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Jury Poems - Poems about Jury

Jury Poems - Examples of all types of poems about jury to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for jury.
Premium Member JUDGE AND JURY
You point the accusing finger, For infractions of the rules. Common sense and understanding, Oft must bow to a book of rules. You sit in judgement of the wrong, Hating evil doers, Refusing explanations, As clemencies grow fewer. When you sit in judgement, You...Read the rest...
Categories: jury, abuse,
Form: Rhyme
When Jury Duty Calls
The day before Thanksgiving Everybody takes it slow, Except the ones preparing meals, As many of us know. So it’s the perfect day to serve If Jury Duty calls. I doubt if there’s a judge or lawyer Strolling through the halls. We would-be...Read the rest...
Categories: jury, today,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Impossible Task of Jury
The jury’s duty is impossible. They have to decide who is lying. The defendant says he is innocent. Police say he is guilty. Defense lawyer says he was falsely accused. Points out his ex-wife works for the lab and wants...Read the rest...
Categories: jury, irony,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Jury Still Out
Could a love poem right wrongs Will you erase the betrayals Am I that forgiving of you of me Can cupid fly an arrow despite the bluest tears sliding down heart Is love such a powerful potion That infidelity can...Read the rest...
Categories: jury, betrayal, emotions, heartbreak,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Whoopee Jury Duty
A jury duty summons Yay! Whoopee! Said no person every I have received five in the last thirteen years. Got my latest one yesterday. Why me? Why not? The jury duty goddess replies. Timing is great. First day I go back to work....Read the rest...
Categories: jury, self,
Form: Light Verse

Premium Member Judge and Jury
life has somewhat calmed down now that I’ve bowed out from the rat race and officially finally retired I’ve learned to disentangle myself from the merciless mundane madness I don’t miss that old hamster wheel always spinning out of control I’m now...Read the rest...
Categories: jury, age, integrity, introspection, life,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Justice
Critique can come in many potent forms Through thought, word or deed - eventually Possibly revealing sunshine through storms Leaving hope to help cope, essentially Connoisseurs of love may pray from the heart For the chance to bring justice...Read the rest...
Categories: jury, judgement,
Form: Sonnet
Premium Member The Jury
Though they filed in one by one and marching to the music The decree was silence yet those devils kept marching The Day of Judgement has been coming for a long time Praying for solace , and waiting...Read the rest...
Categories: jury, courage, depression, devotion,
Form: Free verse
We the Jury
We members of the jury are stone faced The judge in his chair was strait-laced How would his decision go Read on and you will know So he's accused of a most terrible crime If guilty he...Read the rest...
Categories: jury, destiny,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Jury
High school's like a jury - let us all be judged the righteous and the wicked and especially those in love The jury's always watching - it has a thousand eyes it's in constant deliberation and it hears...Read the rest...
Categories: jury, 11th grade, drug, high
Form: Rhyme
Guilty As Charged
A heart of dark sentiments! What did my dark periscope see? A misogynistic judge presiding over a case; An interesting case of A woman who reneged midway on a pact. I was but a witness lest you be curious Why...Read the rest...
Categories: jury, anger, cry, extended metaphor,
Form: Verse
My Jury
MY JURY Representation of my Pierian spring, Attorney of my indelible ink, An old woman does not get tired in the dance she knows best; Life's court sent forth for my jury: Evidence speaks louder than doubts - When a child eat...Read the rest...
Categories: jury, 1st grade, inspiration, inspirational
Form: Dizain
Her Cold Blue Skin
POEM " HER COLD BLUE SKIN " by martin gedge A windy frozen day night sky under the grey the falling snow so thick and slow would cover as she lay in waters winter freeze death whistled through the...Read the rest...
Categories: jury, dark, death, fear, horror,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Not Guilty-Guilty
deficient defense jury easily convinced justice forsaken...Read the rest...
Categories: jury, truth,
Form: Senryu
Judge and Jury
You've now had your day in court, I watched from the back as you took the stand, The questions came at you straight away, But you were high, not ready to land. The jury has...Read the rest...
Categories: jury, death, drug,
Form: ABC

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