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Slipknot Poems - Poems about Slipknot

Slipknot Poems - Examples of all types of poems about slipknot to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for slipknot.
Premium Member The External World of The Internal
... “The External World of the Internal” when the Internal finally woke up, it was like all the words in that book, flew at It like flaming arrows, an external bar......Read the rest...
Categories: slipknot, humanity, muse, satire,
Form: Narrative
The Kiss of Death
...We'll dread If we're on our deathbed We'll cry For we're going to die That sin It's a turmoil within So pale To feel so very frail In hours I'll give you a flower Suppose I'll give you a r......Read the rest...
Categories: slipknot, 12th grade, death, magic,
Form: Couplet

Premium Member Defamation of Character At Winters End
...Tribute to our limerick humorist, Tom Cunningham. This poem written as response to his poem: WINTER’S END HUMOR DEFAMATION OF CHARACTERS AT WINTER’S END This Tom is a son o......Read the rest...
Categories: slipknot, humor,
Form: Limerick

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member A Sliver of Nirvana
...In cut throat fashion the sadist kindly applies the garrotte The guitar is a bit out of tune and needed some tension Two love birds in soft tune and no further strings attached Lights near......Read the rest...
Categories: slipknot, fantasy,
Form: Lyric
Premium Member Sting
... Quite a thing a sting Drive down hard eternity Slipknot creeps your flying venom Bring your vial of death to me You need no trial to make a point Denied your paltry platitude You......Read the rest...
Categories: slipknot, career, corruption, insect, jobs,
Form: Rhyme

Hold Me It Hurts
...Ever since my birth I've felt cold in this world as a kid I was made to feel like i didn't have a voice, so now I put my soul in these words for the new me to be born, I had to put the old me in di......Read the rest...
Categories: slipknot, deep, feelings, inspirational, truth,
Form: Free verse
Demonically Dispossessed
...Demonically Dispossessed has the ability to express great love, and dispense great evil... The legions of darkness descend as they beastly bewilder and offen......Read the rest...
Categories: slipknot, conflict, evil, fear, humanity,
Form: Rhyme
Colourless Rainbow
...A mental wall of pain and thrall With silent sobs and bodies sprawled Onto this note I hastily scrawl The memories that I recall I recall a rainy night With blood so red at sheets so white I ......Read the rest...
Categories: slipknot, abuse, anger, betrayal, bullying,
Form: Rhyme
Pain In Variety
...We need a change in society I'm seeing Heartbreak, backstabbing, Violence and Betrayal People are full of hate, Drama, and don't know how to be faithful We're dealing with pain in variety New d......Read the rest...
Categories: slipknot, deep, discrimination, encouraging, judgement,
Form: Free verse
On the Other Side
...` From a weary weathered beach I watch the sunset fade beneath angry wintered seas drowning possibilities of another moonlit night washing up on shore and still I go on, for what calls can ......Read the rest...
Categories: slipknot, longing, love, ocean,
Form: Free verse
While Sittin' At the Light
...*written for my daughter Erin's birthday, to be sung by her boyfriend and his band(??) Rolled up to the street light and there she sat Rappin ' 'er finger......Read the rest...
Categories: slipknot, birthday, crush, funny love,
Form: Ballad
Hurting Inside, Sad Felling Inside
...A Girl Trap In Far Mazes Hurt And Emotional Like No One Understands Her She Cries Her Self To Sleep Hoping For A Blessing Can Save Bad Days Are Here, Also Another Depressed Day Holding Th......Read the rest...
Categories: slipknot, deep, depression, fear, sorrow,
Form: ABC
Identical Laces
...I thought she was insane I think my world is about to I thought she was full of her self I think the world insists I th......Read the rest...
Categories: slipknot, character, daughter, metaphor, mom,
Form: Free verse
Black Currant Roll Fiestas the church of the latter day pipe dream the jungle heartbeat settles with the sleeping sun, the hightone choir kicks up a midnite melody filled with street bead jubilee in the chiily frost a hou......Read the rest...
Categories: slipknot, allegory, howl, music, passion,
Form: Burlesque
Hell's Encore
...Upon awakening; I asked myself afore this mirrors red rainwater reflection Why am I here dancing with these slipknot silhouetted shadows.... Ghost about this acids, crossbones darkened gray g......Read the rest...
Categories: slipknot, hope, life, love,
Form: I do not know?

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