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Long Pantheistic Poems

Long Pantheistic Poems. Below are the most popular long Pantheistic by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Pantheistic poems by poem length and keyword.

Premium Member Father Time's Interview
We don't have a lot of time,
or, well, I guess you do,
but I don't,
so let's plunge right into the first big question:
Which came first, form or function?

False dichotomy. No such thing as a totally dysfunctional...

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Categories: pantheistic, allegory, earth, environment, nature, philosophy, universe,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Healthy Politics As Unusual
soars Dr. Jane Anna Gordon,
turns our co-empathic evolving democracy project
into a verbal,
regenerative more,
degenerative less,
occasionally Elite-Pirates v NonElite-MultiCultural Prey revolution,
and even more unconsciously occasionally 
Elite/NonElite Creolizing-SelfReGenerative
crave to grave multicultural experience.

What could all this Elite and NonElite...

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Categories: pantheistic, beauty, body, community, culture, health, philosophy, power,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Rebuilding Paradise
like Rome
is not built
and not rebuilt
and rebuilt
and redeveloped
and healed
and redeemed
in one 24-hour
and recycle
and revolving
round day v night,

appreciatively regarding both day
and dualdark
rich and fertile 
souled and soiled
recycling night.

So too
my personal
and political
and economic
and ecological
and theologically reformed...

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Categories: pantheistic, earth, eve, god, health, love, paradise, passion,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member War of Worldviews
YangLeft: Those still capable of right thinking,
as our more civil
humane reflections
on bilateral political
and economic investment inflection,
sometimes cooperative
and democratically co-invested,
but usually just BusinessAsUsual
life remains a win/lose infested 
ZeroSum political disempowering game 

YintegrityRight: Sweety,
thanks for honorable...

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Categories: pantheistic, analogy, caregiving, earth, health, integrity, mental illness,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Once Upon a Reservation
Back in the height
of our pre-millennial military-industrial
post-revolutionary days
of competing excess...

No, love,
Stick with
Once upon our Sacred Times...

Once upon a time
here in the US of Northern Americas
we used a Reservation Model
to dispose of hopelessly disabled aboriginals,
too RightBrain...

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Categories: pantheistic, destiny, education, environment, green, health, humor, peace,
Form: Political Verse

Premium Member Earth Hugging
What could I do? 

What to do
when your biological,
and even formerly sober ecological,
relationships suddenly veer insanely romantic?

Or worse,
and yet
not always distrustful,
or not,
maybe deeper sadness
and occasional manic gladness
emerging inclusively wider questions
of approach and/or avoid

Both romantic
and yet...

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Categories: pantheistic, health, light, passion, peace, power, romantic love,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum
Premium Member When Multiculturally Presiding
As no one
never said
about nothing,

"Calling in human health care options
might not imply
calling out
lack of Earth-wealthy choices."

I could, possibly,
but certainly not prudently,
go all the way

Even further back,
to European roots
to StraightWhiteMale monoculturalism,
Christian-Royalist monotheistic supremacy
over educational
and development systems


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Categories: pantheistic, earth, earth day, environment, green, health, integrity,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Riding Sixties Shotgun
I was in the shotgun seat
in 1960 Lansing Michigan
headed straight as a harddrive
through ghettoizing "Negra Section"
hunting down our commercial whitebread 
heavenly ThriftyAcres

Wanna be a WalMart ImPlantation
but not Southern enough,
to withstand straight-male competition
in fluent White Privileged...

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Categories: pantheistic, beauty, community, culture, extended metaphor, health, romance,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Sacred Vestments
Rebuilding bipartisan explorations,
at least two-sided appositions,
like generously inclusive
and conservatively exclusive
worldviews of MotherEarth

Sacred polytheistic strains
and peak experiences felt
through love of life 
resilient win/win relationships

Freeing secular monopolistic brains
deeply thoughtful glad
LeftBrain speaking minds
no longer stuck
in win/lose  sad

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Categories: pantheistic, happiness, health, integrity, introspection, peace, science, senses,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Stuff I Wonder
What does it feel like to wake up into your skin?
Your day?
What do you feel first most days?
Is it in any way influenced by gratitude,
or totally given over to worry,
or, worse, anticipating 
shortness of healthy...

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Categories: pantheistic, dream, earth, health, identity, integrity, nature, religion,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Resilient Peak Experiences
Gayla Speak Experiences
promote healing events
not intended to contribute to trauma
drama narratives.

Stories we tell
and trust
and thrust
and softly smile about
when we dare to leave
our stiff 
stiffling closets.

universal dominants
friendly feasting
with BlueYintegral
unitarian intent

Together praising massively thick
and deeply embedded...

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Categories: pantheistic, culture, health, integrity, political, power, senses, sensual,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum
Premium Member Aborted Trauma Tales
When you and your wife visited,
you shared a question asked by a pastor
of a raped
and thereby pregnant
vulnerably young and questioning parishioner.

"If your unborn child survived
his first year
and walked back into your home
do you think you...

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Categories: pantheistic, abortion, death, health, humor, integrity, passion, peace,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum
Premium Member Healing Systemic Trauma
Can you make any sense of
systemic racism?

No more common sense than
too much patriarchalism--
all leftbrain dominant things
oppressing sacred Earth's
polycultural win/win systems
promoting resiliently wealthy
resonant synergetic health

Care given
as received
in fruitful wombs,
like apple cores in transition
from refuse
toward rebirth

May be...

