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Short Skeptics Poems

Short Skeptics Poems. Below are examples of the most popular short poems about Skeptics by PoetrySoup poets. Search short poems about Skeptics by length and keyword.

Fools believe in fantasy. 
Skeptics see through all.
Devout and doubting, both in me,
Divided by a schizoid wall....

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© Steve Eng  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: skeptics, angst
Form: Verse

One In a Million
Skeptics are shrieking
You are one of a million;
Ignore their voices
When you find your true calling
You are one in a million...

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Categories: skeptics, encouraging, identity, judgement, life, people, work,
Form: Tanka
" The stars are the cosmic luminaries to those skeptics of watchers who assume they only shine their light in the darkness. "

Alfredo Gonzales ©...

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Categories: skeptics, stars,
Form: Free verse
a grand sweeping hand
obscuring insight,
commanding demand
with energies bright
to seize and appease
while motions most sleight
corrupt to disrupt
when skeptics indict....

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© John Weber  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: skeptics, satire,
Form: Rhyme
Skeptics Rule
You would think fortune tellers would know,
for their crystal balls would surely show;
so on Mondays weekly,
why don’t we get to see,
the headlines read psychic wins lotto....

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Categories: skeptics, humor,
Form: Limerick

Premium Member An Ancient Civilization
Are we now realizing an ancient civilization Living 100,000 years ago at an undiscovered location Skeptics don't believe Think we deceive But no one was alive to prove the first nation

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Categories: skeptics, history,
Form: Limerick
Every Human a Billboard
Every human being a is bill board
On each on the roadside of life
Devils advertise vices attractively
Angels teach virtues with humility
Skeptics deny everything outright
God records responses quietly...

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Categories: skeptics, humanity, metaphor,
Form: Free verse
We Are
We Are

                                                   Victims of Time.
                                             Degenerates of Distance.
                                                 Skeptics of Love....

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© Pippi B.  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: skeptics, love
Form: Haiku
Premium Member He Rid Erin of Snakes: Or Did He
'Tis said Saint Patrick rid Erin of snakes

   If such is true what a great tale it makes

      Skeptics claim it ain't true

         Others haven't a clue

            Could be a scam like the Irish Sweepstakes...

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Categories: skeptics, humorous, ireland,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Faith Works
Truth-braced faith* pleases God's heart... Yielding labour of love's part Blessed service midst skeptics' dart.
*James 2:26 For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also. Verse in rhyme form March 18, 2019...

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Categories: skeptics, appreciation, christian, faith, god, jesus, spiritual, true
Form: Verse
Premium Member Believers and Skeptics
                      devout, fervent
         accepting, aiming, progressing
worshippers, devotees, persistent, cynics
     disbelieving, bearing, confounding
                   agnostic, cautious

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Categories: skeptics, creation, poetry, words,
Form: Diamante
Premium Member Grace of Life
Written: October 21, 2023 For Brian Strand Contest _____________________________ So true feel blue So scary To marry A fool to school Fall shrubs In tubs Falsehood Had stood Selfish sell fish Ethics Skeptics Psycho My foe Spell cast fell fast

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© Sotto Poet  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: skeptics, analogy, wisdom,
Form: Footle
The Ancient Ways
The forest echoes with glee
As all gather today
It is the sabbat we praise
Our sacred words we will say

Spirits of the sky we beckon
The Goddess keeps us pure
Love and life are our virtues
Of that, our skeptics we can assure

Through time our blessed souls soar
Great events we have observed
Nature stands the test of time
The message we bring is forever preserved...

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Categories: skeptics, faith, imagination, nature, people,
Form: Rhyme
Craving Craziness
I'm craving craziness
hmmm!! it tastes so sweet
I could touch violins 
with the symphony of skeptics
I grab at my trombone
and blow out hot air
Cooked to perfection
raw and nutritious is the treat outside the box
You know, from the artificial bakery
that only sells good goods
pretty pink and humble white
the frosting of false-hood
I'm craving delirium
Just to digest new world order...

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Categories: skeptics,
Form: Free verse
Dreams are conceived from the seed of a thought.
Protected and cherished to the heart it is brought.
Once planted therein it becomes a small sprout.
A voice of encouragement tends to protect if from drought.
The embrace of faith draws it beyond it's borders.
Bringing to shame the skeptics and hoarders.
Taking it's place in a world hard as stone.
Had fear gained control, dreams would never be known....

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Categories: skeptics, faith, inspirational, uplifting,
Form: I do not know?
Premium Member Human Nature
Man believes
       it is His right
           to choose
              His path in life.
                 Natural skeptics,
                   we only
                    trust our
                    wits, God, and
                 is part of
              our human nature,
           and yet, love holds the key
Man’s full potential.

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Categories: skeptics, 12th grade, feelings, how i feel, humanity,
Form: Verse
The Ides of March
The ides of March sing consideration
for widows who must accept that new name.
The guides of March bring realization:
 life, as it was, will never be the same.

The tides of March trace recalibration
as adjustments to the world we re-frame.

I confide this March in my Salvation.
Where do skeptics go in grief’s waiting game?
The offsides of March face deliberation.
mistakes made, can we move on without blame?


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Categories: skeptics, 11th grade, absence, death, identity, jesus, soulmate,
Form: Rhyme
What hurts the most
Why the sadness
Why the Shame
God views us all
Just the same

But where I struggle
Is not the norm
It’s slightly different
Where I’m torn

We all fall short
We all get mad
But how I bleed
A different bad

It’s unaccepted
And unexplained
It’s not text book
My flaws of brain

People gossip
Skeptics crowd
This kind of different
Is not allowed

What hurts the most
I couldn’t say
To be shut out
Or feel this way...

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Categories: skeptics, anxiety, depression,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Skeptics
Earth’s glaciers
       are melting and
              sea levels, yet
                 global warming and
                  climate change
                     brand these facts
                    as lies
                  and fake news.  
                 A tactic
              politicians use
           to protect big business
the name of progress.



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Categories: skeptics, 10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade, anxiety,
Form: Verse
                            Its’ soul
                        Unites us all
             Consciously becomes so clear
            Skeptics cannot doubt this truth 
    The sounds bring peace in times of doubt
      However, music is best at high vibration
           Otherwise, it may carry confusion
                It evokes emotions hidden
                    Bringing forth truth

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Categories: skeptics, music,
Form: Concrete
Premium Member South Africa
She has taken her place on the Southern tip of Africa
Out of slavery and wars 
United in the fight, against apartheid
The lady still thrived 
Heading for an ordained disaster, if she listened to the skeptics

Again she rose and amazed the world
Flauntingly hosted the soccer world cup,
Revered for her tenacity with her rainbow nation in tow
In fighting spirit,
Continually using sport as a uniting force 
And not disillusioned about the continual battle against poverty and strife...

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Categories: skeptics, places
Form: Acrostic
On Earth Day
Earth Day’s not a worth day
For the skeptics and polluters
And, add to that, the bigots and
The ask-no-question shooters.

For those who value someone’s life
So little they’d take aim
And fire a weapon with no thought
That they could kill or maim

Most certainly don’t care about
The animals and plants
Or rescuing our planet
When, right now, we have a chance.

It’s sad to think about the earth
That we will leave behind,
But even worse to face
The callousness of humankind....

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Categories: skeptics, earth day,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Reflection on the Important Things