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Hemp Poems - Poems about Hemp

Hemp Poems - Examples of all types of poems about hemp to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for hemp.
in The Psalm uv Your Hand
.... oh Jehovah yessss mine Almighty God thuh hemp ......Read the rest...
Categories: hemp, appreciation, eve, faith, judgement,
Form: Dramatic Verse

Galley slave to obsessive compulsive disordered behavior announces
...Galley slave to obsessive compulsive disordered behavior announces... Fore score minus xv orbitz ago from being centenarian strong contractions forced me to pass thru cervix, buck naked bare l......Read the rest...
Categories: hemp, 6th grade, 7th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Golden Rules At the Finest Schools
...I sent my daughter to the finest schools where she learned all the golden rules Race-baiting pays, one's pronouns are weighed with marijuana fill up the ashtrays 'B-' student......Read the rest...
Categories: hemp, business, daughter, drug, education,
Form: Couplet
Sunrise In the Wolds
...When the sun rises and spreads its sticky yellow syrup across green marzipan fields I rub the bees from the fragrant holyhock bells and sniff the nectar. I pull each cup to drink the breakf......Read the rest...
Categories: hemp, august, earth, sunshine,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Some Days At Sea
...Some days at sea are nothing but work. Heave out and trice up. The smoking lamp’s lit. All one can dream of are stable foundations, Roots in the soil, and walls made of stone. Some days at sea ......Read the rest...
Categories: hemp, adventure, allegory, sea,
Form: Blank verse

Butterfly On the Hand
...A bright dream, you have swallowed my morning sleep In your arms, you are drowning in love and affection Your eyes are stars in the sky of my heart Whispers of love, every eternal dinner of doub......Read the rest...
Categories: hemp, 1st grade, bird, birth,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Zydeco House Party
...The bayou sky flies a catfish moon over swamp gators And cottonmouth vipers. Accordions, fiddles, and rub board vests Make their ramble through the undergrowth hot on the trail Of a sultry midsu......Read the rest...
Categories: hemp, allegory, america, celebration,
Form: Blank verse
Premium Member Marijuana Sommelier
...Marijuana sommelier, A marijuana or weed expert. A Mary Jane professional. Someone happy to let the grass grow. Not a junkie or druggie, but a pro, a get high expert. Weed connoisseur. As a......Read the rest...
Categories: hemp, fantasy, freedom, humorous, imagery,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Free Will
...God gives free will to Humankind. Many think out of sight is out of mind. While others claim they can't see. Yet, choice leads to purgatory. And there's plenty of hemp, you'll find.......Read the rest...
Categories: hemp, analogy, integrity,
Form: Quintain (English)
Premium Member Freedom of Poetry
...An appeal of poetry is its lack of rules... though not to be loose as a plucked goose – without bare essentials for flight struts of logic, living words that excite with lift long aft......Read the rest...
Categories: hemp, addiction, blessing, freedom, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Learning To Fly
...The one thing you can count on, Is that knowledge will inspire. And it put us on the path, Like the early quest for fire. All the answers that we sought, Would advance the human race. From th......Read the rest...
Categories: hemp, cancer, creation, education, fire,
Form: Rhyme
Please Help Yarn Hexed Door Neighbor
...Please help yarn hexed door neighbor... Yours truly pinned down by invisible vestiges of coronavirus and getting attacked from angry plague of buttons, plus huge spools of yarn grossly misto......Read the rest...
Categories: hemp, abuse, anger, bullying, character,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Blue Shotgun Lantana
... "As other spirits sail on music, mine, oh my love, swim on your perfume." Charles Baudelaire "Sometimes you find an old bottle from which the soul returns." Charles Baudelaire "Smell is......Read the rest...
Categories: hemp, muse, mystery, sensual,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Why Dick and Jane Can'T Write
...Dick and Jane go to college to learn how to read and to write 'Cos they didn't in high school where they studied, on You-Tube, the rights of violent protestors, sexual predato......Read the rest...
Categories: hemp, confusion, drug, education, satire,
Form: Rhyme
...A scrapbook of soil knits the land. Earthworms patchwork hidden birthing-chambers, grit and gist abrades into the leached sap of leaf and grass. Rain storms push up an upholstery of......Read the rest...
Categories: hemp, poetry,
Form: Free verse

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