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Long Perspicacity Poems

Long Perspicacity Poems. Below are the most popular long Perspicacity by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Perspicacity poems by poem length and keyword.

Premium Member Poetic Encryption Like Ancient Egyptian
Poetic Encryption Like Ancient Egyptian

This terror and threat to poetic clarity,
Becomes a pet rock for some poets.

Words do count for sure, but so does
Clarity unless poets put a mask on.

Encryption can be used to mask...

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Categories: perspicacity, allegory, analogy, emotions, imagination, metaphor, passion, symbolism,
Form: Narrative

I a youthsome wholesome jokesome handsome
I (a youthsome, wholesome, jokesome, handsome,...
gamesome, chucklesome, bothersome,
and awesome modest fellow)...
does not deliberately court immortalization,
and wonders what criteria confer elevation,
exaltation, glorification, hero worship,
idolization, veneration, or worship.

I go about a daily humdrum routine
me, a twenty first...

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Categories: perspicacity, age, appreciation, birth, creation, desire, fishing, longing,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Gifted By God
I am just a nobody with no fortune and no fame,
But rich in ways many others wouldn't ever think to claim.
Among His many blessings, I'm blessed with a Gift to create,
To share with and touch...

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Categories: perspicacity, blessing, faith, god, inspiration, love, perspective, thanksgiving,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Sleep, Evanescent
Deep, deep, deeper ...

A dark so fluid I am lost
Swimming, choking, in ink
Still, I dive, soaring down, down
Faster and faster as I dive

I breathe now, sucking in light
And brilliance and purifying joy
I fill my being...

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Categories: perspicacity, dream, memory, wisdom,
Form: Free verse
Mister Money Bags No More
Mister money bags no more

Ah..., how I idolize the days of yore
before June twentieth, and twenty first
two thousand twenty three
when utter senselessness wore,
a trail of woe brutally
ravaging and savaging mine psyche,
yours truly attests gullibility tore

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Categories: perspicacity, abuse, america, anger, anxiety, august, betrayal, evil,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Night
Whereas last night the full moon made the night resemble a cold day
Today clouds give the night its old shrouded, crowding demeanor.
Ghosts stalk the forest gleaming (at me) from just beyond the circle of

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Categories: perspicacity, fire, light, moon, night, peace, power, wind,
Form: Verse
More n nine months on
More'n nine months on...

and still I feel infuriated at myself
concerning squandered funds
passively, senselessly, and willingly
surrendered nest egg
to computer hackers
(imposters, jackknifing, and liquidating)
coercing me to forfeit funds,
whereby yours truly (me) blindsided
thru convincing telephonic dialogue
witnessing unquestioned trust


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Categories: perspicacity, abuse, anger, angst, bereavement, crush, fate, heartbroken,
Form: Free verse
Adam’s Rib?
Adam’s Rib, or did you come from Adam’s Rib?,
Were you a progeny of Man,
Or rather grafted by the cosmos, in the image of sacred splendor,
Black Body,
Beautiful and Slender,
Round and Tender,
Is it your shape that...

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Categories: perspicacity, black-african amerbeautiful, beautiful, image, me,
Form: Blank verse
Dear Satan
Dear Satan,
Dear Satan,
You have my honor, my respect, and my admiration,
For how can I not admire you?
For you are not even as great as God, and yet you use your power more.

You take the time...

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Categories: perspicacity, angst, sad, god, me, time, god, me,
Form: Blank verse
Child Labour
Please do me a favour ,
Ruin the acts of child labour;
Soft hands which have to take pencil,
You classify them under worker's council;
Let's pump the education in mind,
Train them to innovate ideas they need...

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Categories: perspicacity, bullying, child,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Confounded - S,Jagathsimhan Nair

by~ S.Jagathsimhan Nair

When tension grips and the head reels
In its ever accelerated twirl
When two rays dangle from two flayed poles,
And the dumb loss of a moment’s truth
Looks so conspicuous...

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Categories: perspicacity, confusion, loss, loss,
Form: Free verse
Awakening On a May Day
When I awake, to face the world anew,
I lie musing, wondering what next I’ll do?
Shall I resume work I began yesterday,
or plan to undertake a new chore today?
What urgency is there for me to toil?

