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Poems by Hi-Dong Chai

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Below are poems written by United States poet Hi-Dong Chai. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Hi-Dong Chai.

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
11/08/2020 Brothers and Sisters 326 Free verse
09/30/2020 Human Mind - Limited 375 Free verse
07/22/2020 Spouses 249 Free verse
07/11/2020 Life's Pathways 278 Free verse
07/06/2020 Believe In Self Or God 378 Free verse
01/28/2020 Power Rules 899 Free verse
01/21/2020 I Marched On 1131 Free verse
01/02/2020 Marriage 366 Free verse
12/02/2019 Being Hungry In America 553 Free verse
12/01/2019 Death and Spirit 517 Free verse
11/09/2019 Knowing and Believing 702 Free verse
11/07/2019 Pray 325 Free verse
10/09/2019 Where Do I Sit 829 Free verse
10/09/2019 My Poems 526 Free verse
10/09/2019 How America Has Changed 541 Free verse
09/21/2019 Goodbye 617 Free verse
09/13/2019 Gun On My Temple 469 Free verse
09/11/2019 Yin and Yang 517 Free verse
09/10/2019 Meaning of Love 278 Free verse
09/09/2019 Goodby, My Best Friend 445 Free verse
09/07/2019 Sacrifice 1151 Free verse
09/05/2019 Old Age 388 Free verse
09/01/2019 Ocean 380 Free verse
08/27/2019 Loneliness 452 Free verse
08/26/2019 God and Christianity 350 Free verse
08/24/2019 Source of Hate 512 Free verse
08/24/2019 Living 238 Free verse
08/21/2019 Twinkling of An Eye 644 Free verse
08/16/2019 Kindness 553 Free verse
08/15/2019 Gratitude 293 Free verse
08/11/2019 My Way Is the Right Way 483 Free verse
08/10/2019 Spoonful of Rice 4139 Free verse
08/07/2019 Human Seasons 444 Free verse
08/05/2019 Peace 321 Free verse
08/04/2019 Joy 447 Free verse
08/03/2019 Scars of War 334 Free verse
08/01/2019 Orphans 438 Free verse
07/29/2019 Alone 311 Free verse
07/28/2019 Children and Wars 393 Free verse
06/10/2019 I Hate War 536 Free verse


Quote Left How to be the BEST that you can be. FOCUS on your goal and be PERSISTENT. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Hi-Dong Chai

Quote Left Life is 10% what happens to you, and 90% how you react to it. You are in charge of your ATTITUDE. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Hi-Dong Chai

Quote Left Even monkeys fall from trees. If you want to succeed, don't be afraid to fail. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Hi-Dong Chai

Short Stories

Bean Curd Boy and His Brother for kids, love,
Frog Story for teens, love, young adult,

Book: Shattered Sighs