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Long Dich Poems

Long Dich Poems. Below are the most popular long Dich by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Dich poems by poem length and keyword.

Rainer Maria Rilke Translation: Love Song
Liebes-Lied (“Love Song”)
by Rainer Maria Rilke
loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch

How can I withhold my soul so that it doesn’t touch yours?
How can I lift mine gently to higher things, alone?
Oh, I would gladly find...

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Categories: dich, dark, love, muse, music, song, soulmate, space,
Form: Verse

I Love You, I Think
Last night, I had a dream.
A dream of you and I.
You were gorgeous and shy,
While I was loving and kind.

We watched a play and had dinner,
Laughter rang through the air.
We slept in the same bed,

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© Kai Toth  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: dich, appreciation, care, devotion, dream, relationship, sweet love,
Form: Free verse
Atacama / German Version
Atacama, Eden der Winde,
Blume der einsamen Steine und des Salpeters, 
Heimstatt der Flamingos und der Geysire,  
und  über allem, 
unter einem azurenem und tiefem Himmel 
tragen die Berge auf ihren Spitzen  

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Categories: dich, history
Form: Free verse
Macchu Picchu (German/English/Spanish)
Du Einsame, 
in den Bergen getrotzt,
versteckt in den Wolken
getragen vom Geist des Inka,
wie von Geisterhand
überragst du das 
zerklüftete Tal des Urubamba.
Stein auf Stein,
gebaut mit großem Geschick,
geboren durch die Kraft
der Inkas.
der letzten Überlebenden,
verborgen vor den...

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Categories: dich, history
Form: Prose Poetry
Say It, Sing It
Say I am willing to spill a cup of coffee all over your shirt…, all in the name of oops
Say waking up to the smell of Caffeine is the only competitor worthy to bruise the...

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Categories: dich, art,
Form: Light Verse

Ich mich erinnern
Da war etwas welches ich geschrieben wollen würde,
es war aber nicht mehr ganz in mein Gehirne,
Lass mich nochmal nachdenken,
Über das Gedankgeschenke'
Müsse es gewesen sein?
Ich schaue auf den Mann der mag mir übel sein,
Er hatte aber...

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Categories: dich, good night,
Form: Free verse
Die liebelein hat ein herz gemaln
Danke für das da sein gewolln,
Wieso bedankst du dich bei so einem getroll?
Entschuldigung für das mein ungetreu,
Wieso bedankst du dich bei so einem hundekote?
Gedanke mache ich nicht gerne viele,
aber sage höre ich von dir nur...

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Categories: dich, 8th grade,
Form: Free verse
Am Grab Eines Freundes/ At the Tomb of a Friend/ En La Tumba De Un Amigo
Im stillen Kornfeld dort,
wo sie verborgen lag,
des Schnitters Sense,
da liegt jetzt sein Grab.
Und nur der Wind
verweht das letzte Wort,
das niemand mehr vernehmen mag.

Bezwinge deine Seele
und stiehl dich heimlich fort.
Damit nicht Angst dich quäle 
an jenem...

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Categories: dich, hope
Form: Rhyme
Ich Haett' Dich Kuessen Sollen - I Should Have Kissed You
The English is followed by the German original
I should have kissed when I had the chance
Taken you with both hands, held you closely while we danced
I should told you that I miss your smile

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Categories: dich, love,
Form: Lyric
California Baby
He grew up in the bay area
Bad to the bone 
Tattooed out
Yeah he something to talk about
I love him to deaf

California baby
California baby

He  is my California Baby   He  is from the...

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Categories: dich, i love you, love,
Form: Verse
Pablo Neruda
Oh unruhige Welt,
höre seinen Gesang,
vom rauschenden Ozean 
bis zur weiten Kette der Anden

Erhabenes Macchu Picchu,
hier wandelt sein Geist
zwischen den Nebelbänken 
des Urabamba und den
eisigen Höhen der Berge

Du hattest viele Leben,
den für ein einziges 
war keine...

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Categories: dich, dedication
Form: Free verse
Premium Member What To Feed Your Valentine
Valentine's Day is more special when you
Take your sweet out to eat at a romantic venue.
Add appeal to the meal,
And show him/her how you feel,
With a side dish not found on the menu:

With fajitas and...

