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Short Bullshit Poems

Short Bullshit Poems. Below are examples of the most popular short poems about Bullshit by PoetrySoup poets. Search short poems about Bullshit by length and keyword.

Premium Member - Footle For Jan Allison -

  Make it
  a hit

   07.07.2015 A-L Andresen :)
   Copyright © All Rights Reserved...

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Categories: bullshit, fun,
Form: Footle

Premium Member On the Endangered List
politics can be 
art can be 
family can be 
life can be

bullshit can be 

sometimes large
and can be
on the endangered list...

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Categories: bullshit, art, family, humor, humorous, life, philosophy, political,
Form: Blank verse
Premium Member Bullshit
Politics can be 
Art can be 
Family can be 
Life can be

can be 
but never
on the endangered list...

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Categories: bullshit, art, family, humor, life, political, pollution,
Form: Free verse
Forced Affection
your harsh words act as a williwaw 
they pull the roots of my soul and rip em out

i'm confused because just yesterday 
we made love and now you're yelling
out bullshit, what's that all about?...

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Categories: bullshit, boyfriend, break up, cry, depression, feelings,
Form: Dodoitsu
What Is Love
what is love
just another bullshit lie
that some one tells
you while looking you straight in the eye

what is love
just another stupid feeling
that people think is real
when all it is, is just a big joke...

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Categories: bullshit,
Form: I do not know?


Another morning
Bathed in bullshit
Nothing ever seems to change
Without warning
I try to dodge the bullet
Though as it enters,
I watch my blood drain
My pain…fade

How strange;
This fight,
For Eternity....

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Categories: bullshit, life,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Relativity
Sometimes choosing is a necessary
suckiness of life

Funerals trump weddings
Birthings trump most things

honesty trumps profits
soul-shine trumps cash
freedom trumps bullshit
your gun or my gun?

Depends on whose ass....

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Categories: bullshit, happiness, philosophy,
Form: Rhyme
Random Thoughts*14* a Clerihew

Grabbing the microphone, Kanye' West.
For Beyonce', he would contest.
A brilliant artist,"Amazing"....Bullshit!!!!!!
Congratulations Taylor Swift!!!!!!!! 

Jared Pickett	

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Categories: bullshit, life
Form: Clerihew
Falling To Shit
Falling to shit..
Find it hard just to write

I can't see anymore..
Need a couple of lights.

Growing old?  "Golden Years"?
I call bullshit, for sure.

I'll just stop getting old....
Yeah, I think that's the cure!!...

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© Bm Bm  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: bullshit, age, funny, happy,
Form: Rhyme
No More
No more
No more hurt no more pain
Nothing to lose nothing to gain
No more fights no more tears
No more bullshit lonely years
No more down no more out
No more love without a doubt
No more you no more me 
No talking wait and see 
No more no more no more...

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Categories: bullshit, dark,
Form: ABC
pressure, temptation, healing, scars.
So much agitation, so much nerves. 
Everyone is so pissy, makes me wanna cut.
No incoming money, none to pay my stuff.
I wanna go back, to the place where im at peace,
no ranting raving bullshit, to tear piece from piece....

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Categories: bullshit, life
Form: Free verse
Men With Bullshit Mentalities
It's so hard to teach "men" with "bullshit" mentalities
The alphabetic of spiritualities.
That does not mean to give up your hope
One should keep saying it! Simple, it's not to them
They shall keep calling you, myna, parrot, moo or so and so
Please, remember
Few are the members
Many are the numbers jumpers....

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Categories: bullshit, wisdom,
Form: Free verse
Our Plastic Utopia
The need to be cosseted from reality 
numbs our minds 
creating a majority 
of underdeveloped scared 
boastful, ignorant belittlers 
blur the lines between reality 
and plastic utopia 
hiding the complexities of the world 
with coffees and cream and music and bullshit...
where did it all go wrong?...

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Categories: bullshit, culture, judgement, political,
Form: Free verse
Surreal Dreams
This is all in my head, I'm merely dreaming, eternally dead

They say the dead can't dream, I say bullshit! We may be buried but we retain our heads 

Stop time and start over again, don't worry, we'll follow through; we'll do it the same

We'll build empires and fight as we perpetually chip away at the human reign...

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Categories: bullshit, anger, conflict, corruption, dream, people, philosophy, sleep,
Form: Rhyme
We all suffer at the hands of another
wish we could see it's not our fault
but our mother's.
Praying to the wall
it'll make you feel  better
I won't stand for that bullshit
won't even pray for a brother.
For there's no such thing as a God 
but sorrow and hate
We,us humans, **** one another
to incriminate
our fears and losses.
we're our own devils in disguise
wearing upside down crosses....

