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Long Eulerian Poems

Long Eulerian Poems. Below are the most popular long Eulerian by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Eulerian poems by poem length and keyword.

Premium Member Father Time's Interview
We don't have a lot of time,
or, well, I guess you do,
but I don't,
so let's plunge right into the first big question:
Which came first, form or function?

False dichotomy. No such thing as a totally dysfunctional...

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Categories: eulerian, allegory, earth, environment, nature, philosophy, universe,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Fishy Science School of Geometric Arts
Math speaks through us
within us
of cognitive landscapes
imagined still and/or moving.

Primal metrics are rational and symmetrical,
good as true as straightforward,
complex creation story problems
unfolding with precise answers,
right as at least not not ecologically wrong,
ecopolitically suboptimal perhaps,
yet at...

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Categories: eulerian, adventure, earth, life, light, math, science fiction,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Conservative Healthy Spirals
Genetic, so therefore regenetic, conservatism
of DNA and this fractal function's Elder RNA-rooted ecosystemic
political psychologies,
ecologies of empowerment,
and not so much;
and notnot historic enculturation
of Business As Usual LeftBrain ReIterative Dominance
of deduction-reduction-redaction,
yet still dipolar-dialectical ecosystemic health 
(0)-sum-core-centric ecopolitical...

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Categories: eulerian, blessing, culture, earth, games, health, political, psychological,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Life Through a Thousand Deaths
Here life waits
with a thousand little discontinuous deaths, again,
right here in The Evolving Self's
sixth principle of preferable options for more humane revolutions
of evolution,
lurking behind Mihaly Csikzentmihalyi.

I had seen this life coming
when he began by rooting...

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Categories: eulerian, blessing, freedom, health, humanity, humor, science, spiritual,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Summer Reforesting School
what did you most appreciate
learning at school this summer?

Probably in Community ReForesting.
You know, the EcoTherapy Class
I took
instead of eating lunch,
using "lunch" loosely
as synonymous with edible,
or at least tangentially related to edibility.

Oh yes, that one.
What stands...

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Categories: eulerian, culture, education, health, history, humor, integrity, psychological,
Form: Political Verse

Premium Member Resonating Rightbrain Politics
Says Csikszentmihalyi,
"Social scientists
(Abraham Maslow, Lawrence Kohlberg, Jane Loevinger, [Ken Wilber, Edward Podvoll, Julian Jaynes, Jack Kornfield, Richard Dawkins, Clare Graves, Carl Jung] and James Fowler)
describe a dialectical motion
between [Yang-ego-form] differentiation
and [Yin-eco-logical function] integration,
between turning attention...

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Categories: eulerian, beauty, environment, health, political, psychological, religion, trust,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Dear Neighbors
Dear neighbors,

I realize we have not met,
other than the guy next door
but that doesn't really count
cause that was just to put up a fence between us,
and I have met Marvelously Mad Max,
behind me, on the...

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Categories: eulerian, baptism, health, heart, humor, passion, religion, wisdom,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Permaculture's Political Lexicon of Grace
rooted in economic capacity and political experience 
within a co-empathic nutritional environment;
like before you came out of Mom.

rooted in deep listening, learning, and, giving-and-taking, 
absorbing and investing
consuming and producing,
competing and cooperating
double-negatives as positive double-bind dipolar

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Categories: eulerian, beauty, earth, education, health, philosophy, political, integrity,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Bothyang and Alsoyin
It's hard to think in Either-Or Deductive,
while speaking and acting in Both-And Inductive.

For example,
If my Brother is kind and loving
(and he usually is),
and really not all that judgmental and condemning
with his wife and kids especially...

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Categories: eulerian, christian, earth, family, health, history, humor, usa,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member My Friend the Wise Doctor
Bucky Fuller Big Bang.

ribonucleic acid.

Bucky Fuller Big Brain

My Friend Bucky Fuller
came down to me today.
He said,
"Lao-tse's Time
grows not-not binomial
radiates fore
and gravitates aft
Space and Time
poetry as rhyme
Convex and Concave!"

My Friend Rumi Gloomy
said to me today,
"When you...

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Categories: eulerian, nature, perspective, spiritual,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum
Premium Member Problems of Success
Old misunderstandings of how Earth
and Her species
regeneratively and degeneratively change,
sometimes in revolutionary expansive/implosive quick and great transitions,
but more traditionally in slow-grow emergent spacetime development,
are often summarized in secular capitalism's
Might Makes Fertile Right.

While this does capture...

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Categories: eulerian, culture, earth, health, mental illness, psychological, science,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Fire God Speaks Out
Angry FireGod sneers sarcasm,
"Not warm enough yet?"
"Still too much clean water and air
and other healthy stuff,
like sun-baked red chili peppers?"

Excuse me,
I was under the impression
that I invited you for my interview,
which would involve me asking...

