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Joanna Poems - Poems about Joanna

Joanna Poems - Examples of all types of poems about joanna to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for joanna.

I am sorry, Joanna, on behalf of the Nominative case
These days, actors and singers serve my catapult mayhem, sometimes they are catalyst too! I sing in between their lines of songs their churned up recorded whims, hums, and candid cataracts! And some days, whence things get...Read the rest...
Categories: joanna, graduation,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Fall Song with Joanna Daniel
Fall flourishes with flighty flair, a silent song upon the air. Melody of fading ember, all in spirit, rhythm, and timbre. In Her heart, a tenuous tune flirting with a bold maroon moon. She has not sung this song before, an unearthly,...Read the rest...
Categories: joanna, autumn, dance, environment, music,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member In the Turmoil With Joanna Daniel
In the turmoil of troubling thoughts I hear your voice calling to Me. Listen! Your sick heart is screaming as it seeks out comforting spots. Listen! You must feel contrition in the turmoil of troubling thoughts. Turn eyes to Me for...Read the rest...
Categories: joanna, christian, confusion, god, peace,
Form: Quatern

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Heaven-Sent With Joanna Daniel
Heaven-sent on dove’s whitest wings, unique beauty of nature sings with cottony clouds and harp strings gushing out crystal sparkling springs. Its magic an enchanting tease as music floats down with the breeze. Subtle nostalgic melodies whisper God’s clear cathartic pleas. Life bursts...Read the rest...
Categories: joanna, blessing, god, heaven, music,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Spring's First Touch With Joanna Daniel
When Spring’s first touch is gently set with Winter now scarcely a threat, implore the ocean breezes spray all cares and troubles far away. With sweet caress of warmer days and softness in the sunny haze, carry me to pastoral thoughts of...Read the rest...
Categories: joanna, environment, nature, ocean, seasons,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Winter- Collaboration With Joanna Daniel
Hi Winter, how we feel your icy touch! The earth remains under your freezing clutch. The trees stand huddled in the numbing cold. And the sun has lost its bright sheen of gold. From nowhere comes the song of...Read the rest...
Categories: joanna, nature, seasons, winter,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Poet's Honeymoon Collaboration With Joanna Daniels
POET'S HONEYMOON Pretend we're on a poet's honeymoon Let's dance atop the Massifs on the moon We'll get our fill of Milky Way's champagne Behind a chariot of stars, the twain Each star a stepping stone of Heaven's rune That leads...Read the rest...
Categories: joanna, fantasy, imagination,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Between Love's Pages Collaboration With Joanna Daniel
I bow to you with a rose in my hand and hope you press it between love's pages I will not assume nor will I demand I'll promise to love you through the ages hear my heartbeat when it...Read the rest...
Categories: joanna, romantic,
Form: Rhyme
He's caressing my keys, please don't tease his touch doth make every string sing For 'The Piano' contest - not placed (Joanna is rhyming slang for Pi-an-a)...Read the rest...
Categories: joanna, music
Form: Crystalline
Sonnet To Joanna Zagrobelny
How art thou too beauteous to my muse? Thou breath is tamed like those of thy dreary seam As thy eyes art to themselves pilgrims of mine abuse From the heavenly seas drowning deep into my dreams. Thy arms...Read the rest...
Categories: joanna, friendship, care, art, art,
Form: Sonnet

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry