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Poems by Steven Ureke

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Below are poems written by Zimbabwe poet Steven Ureke. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Steven Ureke.

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
07/13/2024 Insidious 100 Free verse
07/13/2024 Vanity card 84 Free verse
08/07/2023 Find X 213 Free verse
08/07/2023 My Father Hates Me 246 Free verse
08/07/2023 Took Two To Tango 208 Dramatic Verse
08/07/2023 The Preacher's Odyssey 252 Ode
06/23/2022 Dark Sentiments 379 Romanticism
06/23/2022 The Saddest Poem 445 Lyric
12/02/2020 Marry a Woman 424 Prose Poetry
06/19/2020 Irony of Purpose 1322 Ode
06/07/2020 Dear Diary 336 Couplet
05/31/2020 Night Times 237 Acrostic
05/30/2020 Imagine Pain: Matthew 7vs12 283 Imagism
05/23/2020 Letters In Red 753 Free verse
05/23/2020 Dear Hazel 248 Acrostic
05/16/2020 Guilty As Charged 304 Verse
04/18/2020 Black Night 407 Prose
04/18/2020 The Roommate 397 Dramatic Monologue
04/07/2020 Butterflies Make Me 649 Blank verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things