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Albumen Poems - Poems about Albumen

Albumen Poems - Examples of all types of poems about albumen to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for albumen.
Premium Member THE MOON
... See the full moon's bright eye, Use her as guide. Imagine her sclera, pupil, and iris Capture in colors you see fitting on a clear evening. Cut out her yellow yolk of an egg Reveal just albume......Read the rest...
Categories: albumen, change, fantasy, freedom,
Form: Free verse
Eggs Mirror Image of Earth
...Soft-shelled things by their sources laid On spots assuring them no raid: In my poultry picked up by maid, With care handled or her upbraid “Boiled or Omelets but with bread, For my breakfast do......Read the rest...
Categories: albumen, animal, creation, imagination, perspective,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Refurbished Nursery Rhymes: Humpty Dumpty
......Look, Ma, I'm flying! When fat, stoned Humpty Dumpty tumbled off that high wall, He was laughing so hard he scarcely noticed the fall. He cracked his shell, I'm assumin' 'cause out leaked hi......Read the rest...
Categories: albumen, humor, nursery rhyme,
Form: Light Verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Wild Goose Chase
...Pursuit for elusive prey teases yours truly into treacherous catacombs dangerous mentally challenging pitfalls, sets small hairs of back on camp creeks edge of night, where dark shadows evo......Read the rest...
Categories: albumen, adventure, allegory, america, animal,
Form: Free verse
Modern Democracy
...Modern democracy Think of an egg hollow it out drink its albumen and yolk the empty shell cracks easily and we call it democracy and free expression which is subjected to unwritten laws. Y......Read the rest...
Categories: albumen, anger, assonance, corruption,
Form: Blank verse

Premium Member The Bigot
...The world is huge but perceptions must be in one albumen it matters not the belief and background of other men atmosphere always created, far from the banana belt if not only my this, all your tha......Read the rest...
Categories: albumen, conflict, self,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member Monopoly Poetry Contest
...There once was a poet named Neumann whose bile went as white as albumen. He emailed a missive, his ire derisive, attempting to yoke fellow humans. His target would not come to heel, so then......Read the rest...
Categories: albumen, anger,
Form: Limerick
Wild Goose Chase
...Pursuit for elusive prey teases yours truly into treacherous catacombs dangerous mentally challenging pitfalls, sets small hairs of back on camp creeks edge of night, where dark shadows evo......Read the rest...
Categories: albumen, 11th grade, 12th grade,
Form: Dramatic Monologue
Premium Member Cracking Eggs
...crackin' eggs into clean glass mixing bowl, beating.... clear albumen drips housewife observes scene as light reflects on egg whites.... senryu in there? ......Read the rest...
Categories: albumen, funny,
Form: Senryu
Premium Member A Scholar Romance
...Finding acquaintance with women has put me on a wild-goose chase, making my mind so water-logged with gross and unbearable lack of confidence. Your presence has cancelled these memories and caus......Read the rest...
Categories: albumen, graduate, love, romance, romantic,
Form: Romanticism
No Title
...I have slept but I have not slept I have not slept but I have slept For the first time in two years I slept without a word of care No codes, no crossroads No railroads, no shiploads No lizards ......Read the rest...
Categories: albumen, america, betrayal, character, emotions,
Form: Narrative
We Are the Eggs They Are the Knife
...we are the egg they are the knife the egg shell like the body the egg white albumen like the spirit the egg yolk like the soul all others lies in between so is the connection of hu......Read the rest...
Categories: albumen, abuse, africa, caregiving, cheer
Form: Epic
Premium Member Free Form
...Eternal granite, crystalline scree, agates, boulders, rise to hills, towering tors,* mutinous mountains, endlessly growing rising, lifted, then toppled by the fiery rebirth of draconic lava** L......Read the rest...
Categories: albumen, life,
Form: Verse
...Signature Append the seal on the opening glee Of performance agog with clapping drums, The cylindrical bell calling to spirituous mundi Screaming flew about in the air; Perched on ears ......Read the rest...
Categories: albumen, work
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Amen Ra
...The sunrise was like a fertilized egg golden of yolk and flecked with blood, it crowed to the mist filled morn. It ran over the hillside frying the vegetation. The brilliant white albumen......Read the rest...
Categories: albumen, imagination, nature
Form: Free verse

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