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Categories: eulerian, culture, destiny, fire, health, religion, science, universe,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Revolutions In Resistance
Before we had the LeftBrain eclipse word,
circa 1200s on back through space and time,
we had great sacred transformational co-arisings,
re-alignment as BlackHole icons
of ancient eco-alignments,
Yang solar resilience 
with Yin lunar resistance.

Before we had dualistic separation,
from sunlight's...

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Categories: eulerian, deep, earth, gender, health, history, math, psychological,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Did You Ever Notice
Did you ever notice
our vampire legends
are almost always patriarchal,
sometimes even princely
and excruciatingly royalist,

While witches plot and evil plan
in coven craven circles
more undershadow than legendary.

Wizards might be BullyVampire Princes
while witches may be victimized and therefore victimizing...

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Categories: eulerian, courage, green, health, humor, tribute,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Eternity's Viral Hourglass
That which is neutral,
no big deal,
not noticed,
enjoys an intimate mirror effect,
behaves and misbehaves
with the logic of eternity.

Time steers virally clockwise,
eastern dawn toward west's setting sun,
birth through death,
with day's completion duskly hoping
for red skies at night.


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Categories: eulerian, culture, destiny, environment, math, philosophy, psychological, religion,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Math Problems
The problem of PolyNomials,
equivalent or not?
with Not PolyNomials
hides a geometric bilateral 
not-no means yes 
polynomial assumption
that was profoundly channeled by ZeroCentric Bucky Fuller.

1 Polynomial v 0 NotPolynomial
assumes if we could distinguish NP from P sets...

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Categories: eulerian, dark, humor, integrity, math, relationship, science, time,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum
Premium Member The Egotherapist Session
Have you been hearing voices again?

Still, yes.
No new ones, though,
since the Voice Against Death Investment.

So you're still hearing from the Forest Voices
which are actually more of a rhythm and blues chorus
made up of 4-part harmonic...

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Categories: eulerian, earth, health, humanity, humor, mental illness, muse,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Pronoia Dialogues
What about you?
Is there anything you've been working on
for many centuries?

Well, as a son of Father Sun,
I have been moving toward family and tribal justice
within a global climate of peace
as politically integrative  internal empowerment

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Categories: eulerian, creation, god, health, political, psychological, time,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Earth's Teachable Moments
When Earth’s self-educational story did not yet include the self-awareness resources of DNA,
when all Earth’s Tribes were RNA rooted in composting soil,
what did we learn 
to personally,
and more politically and economically,
more public sectorally,
regenerate self-governance of...

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Categories: eulerian, beauty, deep, earth, education, health, history, truth,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member If I Understand It
If I understand correctly,
and this seems infinitesimally likely,
which is nearly infinitely unlikely,
but anyway,
If we do think bilaterally,
then we have regular imagined
and remembered,
reweaving and unweaving,
diversity through spacetime,
and then we also have RealTime 4D diversity,
and also perversity,

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Categories: eulerian, culture, gender, health, humor, integrity, math, science,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member A New Dawn
Theoretical abstractions,
reductive hard word choices,
to describe and prescribe spiritual experiences
are unsatisfactory for daily consumption and absorption
as they reify exceptions to your Business As Usual,
which is probably LeftBrain patriarchally dominant.

Exceptional Left-Right bicameral ego/eco-consciousness,
of natureLeft-spiritRight nondual co-arising...

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Categories: eulerian, deep, destiny, earth day, hate, health, love,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member King Solomon and Jonathon
Said King Solomon to Jonathon,
"Think of helium
as saturating the eggwhite understory
of this immense Earth-atmosphere
egg-incubator sack of hydrogen-saturated
wet air breathing in heat and light co-informing
to breathe out teleological
and permaculturally multisystemic
meaning and purpose 
for further co-operative becoming."


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Categories: eulerian, beauty, destiny, earth, race, rights, science, wisdom,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Creation of Needs
Sacred Time Seminary's Professor of Economics
began her presentation on CoReGenesis Theory
"Even Business as Usual economists
would say that phonographs
and bulldozers
and all technology,
all information systems,
have enriched time,
creating new goods and services
that did not exist in prior times."


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Categories: eulerian, environment, nature, peace, political, religion, true love,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Farewell Finale
Enjoy our parting day
the young girl child,
now full-grown wise Elder,
reminded me,
the brother she had taught to flex male muscle
without overbearing her Sister Gaia powers.

On this classic sun-baptizing fragrant May morning,
reflecting this same gently caressing day...

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Categories: eulerian, age, earth, goodbye, loss, love, sister,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Polypathic Universes
Open polynomial eco-metric universes,
please, not closed,
but multiculturing systems
Zero-Core RealTime Care
for 4D GeoBalanced SpaceTime,
bilaterally harmonic now,
between past and future trending relationships,
WinWin, regenerational
WinLose, through
LoseLose, decompositional
through anti-compositioned.

History's regenerate cooperative
and decompositionally too-competitive commercialized YangDish,
speak together in fractal 

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Categories: eulerian, health, integrity, love,
Form: Political Verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things