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Unique Moon

Looking through the window up to the sky,
Full moon solely glows without twinkling stars,
The breeze has blown away the clouds,
Serene moon paints the sky in a heaven scene.

Unique full moon decorates gentle sky.
Far away from my native land I admire you
Who sincerely comes say hello to the expatriate,  
Hearing the charming voice of your mind.

Our vast planet covered by this heaven scene.
The moon visits every corner of the Earth.  
All men commonly admire this unique moon   
Which will be ended differently from their lives. 

Man's life appears and definitely disappears.
The longest Man's life is really short.
Becoming old, and dying belong to mankind,
Shouldn't take away the Freedom from Man.

Copyright © Xaysouvanh Phengphong | Year Posted 2014


Will it be?

People swarm, a list to see
the winners list, it's never me
whose the best, and at the top
and whose to write another flop
approval sought and recognized
or is this winner demonized
now at the top they can only fall
a just dessert or curtain call
answer the call and face the strife
or just sit back and waste your life

for the "I Just Can't Win" contest

Copyright © Tom Larrow | Year Posted 2012

Pride of Place

As the onlookers stare at the bride and the groom,
The tapping piano keys start to resume,
The couple dance elegantly in a formal costume,
Taken in by the music, it does consume.

The musicians hands quickly glide and zoom,
For the sounds of the song cause a boom,
The two lovers suddenly bloom,
Then softly the sweet piano tune leaves the room.

Copyright © Theresa Lynn | Year Posted 2022

Greed Has a Dinner Party

Greed Has a Dinner Party
Evil seething greed sits down to dinner with his guests.
He serves them humungous helpings of hubris for an appetizer to set the mood of the evening.
For the main course, he mesmerizes them with tales of his ambition and success and piles them on his own plate, yet he serves the guests-somewhat less.
He explains they must be more like him to get even more. He assures them that they have the makings to be just like him.
Dessert is of course licentiously sweet self-serving compliments for all and the promise that if they took everything they wanted in life, without concern for anyone but themselves, they would be most efficacious.
After dinner, he says goodbye. Then he grins as they pass by the urn containing Icarus’s ashes on their way out the door.

Copyright © Terri Stiles | Year Posted 2017

Villanelle: Crooks Leaders and Louts Do They Sing the Same Tune

Villanelle: Crooks leaders and louts do they sing the same tune

Crooks leaders and louts do they sing the same tune
Does he who strums vocal chords show them the ropes
Whoever wields the baton sure calls the tune

The sergeant-major pulls rank when opportune
Though captains and majors aren’t exactly dopes
Crooks leaders and louts do they sing the same tune

To the Western ear the Eastern’s mono-tune
Do harps and harpsichords belong in same groups
Whoever wields the baton sure calls the tune

Do the Police join the band to play to tribune
Or just one or two here and there simply mopes
Crooks leaders and louts do they sing the same tune

Blame must fall if blame at all on top dog goon
The mess people in power make envelopes
Whoever wields the baton sure calls the tune

The blame for this world the way it has been sewn
Goes for whatever makes possible human dopes
Crooks leaders and louts do they sing the same tune
Whoever wields the baton sure calls the tune

© T. Wignesan – Paris,  2015

Copyright © T Wignesan | Year Posted 2015

Light In Her Eyes

This will come to you as no surprise Wine is always bitter to the taste Your warmth is felt before the sunrise I am your wine you turned into water Everything I was had been displaced Cause of the vibrant glow in your eyes All feelings of loneliness erased Your the strength of my soul that supplies My love for you will not be misplaced Images that I romanticize I am your wine you turned into water

Copyright © Steven Henderson | Year Posted 2017


Does a poem have to be about something?
Or, can it be about nothing?
But if it is about nothing,
Isn't nothing something?

Copyright © Steve Crismond | Year Posted 2017

Terra Cotta

Naples perches in its own white washed stucco
Brilliant white. It almost hurts the eyes.
An irregular pitch of cliffs subsumed into terra cotta tiles
Orangish-red like scales of some headless fish
Arising from a rocky classic shore.
This, like the first Ulyssess would see of dear Penelope.
Her would-be suitors frothing like a sea.
These roofing tiles, the faithful terra cotta hue.
Not like the terra cotta Chinese warriors
Who, though sculpted in a terra cotta clay,
Stand immobile in a ghostly mummy dust.
Colors have more to do with light
Than material with which a thing is made.

