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Long Disorientated Poems

Long Disorientated Poems. Below are the most popular long Disorientated by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Disorientated poems by poem length and keyword.

Premium Member Magic Beans
Our first awareness
      falling through time
      through blood-rain, pure white snow, green vegetation 
      down into deep earth

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Categories: disorientated, adventure, chocolate, love, peace, time,
Form: Free verse

The Askance Chapter 4 Part 2a
To Usher In The Inevitable

It was to be moments never thought to be
Moments to only belong in dreams
Darkness too dark to come before humanities to see
Minds in paranoia is ever to seem…

I knew that dreams...

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© Joel Lee  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: disorientated, imagination,
Form: Rhyme
Leah's Angel
The stale and dusty, lead filled air
Began to stir in widening breaths.
Pinpoints of light, ionic particles charged with power,
Picked up momentum, as reality stretched.

Excitedly, they began to spin in quickening orbits
Leaving sparkling tactile meteor showers.

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Categories: disorientated, inspirational, introspection, visionary, me, heaven, heaven, me,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Passions

On the deck of his life’s boat 
In a state of confusion
Was he sitting
Gazing at the horizon of
The unknown 

Dark clouds of doubt were hovering
In his puzzling mind
His thoughts in disarray were venturing into...

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Categories: disorientated, boat, confusion, introspection, lost, pain, philosophy, power,
Form: Epic
Premium Member Beinn Nibheis - Scene 1
I sit and pause, looking at the sky blue ceiling above me. White vapour cotton wool clouds
gently float like water lilies on an upside down pond. My humble seat, an igneous rock
from the Devonian period....

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Categories: disorientated, animals, inspirational, nature, places, seasonsme, weather,
Form: Free verse

Try To Imagine
Try to imagine how it feels for your life to change in the blink of an eye,
Sat at your desk, suddenly paralysis in your hand and you’ve no idea why.
You try to make sense and...

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Categories: disorientated, anxiety, confusion, health, how i feel, inspiration,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Bouncebackability
Born I was, still alive today, down, but I'll be back to say

Even at a small age, when our house burnt to the ground
Disorientated, confused, in it's smoke filled surround

With no other place to go,...

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Categories: disorientated, age, brother, childhood, death, father, loss, son,
Form: Rhyme
The Askance Chapter 1 Part 6b
Life is only to be this much and nothing more
Learn to simply forget those memories unnecessary to recall
Unforgiving is time to bid one’s undesired sorrows to end
Embrace the feelings taught less to enable oneself to...

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© Joel Lee  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: disorientated, imagination,
Form: Rhyme
Use It Or Lose It
Walking very rigid with a slight unsteady gait  
As I walk I'll often veer from side to side 
Although by this I could appear to some as being drunk
I feel totally disorientated and utterly...

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Categories: disorientated, how i feel, inspirational, journey, meaningful,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Changes
I've grown rusty and unused to summoning words from a blank page - but FINALLY - there's something new to describe. School (11th grade) is over - at last - and... more.

There's a party tonight...

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Categories: disorientated, 11th grade, confidence, journey, solitude, summer, teen,
Form: Free verse
The Hospital Trilogy Part Two - Asylum Daze
This joke has worn thin, it’s a membrane of gauze 
which insulates feelings and never gives pause 
to express the frustrations, self hatred and fear 
of existence defined by lung-blood and beer. 
Each day is...

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© Tony Bush  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: disorientated, death, health, life, on work and working,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Once Upon Perdition
The apostate looked out his window,
and started to believe 
As genuflecting pylons, 
sent ramifications through the trees
Chaos looked at reason,
was it about to make a plea
I see Satan’s raising an army 
or so the nihilists...

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Categories: disorientated, allegory, humanity, surreal,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Fatal Kiss
Time ticks away as a new dawn strokes your splitting heart,
with your mood swings re-writing my emphatic poetical art.
Although the fear of your demons may grip my soul
I am now immune to all the personalities...

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Categories: disorientated, anxiety, mental health,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Chaos

A forbidding word rises to our surface
life as turbulent shatters the calm
and the calm may now in back glance
appear as imprisoning..
Surprise and reversals traverse the land
and resistance finds futility..
Seemingly our choices are already made..
We are...

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Categories: disorientated, anxiety, depression,
Form: Blank verse
Dead and Gone

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Categories: disorientated, blessing, change, deep, faith,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member When a Poet's Promise Dies
I tried to create a poetic dream,
to fulfill our promise,
but we became a victim 
to fate's wounding ways.

My flower garden lies in ruins,
suffering in silence -
my lips unable to kiss her back to life.

In the...

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© Silent One  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: disorientated, death, lost love, metaphor,
Form: Free verse
The tide is pushing hard
I fight back as best as my aching body allows
But the waves continue to crash
Swirl and smash around my head
The water wastes my senses
I am disorientated, delusional, disintegrating
Gravity has lost all...

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Categories: disorientated, anxiety, christian, depression,
Form: Free verse
To Those I Address My Talk
To those who have sold their souls to be evil.
To those who worship none but devil.
To those who can’t enjoy life without causing harm to the others.
To those who pretend to be friends, monitors and...

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Categories: disorientated, allah,
Form: Verse
I spent my day shopping for rubies
Far East posting covert listing
Mr Patwari’s emporium 
Assistants ever so obliging

Hexagonal set quaintly bulbous 
does cheapen the overall effect
Disappointedly I turn aside
Mr Patwari, whose tone inflect

Secretly, soft whispers in...

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Categories: disorientated, adventure,
Form: Rhyme
It Took Me
It took me to be me so you could be you
It took me to be short so you could be tall
It took me to be thin so you could be fat
And yes it took me...

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Categories: disorientated, emotions,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member My Dauntless Heart
My heart, touched by the magic wand of the flowery fairy
Bloomed into a transparent and vapory bird
Seeking to break open the door of its cage
To feel life, to be immersed in its essence
To drown in...

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Categories: disorientated, fantasy, heart, love, mystery,
Form: Free verse
Disorientated Soul
Few times I realise hard was life.
Everytime I woke I think about what is left for me.
Most the time the meaning of life has unfold.
Where is my sulvation.
Did I ever do right with words or...

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Categories: disorientated, allusion, anger, anxiety, conflict, confusion, depression, grief,
Form: Free verse
Chair Man
Chair Man 
He made a decision to clean the factory chimney out. 
Did he know it would be messy? 
I look out of my window and see so much smoke emanating from the chimney. 

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Categories: disorientated, evil, fantasy, fear, horror, science fiction,
Form: Verse
Premium Member Journey's End
They flee their native country
With teary moistened eyes
They take a few belongings
And hope that never dies.

Away from persecution
Oppression, hate and war
They cross the sandy desert
And make it to the shore.

They ride the waves to freedom

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Categories: disorientated, freedom,
Form: Rhyme

Ever since you came into my life
I have been in a constant turmoil
My head is afloat on a wave crest
My heart trying to leave my chest
And all around me, emotions coil
Disorientated thinking is now rife


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Categories: disorientated, love,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Reflection on the Important Things