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Categories: pantheistic, addiction, beauty, bullying, culture, health, history, peace,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum
Premium Member Exploring Midterm Mindbodies
Our minds play
an eisegetical game
transubstantiating our debating minds
translating our felt bodies
embodied contexts

Natural/Spiritual environments
felt yet untouched messages
spoken through ancient metaphoric narratives
polypathic tales
multiculturing mysteries
sacred polytheistic histories

egocentrically thoughtful

sacred trans-pantheistic skin
outside transparent reverence
for all born vulnerably holy
within and...

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Categories: pantheistic, animal, culture, health, integrity, peace, religion, soulmate,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum
Premium Member Neurosystemic Passions For Peace
We have come into this epic time
for survivors of dispassion
to age into sacred communion
we can all share,
and atheist
and pantheist
and all non-anthrosupremacists
in-between leftbrain 
snarky opinion leaders
and rightbrain 
slippery felt foolish followers
dancing what we must dance
while silently...

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Categories: pantheistic, culture, health, integrity, peace, power, psychological, wisdom,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum
Premium Member Masculine V Patriarchal
What looks sexy
and aesthetically pleasing
on Society's well-endowed Page

May not feel so hot
when StraightWhite Daddy's capital-headed
economic fornication systems
lead toward Great White Father's abortion
of global green forests
and resonantly blue skies 
and sun-warmed water 
resilient EarthCare

Cosmic polarizing predations

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Categories: pantheistic, black love, god, health, humor, hyperbole, integrity,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum
Premium Member When We Grow
If we don't know where we are going
this morning
this day
this week
this month
this winter
promising spring

Then we will continue to feel stuck
not impressed
with monocultural threats
and monopolistic climate traumas
of random stressful win/lose
and terrifying lose/lose
loss of agency to choose...

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Categories: pantheistic, christian, culture, health, integrity, journey, metaphor,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum
Premium Member Migrants Stepping Out
Regardless of culture,
of religion,
of national residency,
of gender,
of sexuality's vast pantheistic diversity,
of hemispheric prime presidency,

When humans step out of our shelters
into a riotously gorgeous
and fresh
perfect warm sunshine breezy
natural day,
we feel healing positive passion

Is what we have...

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Categories: pantheistic, destiny, earth day, environment, health, political, power,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Compassionate Education
Back in the day
of exclusively straight white male
anal-retentive missionaries,
the Church

Whether monoculturally Catholic
(which may become an oxymoron
one enlightened day)
or Protestant,

But certainly not polytheistically ecstatic,
like a perfect Thanksgiving meal
shared with EarthMother's sacred
deeply co-passionate
mutually resonant
and co-invested
convivial people

Proclaimed religious...

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Categories: pantheistic, christian, culture, education, health, power, religion, spiritual,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Planning With Integrity
Integral Permaculture Design,
like restorative EarthJustice therapies,
and compassionate communication skills training,

May become aptly applied
to both private
and public
ecological business planning
for optimizing health wealthing resilience.

So, you say,
my monotheistic creation teacher,
but these inside/outside healing classes
may require unspoken prerequisites
of openness...

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Categories: pantheistic, anxiety, caregiving, culture, health, integrity, peace, psychological,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum
Premium Member Integrity Grows Sacred
Natural Sacraments

Emerge from what sacred center,
committed to integrity's potential
become more resilient,
and not fragile

More nature-soul evolving
Earth's deepest
dark valleyed sacraments
of light and power.

Gandhi regenerated
humane love lives on
inhumane hate
patriarchal colonization
do not.

Even lesser losses
tend to shadow fade
across therapeutic rememorizing...

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Categories: pantheistic, culture, earth, health, integrity, passion, peace, political,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Earthwisdom
Elder indigenous RightBrain
peak resonant experience
is eco-synergetic,
so not ego-centric

Because interdependent organic systems
are EarthTribally animistic
not monopolized by mono-anthro
LeftBrain monotheistic dominance.

RightBrain prominent ecstasy
fulfills win/win co-invested play
of ecologically interdependent
cooperatively sacred
polycultural wu-wei

Democratic energy neuro-systems
secular health Left
embracing sacred wealth integrity
reforming bicameral...

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Categories: pantheistic, culture, health, integrity, peace, power, wisdom, woman,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum
Premium Member Love's Difference
What is the difference
between an anti-theist
and a pro-humanist?

What is the difference
between a terrorist
and a terrific zest?

What is the remainder
when subtracting NonZero-Sum WinWin outcomes
from Zero-Sum WinLose capital incomes?

Why do
Permaculture Designs
and Restorative Sacred Justice Resolutions
share the same...

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Categories: pantheistic, community, culture, earth, education, health, integrity, peace,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Over Underpowering
For happier me,
to healthier me,
with hotness We,
informing relationships 
emerge EarthBound sacred
co-invested communions
inter-religiously sacramental.

I do not insist
you share this integral worldview.

Yet, I do recommend
urgently proclaim
this holistic way,
trusted truth,
and loving life
merging past healthy resonance
toward future wealthy resilience


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Categories: pantheistic, community, earth, health, humanity, humor, integrity, power,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Left Getting Right Off and On
"The left hemisphere's assault on our embodied nature
is not just an assault on OUR bodies,
but on the embodied nature of the
[sacred EarthMother]
world around us."
Iain McGilchrist, The Master and his Emissary, p. 440

The WhiteMale monotheistic privileged...

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Categories: pantheistic, allah, earth, god, health, integrity, mother, sexy,
Form: Political Verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things