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Nude Poems - Poems about Nude

Nude Poems - Examples of all types of poems about nude to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for nude.
Premium Member Swim At Your Own Risk
Swimming in the pool was Lou- Lou, In distress yelled, ”MA! Gotta poo !” Momma was too late. So the cowboy, Nate, stuck in head n'said, “Howdy-DOO!” ...Read the rest...
Categories: nude, 1st grade, child, funny,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Nude Musings
Like the full moon I sleep nude Feeling less than new Yet quite comfortable in my skin Despite fuchsia flaw My inner child claws At any chance to be lost Like lavender flowers of the wall Blending in the lesser of sins For one...Read the rest...
Categories: nude, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Peachy Day On a Nude Beach
Don's girlfriend blushed the pink hue of a peach But she kept her body beyond his reach She firmly resisted Until he insisted "But that's why I brought you to a nude beach!"...Read the rest...
Categories: nude, beach, humor,
Form: Limerick

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Cubistic Nude Reclining
"cubistic nude reclining" i PAINt pain staking ly eye Si her mOUTh OHpenning as if sHE wanTS too c'est SO meTHING butt it is knot a whore I zon but 1 of HEr ver tickle S miles...Read the rest...
Categories: nude, color,
Form: Free verse
Nudist Lady
Noticed the Nude lady from the rear Within the full moon Such a unique image was imprinted in my memory In my lifeless heart, it burned itself. Ancient opponent's wailing can be heard in the distance She approaches, grinning...Read the rest...
Categories: nude, america, angel, body, feelings,
Form: Burlesque
My Sanctuary For Naked Slumber
I go to sleep in eden's garden I'm surrounded by flowers and leaves I fall asleep completely Naked, as i breathe in the fragrant flowers I rest in the tranquil garden. In my Nakedness I go to sleep where...Read the rest...
Categories: nude, africa, bible, gospel, internet,
Form: Grook
Nudism - the Important Issue of the Hour
It is difficult to get rid of the false self A believable mask has taken years to develop Such safety precautions demand extensive disguising Dear i ask, why can't we all be living in the bare? The conditioning begins...Read the rest...
Categories: nude, africa, art, books, internet,
Form: Didactic
Being a Christian Nudist
I'm a christian Nudist, I believe that the only way to find true pleasure as a christian, Is to give up all worldly belongings, live as a Nudist, And worship God in the skin you were born...Read the rest...
Categories: nude, africa, angel, art, bible,
Form: Classicism
I Am Nudism
I - I will never accept hate speechs from fake moral hypocritical brokers A - aiming, hoping, and wishing for a Nudist country M - maybe not now, but someday it will come to pass N - never...Read the rest...
Categories: nude, art, body, i am,
Form: Bio
Premium Member Blue Nude Iv Henri Matisse
in a simple abstract shape- ...Read the rest...
Categories: nude, art,
Form: Monoku
Premium Member Weeping Nude
Her heart is heavy with despair, her soul abandoned Unruly tangled locks modestly shroud her face and flesh, Yet her naked rawness, a voyeur’s ideal conception Yielding to a drab empty room mirroring a bereft mood Bedding ladened with...Read the rest...
Categories: nude, art, perspective,
Form: Ekphrasis
Premium Member Blue Nude
Matisse's Blue Nude IV My eye was attracted to the Blue nude by the intensity of colour- the image triggering stark sensations drawn by the simple abstract shape....Read the rest...
Categories: nude, art,
Form: Tetractys
Premium Member Weeping Nude - Edvard Munch
Inspired by Weeping Nude by Edvard Munch 1913. Viewing the image will make sense of the poem. It's a tame painting, but not sure if within PS rules to add to the post i.e it's...Read the rest...
Categories: nude, abuse, angst,
Form: Ekphrasis
It Is Rude To Be Nude
To boldly stand before me nude Is something I consider rude, Your secrets presenting like food, While the very act is damned rude… What you might achieve I can’t say But I could swear you did not pray: Against Temple of...Read the rest...
Categories: nude, evil, image, integrity, perspective,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member He Walked In the Nude, a Man Unto Himself and Much More
He Walked In The Nude, A Man Unto Himself And Much More He walked in the nude, a man unto himself and much more His life and escapades but death falling from a high trapeze And his oozing...Read the rest...
Categories: nude, art, character, creation, freedom,
Form: Rhyme

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