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Categories: dich, valentines day,
Form: Rhyme
4 Shallow Love Is Like a Reverie
Unflinchingly, you sit in slumbered pose
as breath is amber bathed in bright moonlight 
with rhythmic pulse in time's perspective held,

when fragile candles caress tawny skin, 
you watch the honeyed flame shimmer air. 
This morphs in...

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Categories: dich, love,
Form: Free verse
Kalinga Kalinga
Kalinga- linga

A daughter of revolution fed on rich political nutrition 
With a smile bandaging scars of the streets and falsehood by political demons 
Fingers burnt in pseudo democratic pans of West, what a political humor...

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Categories: dich, abortion, africa, allegory, allusion, anger, anniversary, anxiety,
Form: Dramatic Verse
Mal Das Grass Blau An
Mal das Grass blau an und du wirst auf Wasser und Wellen wandern!
Streich die Wolken in rot und orange und setz den Himmel in Flammen!

Fl ster zu den Sternschnuppen und reise am Mond vorbei!
Schau deinen...

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Categories: dich, children, life, love, uplifting, angst,
Form: Free verse
Dein Schatten/ Your Shadow/ Tu Sombra
Verweile nicht,
Bleib' nur nicht steh'n,
selbst wenn die Welt um dich zerbricht
Es wirds stets weitergeh'n

Die leeren Straßen
auf und ab
folgt dir dein Schatten schon,
senkt sich die Welt auf dich herab,
verliert sich Ton für Ton

führt dich dein Weg,

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Categories: dich, faith
Form: Verse
Premium Member Your Smile Is a New Poem
I am not going to swear
Yes, your smile is a poem
I am saying: je t'aime
I love you with ardor
With all my strength and force
Yes, I'm all right and not lost
Your smile is absolutely beautiful
And you...

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Categories: dich, dream, emotions, love, muse, poems, poetry, write,
Form: Rhyme
To a Jewish Mother / An Eine Jüdische Mutter
I bring this stone,
so smooth as ebony,
so you are not alone
and in my memory.
As it once was,
when we were family.

Your grave,
a nameless place
between some lonely birch-trees
and some fern,
without a gravestone,
without grace.
You never had a chance...

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Categories: dich, sad
Form: Rhyme
Bus 333
Bus 333           

Thank you bus 333
For being there for me all day long,
You wake even before cock crows
And set yourself out all  for my...

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Categories: dich, care, moving on,
Form: Epic
Night Desire/ Nachtwunsch/ Deseo De Noche
Sleep well my son
and soon night comes
to soothe you with your dreams.
The bright moon is
your nightly sun 
which shines with whitish gleams.
Shadows grow tiny now 
and hide behind the light
a new day brings you joy...

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Categories: dich, childhood
Form: Rhyme
My Love For You Is True
My love for you is true,
For noone else is as special as you,
Ich Liebe Dich My love Anthony James Haniuk.

I can never love anyone or anything but you,
Everyday I find myself Daydreaming about you,
At night...

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Categories: dich, dedication, heart, life, love, world,
Form: Haiku
Suicide Drive Goodbye
Many a paths I've traveled by,
Seen high and low with the naked eye.
Been here, been there, been everywhere,
But now it's dark, and I can't make it out.

I've chosen the path of a broken life,
Been down...

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Categories: dich, day, love, suicide,
Form: I do not know?
I Love You Because You Are You
Baby when I think of you, my heart
longs for you, when I see you, my heart beats fast
and uncontrollably, and when you speak to me,
my ears hear an angel, and it's musical,
and I am right...

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Categories: dich, happiness, husband, love, romance, heart, heart, love,
Form: Haiku
Tanze, tanze,
meine Liebe,
dein Herz tanzt,
dein Haar tanzt,
deine Augen tanzen,
und ich, 
ganz nahe,
halte dich in meinen Armen,
meine Liebe,
mit deinem Geruch nach Apfelsinen und Honig.
Uns gehört die Musik,
tanze, tanze,
der Rhythmus trägt uns
mit seinen Armen der Liebe und...

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Categories: dich, music
Form: Free verse
Love Speaks All Languages
Love Speaks All Languages

‘Je t’aime’ he whispered with passion
By the Seine with the moon bright above
It sounded so very romantic
French, they say, is the language of love

‘Ti amo’ declared the young Roman
As he courted his...

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Categories: dich, love,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Reflection on the Important Things