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New Poems - Poems about New

New Poems - Examples of all types of poems about new to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for new.
Premium Member windows on the world
coffee midst clouds aloft windows on the world september voices eternal...Read the rest...
Categories: new, 7th grade, 8th grade,
Form: Haiku

Premium Member Blink Twice
Eastern Europe’s shtetl life romantically recalled Fiddler on the Roof beloved by all ...Read the rest...
Categories: history, jewish, new york,
Form: Rhyme
Engagement Pics
Sometimes on my morning walk, When no one is around, I’ll pass by a photographer And know that I am bound To see a dressed-up couple, Posed and smiling, thinking of The lovely pics to show to all To prove their new-found...Read the rest...
Categories: new york, today,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Glad-handing
the press of the crowd reset trouser creases glad-handing, back slaps he almost kissed a baby! compared to a...Read the rest...
Categories: new york, people, senses,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member Midnight Has Come To Our Town
Midnight has come to our town, it's already a New Year; come out and have some fun, fill the streets loud noises and cheer! Trash the old dreams, start the new ones; hear corks popping, rise glasses and sing! The January...Read the rest...
Categories: new, anxiety, celebration, dream, hope,
Form: Lyric

A City Bus or Train
Ride a city bus or train And you will get a sense Of humankind of every strain - Behold the evidence: The old, the young, the thin, the fat, The handicapped, the frail, The homeless, jock or spoiled brat, The...Read the rest...
Categories: new york, travel,
Form: Rhyme
New York Day
Had an old-time New York day – Took the bus to see a play. Understudy for the star – Still, the show was up to par. Dinner in a lovely place – Food and beer we could...Read the rest...
Categories: appreciation, new york,
Form: Rhyme
A Small Surprise
On my morning walk, which is Adjacent to the river, A small surprise is sometimes what The city does deliver. So yesterday, I heard a thump, Metallic, so I slowed, Expecting that a hubcap flew From somewhere on the road. Instead, I saw...Read the rest...
Categories: mystery, new york,
Form: Rhyme
Shadow Box
. for public domain Sometimes my shadow, more inviting than me, a dark apparition on city walkways, catches the passing cast down eye, more so than the benched shadow caster nearby. The shadow invites no one to speak, to open one's...Read the rest...
Categories: chicago, new york,
Form: Free verse
In a Car
It’s hard to get from A to B If you are in a car, Although I guess it could depend, Of course, on where you are. In New York’s metro area, The traffic’s so much worse Than just a few short...Read the rest...
Categories: car, new york,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Holiday Wishes for 2024
This holiday season I wish you cheer And a happy, prosperous New Year! If you are a swing state resident, I hope your choice won’t be president....Read the rest...
Categories: humor, new year, political,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member Marx on the Hudson
They used to call it the Empire State. But the empire isn't doing too great. Democrats in power, big ideas they plan. Too bad for the middle class and the forgotten man. Low-income high rise in your village Middle class...Read the rest...
Categories: new york, political,
Form: Lyric
Premium Member One New Year’s Eve
in a festive room where only gladness should bloom she sat feeling gloom there was mistletoe in the doorway hanging low . . . she got up to go as she reached the door a man no one could ignore touched her to...Read the rest...
Categories: new year,
Form: Senryu
Premium Member The Earth Is Changing
The Earth is shaking, The world is quaking, Climate change is taking its toll. New York city, A place so pretty, Now feeling the wrath of Mother Nature's roll. Floods and fires, Hurricanes and earthquakes, The signs are clear, but are we too...Read the rest...
Categories: environment, natural disasters, new
Form: Rhyme
Flaco's Memorial
From 4 – 5 in Central Park, Beneath his favorite tree, So many fans of Flaco* gathered – Yes, including me. Around the trunk were letters, Poems and pictures and bouquets From all of us who knew how Flaco Brightened up...Read the rest...
Categories: bird, new york,
Form: Rhyme

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