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Application Poems - Poems about Application

Application Poems - Examples of all types of poems about application to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for application.
The magic of nature
THE MAGIC OF NATURE The sun shining so brightly, Making your skin glow. Even the silver sprinkle of frost sparkling, A beautiful covering of snow. Sounds of the morning songbird, It's so wonderful to hear, Flying so swiftly and free, A joy to...Read the rest...
Categories: application, appreciation, happiness, nature,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Application For Membership
You were asking earlier: Floating In a pool by misadventure. Slowly drowning in vomit, your own. Chasing horses in a seedy hotel room. A busted heart in a busted bathtub. Hanging in a garage beside your automobile A twenty gauge wrapped in your arms One last Vodka...Read the rest...
Categories: application, death, suicide,
Form: Free verse

Job Application
How I apply for this job? With you to hobnob? I wouldn't know what to say, Probably turn and walk away, Have a small fantasy today, Fantasies are good for chicks, I say, Quite normal and healthy, Never say you're my fantasy, Really...Read the rest...
Categories: application, allusion, desire, fantasy, feelings,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Creative Application
J-ust E-njoy S-weet S-tatement I-n C-reative A-pplication A-s B-irthday A-crostic L-ets E-motional L-oneliness E-nd Topic: Birthday of Jessica L. Abalele (December 10) Form: Vertical Monocrostic...Read the rest...
Categories: application, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Premium Member Steep Hill of Ambition
The steep hill of ambition, is paved with those failed tasks The intention, and the hope, and all the other asks The things that we were wont to do, but never did get done Just because without belief,...Read the rest...
Categories: application, dedication,
Form: Ballad

New Application
Z-ealously E-xplain N-ew A-pplication I-n D-esktop's A-cknowledged K-nowledge A-s S-imple P-rocedure I-s C-learly K-nown Topic: Birthday of Zenaida Kaspick (August 19) Form: Vertical Monocrostic...Read the rest...
Categories: application, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Premium Member We'Ve Reviewed Your Resume, And--
We've reviewed your resume, and... It's only one job, after all. ...While your qualifications are impressive,... I can always apply for another, of course. It's only one job, after all. ...We don't have an opening for you at this time... I...Read the rest...
Categories: application, career, work,
Form: Pantoum
The Job Application
The Job Application The application asked for responsibility I wrote I am and my last boss would agree All last year long When it went wrong He said the responsible one was me!...Read the rest...
Categories: application, character, humorous, imagery, people,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member The Flash Mob Application
I'd like to apply for a permit for a protest march on the Washington Mall. Lovely idea. But, we're only issuing Mall permits for Song and Dance Events. I think this might be a violation of my Rights to Free Speech. I see...Read the rest...
Categories: application, america, culture, health, humanity,
Form: Political Verse
Friend Application
*Friend Application* *Please Read Disclaimer At Bottom* *Full Time Position* 1-5 Yes or No. 1. Do you enjoy laughing, bullshitting around, and other fun shenannigans? 2. Do you enjoy cooking? Ok well eating often? (Example... pizza, tacos, and other...Read the rest...
Categories: application,
Form: Bio
The Application
"The Application" by: Eric L. Boddie Now what can I say So many things seduce me Faces, toes, booties, breasts But most important, a strong inner Beauty As for my dislikes A female without Life And by that I mean A female who...Read the rest...
Categories: application, beautiful, bible, heart, muse,
Form: Ballad
A Singular Act of Splendor-Producing Makeup Application
A singular act of splendor-producing makeup application at the tip of a brush can awaken worlds that confound the imagination and certainly confound all religious absurdities, psychologies, and philosophies. I choose a life that continuously confounds the absolute-- the absolute right the...Read the rest...
Categories: application, life,
Form: Free verse
Android Application Development
Got bored by using old android applications? Now you can develop your own android app with the help of our development team. Android is a Linux based operating system for mobile devices such as smartphones...Read the rest...
Categories: application, business,
Form: Concrete
Application Waiting
all casual leaves exhausted now....... application waiting...Read the rest...
Categories: application, on work and working,
Form: Haiku
Enhancing the College Application
Enhancing the College Application By Elton Camp “I graduated first in my class,” claims Joe Adams, but yet He doesn’t reveal that they were lined up by the alphabet Suzy boasts that, “My classmates voted me into Who’s Who,” But...Read the rest...
Categories: application, funnyclass, time, class, time,
Form: Rhyme

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry