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Short Postponed Poems

Short Postponed Poems. Below are examples of the most popular short poems about Postponed by PoetrySoup poets. Search short poems about Postponed by length and keyword.

A Smile Postponed
A smile postponed 
a strange on face
a treachery to fellow men 
before God a sin...

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Categories: postponed, simile,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Lockdown Letdown
anxious heart made sick
anticipation postponed—
beware second wave


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© Mark Toney  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: postponed, sick, world,
Form: Senryu
Cool: Social disease out breaks here and there, 
     Is the bug ceremony day not at all postponed?....

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Categories: postponed, inspirational,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Postponed Convention
I had a convention to attend but I had to return home
because the Procrastinator's Convention had been postponed....

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Categories: postponed, life,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Procrastinator Conference Day
To all that this may concern, let this notice be known,
"The Procrastinator Conference Day, has yet again been postponed."...

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Categories: postponed, day,
Form: Couplet

Premium Member Plans, Pain and Rain
My day's plans don't include pain
       or snow, sleet, or rain

     Maybe they could; but to what possible good
       Once postponed, what have I gained...

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Categories: postponed, dedication, motivation, today, weather,
Form: Rubai
Down a catacomb

Trains halt in the underground;

I linger on the fourth stop

Time dusting roses --

Yet again your return postponed.

Aug 16, 2019...

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Categories: postponed, conflict, hurt, time,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Bill's Fate
Bill swallowed two blue pills for his date
As he wanted to please his new mate
He then answered his phone
Told his date was postponed
As the swelling below made him faint...

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Categories: postponed, fun, humor,
Form: Limerick
Till Now I Do Not Know
Till now I do not know,
purity of human mind and actions.
Signature is printed mistake.
Oath is a verbal crucifixion.
Promise is a postponed lie.
Truth is the talk of cowards...

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Categories: postponed, humanity, integrity, irony,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Autumn Moon
Passing by the midnight gloom 
Daylight had breathed its last breath
Memories are photographs 
Dawn of the sunset began
Postponed by the autumn moon
Imagine lover's lane strolls...

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Categories: postponed, 12th grade, autumn, love,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Procrastination
A lazy man's dialect
Langston Hughes' dream deferred
A place in the sun, postponed

Date written: 06/08/2020...

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Categories: postponed, analogy, perspective, truth,
Form: Dodoitsu
Premium Member In the Midst of Guys
One in many is an added colourant
queen bee and most desired, yet concordant
jokes can never be postponed
laughter comes in sets of drones
the heart picks one as stain then marks the blue pant....

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Categories: postponed, boy, boyfriend, friend, girl, girlfriend, people, relationship,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Separated
The issues blur when you are in the twilight zone,
When you are not married or divorced, and life is postponed.
This too shall pass, as you discover new reasons to laugh,
Because now you are in the company of the “better half.”...

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Categories: postponed, divorce, relationship,
Form: Rhyme
defied by hell
beside myself
i tried to tell
this lie so well.

if only my skill
postponed by will
was holy not ill
with lonely eyes still.

but this cursed sigh
cuts worse inside
so immersed i writhe
in this hearse i ride....

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Categories: postponed, dark,
Form: Rhyme
Had tickets for the Yankee game
But it has been postponed.
Relentless rain was forecast
Where the stadium is zoned.

The make-up date they gave us
Is the third week in September,
So we will have another shot – 
If only we remember!...

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Categories: postponed, baseball, rain,
Form: Rhyme
Sin of Sloth
Postponed, are trials of today
for time tempts us to rather snore.
Stagnant, are the bucket lists,
'til death knocks on heaven's door. 

05 July 2022
Sponsored by Margarita Lillico 
7877 Syllable count by Poetry Soup Syllable Counter...

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Categories: postponed, heaven, life, time,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Haiku Alleviation
lava inspires

melts frozen apocalypse ~

cold comfort postponed

4th August 2020

Ever since I visited Hawaii as an adolescent, I am in awe of volanoes. The surf was, of course also impressive. I learnt much latter, that the two are connected ......

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Categories: postponed, appreciation,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member No Time For Flip-Flops
snow covers green grass with slippery ice crystals no time for flip-flops Real slippery slope Landing hard on my backside Fighting back the tears no cause for laughter broken bones are not a joke planned ski trip postponed
Written December 6, 2022...

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Categories: postponed, snow, weather, winter,
Form: Senryu
It Starts
It starts, no clue
just symptoms

Unsure that's professionals,
postponed it multiplies,
it grows, it dominates.
no rubber, no eraser,
it is permanently written.

It is chronic

No solution just hope
filled with pills: that
resuscitate, by acquiring
time to live here
and there...

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Categories: postponed, drug, grief, health, sympathy,
Form: Free verse
Some Little Philosophy
Hope deferred makes the heart heavy,
And justice postponed is justice denied;
Faith betrayed is faith undeserved,
For peace is peace if mutually desired.

Little is little if more is there,
And more is more if the giver is fair;
Excess is surplus if enough is known,
And it cannot be reaped that which was not sown!...

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Categories: postponed, philosophy, peace, peace,
Form: Rhyme
Couplet - Overcome - In the Square Couplet
Present, Future, Past
Mind meanders in time, defined -
NOW postponed by gulping stale wine:
Three vats: Present, Future - then Past!
Eckhart Tolle broke free at last
When recycled thoughts turn us mad
We gaze and chant; go gospel glad
Knowing Past-Future is fake time
Freed in NOWNESS, we re-tool time...

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© Anil Deo  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: postponed, 12th grade, fear, future, psychological, time, today,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member Figments of One's Imagination
Figments of one's imagination  transformations and inconsistent dreams postponed images of one's  mind's eye.
Creativeness and non realities  of one's
imagination a fairy tale, a made up story?
Passions and inquisitiveness into existence 
being bearing  and imaging it into actuality and
materalization figments of one's imagination...

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Categories: postponed, adventure, confidence, creation, destiny, image, imagination, universe,
Form: Dramatic Verse
Premium Member Hiatus

            Engagement over.
            Then wedding date to get fixed.
            and Covid -outbreak.
            Marriage postponed for one year.
            Courtship to extend.


' All yours (April 25 )  Contest by Brian Strand...

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Categories: postponed, anxiety, marriage,
Form: Tanka
I saw a flash
Six billion electrons
So many horses in so little space
The charging calvary
Of light
In shape of forking tongue
The forehead
And cumulous-nimbus dark frown
And the hooves
Rolling far away
The last rider 
On the scream of day.
It was then I understood
Small as bead as sweat
To postponed death....

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Categories: postponed, history, nature,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Cold Stone
The conversation we never finished
lies heavy on my mind,
as heavy as the cold stone
that covers the place you must sleep.
Our musings are forever now postponed.
why did the Fates not weave our love as one?
time has come and swiftly flown;
fate has cut the threads,
alabaster angels fold their wings and weep,
while stone cold marble marks eternal rest....

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Categories: postponed, death,
Form: Free verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things