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Hyena Poems - Poems about Hyena

Hyena Poems - Examples of all types of poems about hyena to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for hyena.
The Laughing Hyena
Kamala Harris, with laughter bright Echoes through the house of white Yet critics murmur, where's the deed In jest, they claim, she plants no seed A hysterical hyena's chuckle fills the air While dreams of action dwindle bare © daniel miltz...Read the rest...
Categories: hyena, political,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member hyena pack enjoys their prey
She prowled the night horizon sniffing for prey oh, my here it came, happy hey, hey, hey, hey! She and her pack tore the animal quickly in half. So glad to be dining on a baby giraffe. They laughed...Read the rest...
Categories: hyena, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Why Does a Hyena Laugh
Why does he have such a diabolical laugh the frightened Princess asked me. Unsure if hyena was ready to fight or be king, I was not close enough to see. Not when they are happy, I replied....Read the rest...
Categories: hyena, animal,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member He Laughs Like a Hyena
Uncle Jake laughs like a laughing hyena! Crazy as you’ve ever seen. I did not know cousin Chet well, but thought this was mean. He truly does! Said my husband-to-be, who was adding to it now. Some people...Read the rest...
Categories: hyena, animal,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Story Told By Hyena
Where do you meditate? The animals queried each other. I meditate in the pouch, the baby kangaroo said, inside my mother. I meditate in the henhouse, as I give thanks for dinner said the fox. I am not...Read the rest...
Categories: hyena, animal,
Form: Rhyme

The Earth Was Turning In Her Sleep
A hurricane tore North Carolina After ripping Haiti! It stalks like a hyena, Leaving a trail of calamity! I, The Earth, was turning in my sleep. Humans live for seventy years. Some build in areas that are deep Or somehow interfere with...Read the rest...
Categories: hyena, earth, extended metaphor, grief,
Form: Rhyme
A Hyena At Home
For ages, I used to rear my goats serenely; Before I invited Mr. Hyena at home. Green prairie my goats adored around the home. Peace, the rustics relished too; But an intolerable mistake I made inviting him. Peace and life...Read the rest...
Categories: hyena, betrayal, confidence,
Form: ABC
Premium Member He Is a Mean Hyena
He is a mean hyena the child said in horror. His daddy and mommy thought he was joking. Not realizing there had been a lawsuit. Mama Hyena had enrolled her son in the human school. Don’t call him that!...Read the rest...
Categories: hyena, animal,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Zippitys Playground
The playground I chose to write about, Is open twenty four seven, night or day, It is beyond any expectable doubt, dangerous Paradise to young animals, some human Children perhaps even envious! Zippity was a young, playful giraffe, His mother always...Read the rest...
Categories: hyena, animal,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Hyena Hygiene
I do not like the Hyena This animal couldn't look meaner It looks scary Ugly and hairy And dirty, I'd like him cleaner...Read the rest...
Categories: hyena, 10th grade,
Form: Limerick
While Laughing Like Hyena
God in cantina while laughing like hyena served a subpoena You have to laugh at this one. Jim Horn...Read the rest...
Categories: hyena, allegory, analogy,
Form: Haiku
The Hyena
Guess my reputation could be sweeter, but hey- At least I'm not a skunk! Backbiting scrounger you say? I like to call it being environmentally friendly; No waste when I'm around, I can assure you! I'm not the coolest looking...Read the rest...
Categories: hyena, animal,
Form: Personification
Ze Hiena
Hienas don't taik cair of higeen; we’r fond of karrion; we drink warm jin wizaut tonik and we neva uze ze mornin afta peels. ...Read the rest...
Categories: hyena, animal, death,
Form: Personification
The Hyena
I‘m not a dog or cat in the area, I am a carnivore in Africa; I really roam to look for food to eat, You cannot evade my sharp and tough teeth. I run through ungulate herds in order...Read the rest...
Categories: hyena, animal,
Form: Personification
Premium Member Hyena
Feral Exchange I am well spotted and nasty and do not mind that description Will gather my fortune whatever is your inappropriate depiction Dig my teeth into your body and soul straight down to the bone Leave my scent...Read the rest...
Categories: hyena, psychological,
Form: Personification

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