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Long Haibun Poems

Long Haibun Poems. Below are the most popular long Haibun by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Haibun poems by poem length and keyword.

Premium Member Something Old Something New
In a matter of months, we would experience the greatest economic                        ...

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Categories: haibun, change, travel,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member The People with Wings
 The People with Wings
 It was a huge photograph of an eye – an amazing eye that now drew everyone to Mecca.  It was said to belong to one of the ‘People with...

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Categories: fate, future, myth,
Form: Haibun
Premium Member The Cascade Adventures - Part 1
It's been four years since I've seen so much as an insignificant mountain creek. Been overburdened with comfort, now frantic with nature withdrawals, having to settle for photos found on Google Images: emerald pine trees,...

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Categories: adventure, friend, mountains, nature, snow,
Form: Haibun
Premium Member Cascade Adventures --- Pt 1
It's been four years since I've seen so much as an insignificant mountain creek. I've been overburdened with comfort, now frantic with nature withdrawals and having to settle for photos found on Google Images: emerald...

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Categories: adventure, beauty, childhood, confidence, fun, mountains, nature,
Form: Haibun
Premium Member The Casualness of Casualties
In the intimate interlace of chance and fate, in the ultimate interplay of time and place, and with the consummate checkmate of my human dignity, all that is -- is over, in the stormy, swarming...

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Categories: death, evil, family, fate, life, love, violence,
Form: Haibun

Premium Member Vacation In New Orleans
Walking down the alley behind the buildings on Royal street the Mandevilla and Jasmine vines line the sidewalk calming my stressed nerves.  The sweet fragrance of the flowers intoxicating my senses.  My luggage...

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Categories: dark, evil, scary,
Form: Haibun
Premium Member Sweet Child of Mine
As I watched my daughter playing with her son, I couldn't help but see myself in her. I still think of her as a child, but I guess parents always see their grown children as...

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© Lin Lane  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: daughter, grandson, love,
Form: Haibun
Premium Member Red Tulips
Under a tree of wet blossoms, shimmering to life in the sun, one honey bee is circling around two burly men, who wave it off,  with childlike dramatics...arms flailing.   One of them,...

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Categories: haibun, friendship, me, red, spring, tree,
Form: Verse
The Miller's Daughter
A tale of greed, power, 
deception, discrimination and 

Miller, daughter, king—
All the actors are present
Except the small man. 

The king summons the miller 
for some reason. Summons a 
humble working man. 

Miller, shaken, scared,...

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Categories: fairy
Form: Haibun
Premium Member The Trip of My Life
the grace of Paris
lingering in my thoughts. . . 
Madrid’s grimy walls

As our small group of students entered Madrid, it was an early morning in late January. We had left behind us what has been...

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Categories: travel,
Form: Haibun
Premium Member Letter To My Unborn
Though my heart was broken because I never knew you, my unborn, unknown, unfamiliar thought, the one that was much more than an inkling, yet never as familiar as the whisper of a hope. Though...

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Categories: baby, beautiful, birth, blessing, child, children, emotions,
Form: Haibun
Premium Member Like Falling Snowflakes
Dear Budding Poet . . . 

   My view on modern poetry is that one must read the poets of old, to grasp
the concept of poetic form, word use, tone, imagery.  Then,...

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Categories: haibun, poetry, writing,
Form: Prose
Premium Member Out of the Dark
Fear haunted me, taunted me, daunted me. I was not the overcomer, but the overcome. Fear played with me the way a kitten might toy with a mouse, eventually leaving the mouse despondent, discouraged, darkened...

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Categories: angst, anxiety, faith, fear, hope, love, strength,
Form: Haibun
A Memory of Death
The day Karen died you instantly became mine. A five-year-old golden retriever in need of a new mumma to call his own. So, I wrapped you in my arms and gave you the warmest bed...

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© Lu Loo  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: death, dog,
Form: Haibun
Premium Member Blessed Through Faith
Around five years ago, I was hit with the news I had breast cancer. I kept waiting for news of this and that, and everytime I turned around, I would get more negative news. First,...

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Categories: faith,
Form: Haibun
Premium Member Offerings

                Prince Goutom was brought up in immense luxury without any 
    knowledge of distress.  As...

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Categories: 12th grade, wisdom,
Form: Haibun
Premium Member In Search of You
Day one; I leave the coast following the great black river.  Its meandering slow water sneaking slowly and silently past the ancient pines and hardwood trees gathered near its banks like a band of...

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Categories: nature,
Form: Haibun
Premium Member Wishing For 1984
Wishing for 1984

'War is Peace Freedom
is Slavery Ignorance 
is Strength Big Brother…'

is waiting for Godot who came quickly and travelled from Pyongyang to glorious
theoretical impossibility, but wait everything goes and now we are on to...

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Categories: dedication,
Form: Haibun
Premium Member The Minstrel of Moscow
"I follow the Moskva
and down to Gorky Park-
listening to the winds of change" - Scorpions

All the heads of state and their spouses (or significant others) have arrived and been seated for this, my last show...

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© Tom Woody  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: judgement,
Form: Haibun
Premium Member Pearls Beneath the Harbor
Our bank accounts nearly emptied so we could afford a vacation; two young working girls who'd never been far from home. We were looking forward to finding love on a romantic tropical island. Maybe someone...

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© Lin Lane  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: people, places, world war ii,
Form: Haibun
Premium Member Portal - part 2
NOTE: Please read part 1 so this makes more sense

As soon as her words enter my brain I feel the force of a million gees pressing against my body, but only for a nanosecond, then...

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© Tom Woody  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: fantasy, suicide,
Form: Haibun
Premium Member Life Through a Child's Eyes
finding shapes in clouds
or four-leaf clovers in fields . . .
the child’s eye searches

What does it mean to view life through a child’s eyes? For me it means searching for things of wonder to revel...

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Categories: child,
Form: Haibun
Teats of Love
From a distant village, where forest lining the edges, where nature dancing with wild rhythms, where human existence have usual conflicts with minacious wild life, I bought an unparagoned cow. 

superbious gait
she glimmered in bright...

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Categories: animal, cute love, love, mother, mother son,
Form: Haibun
You Want To and Can Write Poetry
Dear budding poet,

Regarding modern poetry this is a result of poets such as you redesigning forms of poetry written through the ages by different nationalities, famous and just ordinary people like you and me.

When composing...

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© Roy Pett  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: haibun, age, devotion, imagination, me, poetry,
Form: Prose
Premium Member Seasons of Insights
Frost leaves my heart feeling cold and clammy, like a icicle hanging down from a gutter, dripping liquid sparkles as the sunlight softens the edges of my feelings and frees my thoughts to believe in...

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Categories: autumn, seasons, spring, summer, winter,
Form: Haibun

Book: Reflection on the Important Things