Copyright © Stephen Wilson-Floyd | Year Posted 2022

Dear Mother

Miss you dear mother 
I plea you in my mind over and over
Remembering your smiley appearance 
I feel wretched and despondent
Recalling the memories of our days spent together
My eyes burst with tears
You being not there
Creates it tough to measure 
I hear your melodious songs of devotion
Sung beautifully with passion
Feel an impulse to talk to you at that second
By calling you in an instant 
My soul then consoles me 
Reminds me of your forever affection
Your fleshly sufferings are disappeared
Though reminiscences are extant
Be at peace mamma dear 
Now that you are one with the soul that is eternal 
My heart carries your memories that are precious
You are living there forever

Copyright © Smita Kulkarni | Year Posted 2019


Rough, Wild, Dangerous
Sinking the Sailors and Ships
Breaking Hearts alas!

Copyright © Sima Mittal | Year Posted 2013

The First Whistle

Puffing languidly by blowing the whistle, there came 
the mementos of zig-zag meter gauged companion, 
The first consignment on the railroad track, locomotives shipped from the United Kingdom, 
by crossing 586 bridges, beautiful Himalayan Mountain Ranges, 
37 tunnels of major attractions arrived at the destination, 
A first venture, to boost up the drop's tea and coal transportation. 
That day, a track known as Brahmaputra Valley, 
literally airdropped as an island railway went conversion, 
became history to usher the broad gauge interconnectivity of the remote region. 

Eleven years later in 1892, thousands of men and women 
gathered to cast the last glimpse of the railway track
 at the eastern part of the Indian Continental, 
to become the witness of the track's last communication. 

An emotional moment, when the train ran for the last time 
on the 115 year old meter gauge line
 by flagging and blowing the last whistle of the dominion. 
To bid tearful, joyful adieu to the first whistle
 of the last morning, on the old track of the 65 km
 railway line, inaugurated in 1881, in the so called  
Land of the Raising Sun as commemoration!

Copyright © Silpika Kalita | Year Posted 2021

There and Back Lanternes

Path lead us from our home find universe path heart’s mystery reaches peace in God path

Copyright © Sheri Fresonke Harper | Year Posted 2013

Niagara Falls

The rumbling, crashing, riotous falls
were like instruments intent on
singing out their percussion.
Each watery movement came in
orchestrated rhythm, appearing as
the master of the scene
yet arriving on unheard cue.

The wild and noisy disorder of the
magnificent Niagara Falls were an
ever-changing mosaic of color
that could tumble from a
box of pastels.
In the sunlight they were soft,
no matter how bright the light became,
and always just as pleasing as the
gelato that sat in our waffle cones.

We dashed for cover as the sky
turned like a woolen gray shawl
upon the rolling hills behind us.
Colors arced into a bold sky,
stretching as open hands reaching
for the sun-kissed rain.
The colors were that bit more beautiful,
like God had polished the world afresh.

And how could we begrudge
those blessed drops?
For with them came
the rainbow, the greenery,
the cheery flowers, renewed vigor and
every other slice of life we so enjoy.

Copyright © Sharron Read-Lambert | Year Posted 2024


She calls me when you've done her wrong
She calls when you can't speak
She calls to tell me all the things
I wish were meant for me,

She falls for all your worn out charm
she'll fall to lift you up
she's fell because you failed her heart
While I've fallen in love,

She sees what you appear to be
But never who you are
Still she looks past me to peek at you
Her eyes adjust but not her heart, 

She'll miss you when you leave today
She'll miss you when you can't make time
But she's missing out on true love
'Cause she's missed all the signs,

So reveal your cards but conceal your heart
love is sweeter left unknown
There's a time for you to go all in
and a time for you to fold

Copyright © Shane Thacker | Year Posted 2023

Night Bewitches

The Night beguiles and bewitches me 
as shadow deepen and lengthen
The moon shyly peeps out at me
then bursts out in splendid stateliness.

Now clouds drift across its beaming face
causing shadows to change their shape
I see first a unicorn dancing in the night
Followed by a trio of old haggard witches.

The night sure belong to unworldly things
goblins, elves, pixies hobnob in its darkness
and shadows leap and dance in moonlight
rays of gold, silver and blood deep reds.

Soon. too soon the night will give way
and all the secrets hidden by darkness
will slip away and leave me wondering
were they  ever displayed in the darkness?

Copyright © Shadow Hamilton | Year Posted 2023

Mom's Plan Is ALL Right

Humanity's produced all through the ages
A thin but steady stream of brilliant sages.

Good and Evil... the Meaning of Life...
The causes of all our confusion and strife...

Good guidance and advice come from their careful pondering
As we, their students, through our lives we're wandering.

