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Smacker Poems - Poems about Smacker

Smacker Poems - Examples of all types of poems about smacker to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for smacker.
Premium Member Love In The Trenches
... Now this is my definition of love It's much like wrestling in the mud You get down and dirty And say things quite flirty Then it all comes together with a thud You scream bloody mu......Read the rest...
Categories: smacker, love,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Missin kissin I'm No Spring Chicken I'm All Out Of Luck
...Whoever invented the Kiss I'd like to shake their hand But I won't Because I'm shortsighted and always miss It wouldn't be such a problem If I had Mick Jaggers's lips But the boss My Mrs do......Read the rest...
Categories: smacker, divorce, farewell, kiss,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member I Want To Be a Nutcracker
..."I want to be a nutcracker!" Came my announcement one day. I won't need the strength of a linebacker to make my chosen profession pay. "I want to be a nutcracker!" Grasping them tight ......Read the rest...
Categories: smacker, humorous,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Hummingbird
...An airborne marvel, so pretty, Your flight, relentless, soars with might, Your features, colorful wonder. Sunflowers hail sun merrily, Your nectar sip, mid-air delight, Stirs my senses with ......Read the rest...
Categories: smacker, bird,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Cowboy Conversation With Barkeep
...Charley my wheel horse says that Jim is a yack, always jawing now. They are both scrunchers, they nearly swallow their teeth on chow. Jim is unsalted, but not lazy or slow, although he has trail du......Read the rest...
Categories: smacker, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Rhyme

Faded Wise
...Tarry leather stuck a hat in an Eagle's feather and called it a smacker while it looked for the wise cracker. And the tarry leather came alive personified. But, it wiggled away while it was inside. A......Read the rest...
Categories: smacker, adventure, art,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Gob-Smacker of a Boost
...Occasionally in life comes a welcome surprise Fierce determination seen in Nancy Pelosi’s eyes Upon visiting Ukraine to support Zelensky ~ She bolstered his stock (and his smile) immensel......Read the rest...
Categories: smacker, inspirational, international, leadership, usa,
Form: Couplet
Pool Day
...One day we were at the pool. Jumping off the diving board ! That was a big jump. ! They just did belly smackers. I would not do a belly smacker. It would hurt. ! That was a perfect dive. Th......Read the rest...
Categories: smacker, 10th grade,
Form: Free verse
Pool Day
...One day we were at the pool. Jumping off the diving board ! That was a big jump. ! They just did belly smackers. I would not do a belly smacker. It would hurt. ! That was a perfect dive. Th......Read the rest...
Categories: smacker, 10th grade,
Form: Free verse
Pool Day
...One day we were at the pool. Jumping off the diving board ! That was a big jump. ! They just did belly smackers. I would not do a belly smacker. It would hurt. ! That was a perfect dive. Th......Read the rest...
Categories: smacker, 10th grade,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member My Sweet Kimmie
...I know a young lady named Kimmie A big smacker I wish she could gimmie Plus a long distant squeezie From this dear Asian sweetie Would sure put a zing in my dinghy......Read the rest...
Categories: smacker, sweet love,
Form: Limerick
Kiss Kiss
...A kiss a kiss, its only a kiss Pucker up and try not to miss A sign of affection and joy When boy kiss girl, girl kiss boy If its a peck on the cheek Or a lip smacker you need Makes you feel wa......Read the rest...
Categories: smacker, boyfriend, cute love, girlfriend,
Form: Rhyme
Love Floats
...Lip smacker candies that float in the air singing hearts and sweetened tarts she kisses him, with tender loving care cuz she loved him from the very start...Read the rest...
Categories: smacker, art,
Form: Rhyme
Smurf Too
...There once was a smurf named Smurfette, who smurfed around in a blue smurfvette. She dated a smurf whose first name was Smacker. When they had their first date he smurfed and smacked her. A......Read the rest...
Categories: smacker, funny, light,
Form: I do not know?
Premium Member A Happy Set To
...A big smacker on the bum is usually a good sign Especially if accompanied by an extra long sigh If the other party drools Even better the rules For a long and happy set to, if no one's ne......Read the rest...
Categories: smacker, fun,
Form: Limerick

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry