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Poems by Fran Delaney-Barron

Fran  Delaney-Barron - LIFETIME Premium Member Fran  Delaney-Barron - Premium MemberPremium Member Send Soup Mail  Block poet from commenting on your poetry

Below are poems written by United States poet Fran Delaney-Barron. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Fran Delaney-Barron.

Read Poems by Fran Delaney-Barron

Best Fran Delaney-Barron Poems

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The poem(s) are below...


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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
10/11/2023 2023 328 Rhyme
09/29/2023 Give Me the Sky 201 Free verse
09/29/2023 Still We Fight 179 Rhyme
09/13/2023 Forevermore 195 Free verse
04/30/2023 Just One 329 Free verse
04/30/2023 Blm 523 Sonnet
04/30/2023 Line and Verse 319 Free verse
04/20/2023 In the Place Where Nothing Grows 696 Free verse
04/20/2023 Coastal 565 Sonnet
04/20/2023 Ocean Dance 570 Free verse
04/20/2023 Afternoon Notes 453 Free verse
12/30/2022 God Is a Flat 534 Free verse
12/27/2022 Season of Instances 593 Imagism
12/26/2022 We Mourn 536 Elegy
12/12/2022 Ladies Who Write 396 Rhyme
12/12/2022 Red, White, Blue Yellow 555 Pantoum
12/09/2022 When the Twig Snaps 478 Free verse
12/09/2022 The Rise 430 Villanelle


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