Now at last a new sage shines so bright:
She knows EVERTHING -- and is ALWAYS right!

With her we now may achieve Total Reform:
Racial, Sexist, Ethnic, Cultural...
Religious, Economic, Political... 
Ethical and Moral; personal and collective...

Without us being overly reflective!

To free our selves - and World! - of every awful vice,
We only need to follow Mom's encompassing advice.

Devote ourselves to faithfully follow her Grand Plan:

  "Everybody, be NICE!"

Copyright © Scott Kruize | Year Posted 2024


You are my poetry
and every word I know.
I can write sonnets
about how your lips 
speak to my soul,
and I always seem to
carry you inside me
wherever I go.

You are my poetry
lyrical caresses 
in my mind.
word spoken 
and unspoken,
both horrible 
and kind.

You are my poetry
hearts and stars 
behind my eyes.
loving you so deeply
took me by surprise.

You are my poetry
verbal description 
in panoramic

You are my poetry
because words mean 
you warm me 
in the summer,
and renew me 
in the spring.

You are my poetry.
loose leaf pages
in the wind.
our beginning,
and alas,
until our bitter end.

You are my poetry.
how more may I describe?
You feed me 
and nurture me 
and make me 
feel alive.


Copyright © Sam Harty | Year Posted 2024


One night, one moment
One kiss
Ever flowing heartfelt
Running through their veins
One couple
Holding one another
Feeling the love
Pumping into each other
Piercing into their souls
That one night
That one moment
That first kiss

Russell Sivey

Copyright © Russell Sivey | Year Posted 2011

Runs Out with Fate

Fast steady steps but not sure where to go
Strong sturdy arms but ready to give in
Warm playful gaze with a hue of sadness
A cursing tongue 
capable of sweet innocent promises
Wrap me in your arms
Hide me in your smile
But baby don’t drag me for a mile
Fill me, consummate my soul
A touch that could burn
A look of yearn
Words that could calm my spirit
An embrace that shields me
A smell that rubs off 
A presence that could linger
A face that could show me the world
A being that makes life unfold before me

I wish i could be the one 
Who could be with you when you are afraid
Placate your fears
Chase the dark shadows of your past
Close your wounds
Heal your scars
I want to be the one to te tell you that 
Snowflakes do not taste good
That flowers do bloom in the spring
And that splinters hurt
I just want to be there for you 
Make sure that your everything is going to be alright
I want to make you believe
That true love exists
I want to smother you with feathery kisses
If i can't hug you long enough
 tell you I love you too often
Know that I believe in us together
Even if it can’t be all that
I have given you the rarest opportunity
To allow you to see my own beauty
All the reasons i have in me 
My qualms, realms, pent up emotions
New perspective and even my uncertainties
You have reached that special part of me
Where you  could hear my heart flutter
Listen to me when i say nothing a
But i mean something
When you could thrust me deep
In the night sky’s feverish theme
In return you have share with me
A place where we can confront our needs 
dreams and unspoken fears
The storehouse of our hope that encompasses
The essence of who we truly are
But when i see a furrow in your brow
A glitch of sadness in those eyes 
Or hear you curse and yell
Sense anger in your voice
I shudder with fear but somehow
 make myself strong enough
So i could run and hold you
 rock you gently 
Say it's okay baby
In your world where everybody hates 
a happy ending story
Let me be the one to say forever and ever 
before the end
I hope time will not come when my dawn will break
Giving light to your mind that we are meant
But this time with you is not wasted in sorrow
But spent in smiles
Despite the future’s call
My case i now rest my heart i now give
Myself i surrender before my time slips 
And runs out with fate.

Copyright © Rowe Weiss | Year Posted 2024

If I Were Your Smartphone

If I was your smartphone
You would talk to me for hours
If I was your smartphone
You would hold me and make sure I was safe
If I was your smartphone
You would keep me close and check on me often
If I was your smartphone
You would trust me and ask me for help
If I was your smartphone
You would rely on and be grateful for me
If I was your smartphone
You would be excited when I sought your attention
If I was your smartphone 
You would make sure my battery was charged
If I was your smartphone
You would play games with me and think I was fun
If I was your smartphone
You would whisper into my ear and share your secrets
If I was your smartphone 
Imagine all the wonderful times we would share 
If only
I was your smartphone

Copyright © Robert Sidwell | Year Posted 2024


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Quote LeftI have been reading a lot of inspirational poems posted here lately. Thank you for providing a forum for writers of different backgrounds, styles, and thoughts to share their work. It's a tribute to a quality forum!Quote Right

Comment By: K.O.

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