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Categories: perspicacity, nature,
Form: Narrative

When tension grips and the head reels
In its ever accelerated twirl
When two rays dangle from two flayed...

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Categories: perspicacity, confusion, home, home,
Form: Free verse
Jettison Indecision and Imprecision
The fusion of indecision and imprecision robs lives of vitality
Freezing minds in a state of petrified fear
That slays sagacity, perspicacity and versatility
In circumstances where room for a tear

Lives and survives in dreams and screams
Born from...

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Categories: perspicacity, poems,
Form: Free verse
I Think
I think, therefore, I am.... 
the sum of my thought processes, 
a self-aware consciousness, 
assimilating bits and pieces 
of those whose paths I cross; 
an expanding evolution 
from minuscule inauguration. 
I am a by-product of...

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Categories: perspicacity, introspection, philosophy, visionary,
Form: Free verse
Poetic Mendicant
by Michaelw1two

 The bard, the muse, the low versifier,
 each the times bemoan;
 stressed by compassion's grasp,
 ingrained word sown life disowns;
 individualist rare, previews minds mood,
 frigid wills he does discern;
 insurrection, a thought...

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Categories: perspicacity, poets, riddle,
Form: Free verse
“Whoa children”, sayeth the author of perspicacity. “You may choose to be one of three. A slave, a whore or a rebel. Whichever you choose will make you pious amongst your kind, but a villain...

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Categories: perspicacity, corruption, dark, humanity, identity, image, society, symbolism,
Form: Free verse
True Poets should be Proud
To all those who perpetually write, sometimes between conflicted thoughts are reeling. It’s not perspicacity in you that you should seek, but the validity of your true feeling. A poem that to you may seem...

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Categories: perspicacity, appreciation, confidence, devotion, emotions, encouraging, identity, integrity,
Form: Rhyme
The Lady of Labyrinth
In light of locution 
dance delicately off her lips
"Lux Vitae"

Tree of Life, 
tribal councils conferred 
the coffers, re-offers
enriched and enhanced
three times three

smoke rises from the ash
and anew you glow
a river of gold
the body to...

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© Ts Poetry  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: perspicacity, love,
Form: Romanticism
The End
Alas I find it quite perverse, I only write in rhyming verse, the habit has become a 
It’s time I though of quitting
I’m very envious of those, who effortlessly turn out prose, that without rhyme...

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© Roy May  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: perspicacity, confusionwrite, time, education, time, write, , literature,
Form: I do not know?
Passionate Poverty
Poverty seems like a repellent stuck on the poor
Whose only fault lies in owning no property or asset to parade
Among wealth admirers and worshippers to whom poverty seems dour
In contexts where ostentatious display of wealth...

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Categories: perspicacity, poems,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Faith Defender and God Seeker
I'll be known by this alias:
faith defender and God seeker,
the humblest man of our race,
putting wisdom and truth first;
and I'll be judged, as everyone else,
for my reforming and opposing ways... 

If I only sought fame,...

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Categories: perspicacity, faithgod, god,
Form: Lyric
Premium Member Arctic Acuity

Mind marooned 
in complex convolution,
obscurity singular 
in each living entity. 
The psyche silhouettes
unique elements,
to alien attributes 
they won’t adhere. 

The reserved recess 
hides the riddles, 
sub-conscious search 
completely clueless. 
Probing entreaty, 
the preserve persuasive
of outside...

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Categories: perspicacity, analogy, pride, self,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Melancholy
The mood lifts from the lips, parched with permanent nicotine,
and falls, like snowflake-ashes from a turbulent volcano.
The uninhabited eye, underneath the patch - a vacant stare
into a cloudless night with flamenco-stars. Further from the truth

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Categories: perspicacity, angst, emotions, imagery, senses,
Form: Other
Golgotha Reborn
From the tattered frames of rock
Where the eyeless sockets stare,
To the surface of the waters
To be reflected there,
The harsh light of the dead
Slithers down the stone like tears,
And the muttering of the bracken
Stabs like polyphonic...

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© Tony Bush  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: perspicacity, death, nature, philosophy, nature, nature,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Shattered Sighs