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© Jolly Figs  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: bullshit, betrayal, childhood, crazy, dark, evil, family,
Form: Lyric
Green Skies of Changed Times
secrets and lies
hidding and cheating
green skies
bad weather repeating.
head strong
heart sick
right ? or wrong ?...
bullshit sticks.
without answers.
reason? :
taking chances.
lessons go unlearned,
morals left behind,
times have turned.
nobody's purity shines.
naivity , has died with chivalry.
innocence is bliss.
now , who agrees with me...
how'd it come to this ?...

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Categories: bullshit, depression
Form: Rhyme
Meadow Mind

Just as surely 
My mind is also a meadow
Choked with out-of-control 
Wild creations
And filled deep with bullshit in places
May seem attractive to another’s eyes
Superficially inviting
But difficult and impractical 
To live in

**  With thanks to fellow poet Maureen McGreavy, 
whose poem NORMALLY MY MIND’S A MEADOW gave 
me the idea for my verse here...

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Categories: bullshit, imagination,
Form: Light Verse
Premium Member My Unique Line - N,J, -
Most stuff is bullshit,
which on its own is impressive,
but if you're a cow... moo, Moo, MOO, WOW!

the reason I think this is impressive is because it's succinct and rings true.
and then I pretend I'm a cow and I'm just like so freakin' amazed that there's very few words for it except onomatopoeiaic ones and like that's the most impressive thing EVER!!

*This is not really a footle, but if I were a cow, I'd pretend it was....

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Categories: bullshit, animals,
Form: Footle
Do you know what it's like?
Never wanting to wake up.
What it's like to be laying in bed
With all of these thoughts going through your head
Death. Does it hurt?
Is it like sleeping?
Shit, It must be great.
The nightmare would end, right? 
Can I try it?
I never want to wake up. Please
I'm begging you, just let me sleep.
Because the nightmares I see in my dreams,
They are still more pleasant than this bullshit terror I see when I'm awake....

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Categories: bullshit, death, depression, slam,
Form: Free verse
Getting sick of bullshit
Sick of it all.
I wanna throw in the towel
And not think of it anymore.
"Everything that happens,
Happens for a reason"
Is what you tell me
But I ain't believing.
Is this really my life?
Or a bad dream that
I can't wait up from.
When will someone 
Come wake me up.
Tell me it wasn't real
And that my life is perfect. 
But perfection you see 
Is only in fairy tales. 
Sadly it's not for me. 
This is reality,
And I'm sick of it all....

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Categories: bullshit, anger, voice,
Form: Narrative
Any (every) man
can brag about his conquests, 
the notches in his belt
little rungs on a ladder
baptized in bullshit. 

Any (every) man
can regale you with stories
of their swordsmanship or cunning

Any (let's just be honest and say all) man
can try to hold a woman down
while pretending to hold her hand.

But it takes a REAL man
to look a beautiful woman 
in her emerald moth eyes
and say;

"Will you teach me how to fish? "...

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© C Fuller  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: bullshit, woman,
Form: Free verse
Dead thoughts
Rotting flesh
Create living cages
creatures paraded on stages
Go to church, pay bills, working; a living fraud
Self-awareness begets Self-deceit a reflection
A mirror unfairness - mirror of defeat
The human condition kills
Historical shame
Worn out name
To Maraud.
Go head for the hills
plethora of opponents
endless bombardment infinite myriad
Propaganda - now buying the bullshit leaders sell
Just another component in the universal machine called god...

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Categories: bullshit, animal, god, longing, space,
Form: Suzette Prime
Do Gays Go To Hell
Early 12th day
Into the month after may
50 people were killed
Because they were gay
I sit here with tears in my eyes
Sitting, thinking
And to my suprise
A thought came to my head
But I don't know why
I thought to my self
About the book on my shelf
The oh so holy bible
And the religions deciples
What do they think
Are they happy to hear of this news
Are they glad that there gay
And that they were blown away
They say bullshit sells
Is that why they think gays go to hell?...

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Categories: bullshit, death, discrimination, heaven, humanity, love, pride, religion,
Form: Free verse
Jesus, Muadduh, Spiderman, an Asgard, New Reporter
are sitting around the table asking how the Rapture would happen
the new reporter asked Jesus first and he said "i would just make them fly into the sky"
Muaddah said "drop bombs then fly"
Spiderman said "dude i'm an atheist"
the Asgard said "i would use a torando and leave the women"
the new reporter then said "britallant idea i would just never report it"
then Jesus turned to the person to the right and said "muaddah thats bullshit!"...

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Categories: bullshit, funny, , atheist,
Form: Free verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things