
Turn your BiblesTo Acts, 

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Categories: heroin, bird, celebrity, death, guitar, i miss you,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Purple Man

Dr. Zebediah Killgrave, male, human species, 5'11', normal weight.
born in Rejeka, Croatia, charismatic, a physician turned international spy. 
On a mission to infiltrate a chemical factory, he is doused with an unknown
chemical (pheromones) that...

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Categories: heroin, fantasy,
Form: Narrative
Love Letters From Me To Herion
Dear Heroin, 
My name is Pamela,  
I'm writing to you Because I've heard of some stories of what you can do. I heard you can stop me from feeling insane, I heard you have...

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Categories: heroin, dark, pain,
Form: ABC
Point Man Blues
“The point man blues” begins . . .

He slogs along all day in the oppressive heat; Constantly fighting the jungle that reaches out around him, always, it seems, trying to take him down. His eyes,...

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Categories: heroin, war,
Form: Bio
A Game of Thorns - Collaboration With Maurice Yvonne

i heard a...what do they say...a spine chilling scream that the saying?

a spine chilling scream
followed by

'he's dead, my G_d he's dead'

the phrase echoed 
inside the whole of me
like tennis balls bouncing between two parallel walls


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© Carol B.  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: heroin, addiction, bereavement, body, boyfriend, father daughter, loss,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Eric Clapton Inspiration
Eric Clapton (born March 30, 1945, in Ripley, Surrey, England)
British guitarist who influenced rock.
Later became a famous singer-songwriter.
Clapton was born to a teen mom and a Canadian WWII soldier in England.
His grandparents mostly raised him.

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© Sotto Poet  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: heroin, analogy, appreciation, celebrity, history,
Form: Bio
Saturday, Saturday
'Why'd you do this to me'
was my first question, my first reaction
a reflex to point myself the victim
point myself an inquiry I had no response for
I wanted once to see her
to know her face...

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Categories: heroin, anxiety,
Form: Free verse
Tears In the Crowds
Tears in the Crowds

A tyrant on a corrupt throne 
A sheep about to become a genetic clone
A weary traveller far away from home 
A heroin addict on methadone

Graveyards of peace and quiet lament 
An ungrateful...

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Categories: heroin, integrity, international,
Form: Rhyme
Press Release
A listing of the fires 
and all the survivors 
will be provided

Names of the dead 
are written on broken cobblestones 
at the bottom of the river

The sheet music 
is in the morgue - reconstruction 

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© Barry Levy  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: heroin, crazy, humor, political, satire,
Form: Verse
Day Like Today
I glance up from my mask while the sky is still dark, and it resembles the shape of a question mark.
 It curves where the people are going round and round, then it nosedives like...

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Categories: heroin, addiction, america, freedom, political, usa,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member If Ever I Had a Country: Lxxvi

IF ever I had a Country with or without any " Wood " in the aching aping Film Industry
And if ever (you know the refrain by now) I...

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© T Wignesan  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: heroin, dance, film, humor, sexy, sick, violence,
Form: Dramatic Monologue
Bushwhacked ( Mr. President)
this world is threaten to be smitten
by the bastard child of Great Britain
witness the ultimate hypocrite 
banning other countries nuclear armorment
while simultaneously developing it

Bush is so queer
kim jong like don't come here
and he knows that...

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Categories: heroin, black african american, people, song-son, war, son,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Holistic Health Choices
There probably are some psychotropic meds
helpful with win/win rerooted thinking
reconnecting within feelings,
positive and negative

But meth
and alcohol
and heroin
and depression
and anxiety meds
are not among these.

Nor are behavior management practices
hoping to fade out robust addictions
to substances
and victim spiritualities

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Categories: heroin, health, integrity, passion, peace, power,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum
Golden Trophy of Betrayal
‘I wish for his head, on a silver platter’
Mother whispered to daughter
‘Go dance my love, grant me the golden trophy’

‘I love you, mother,’ confidently
She took to the grand floor
Made it her playfield, a heroin
They were...

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Categories: heroin, betrayal, dance, death, family, father daughter, hate,
Form: Epic
Drug Consumption
Man I'm still standing & demanding though demand is drained
You can look in from outside see but not feel the pain
I’ve been through mad drills harsh anger & changed my face
quitting is Hell my friend...

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© Nick Trim  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: heroin, drug,
Form: Rhyme
I understand the hearts of romantics,
The rapture of their words written on a blank piece of paper
Wrapped in pink ribbon to send to a lover
	 who only existed in the throes of imaginary adventure.
How the...

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Categories: heroin, dedication, family, happiness, inspirational, life, uplifting, words,
Form: Epic

Book: Shattered Sighs