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Long Not yet Poems

Long Not yet Poems. Below are the most popular long Not yet by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Not yet poems by poem length and keyword.

Premium Member Translation of Eric Mottram's Poem 33 In Interrogation Rooms 1980-82 By T Wignesan
 Translation of Eric Mottram’s Poem 33 in Interrogation Rooms by T. Wignesan

33.  on a vu un homme courir/ de la scène de crime un homme est maintenant en train d’aider/ la police avec...

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© T Wignesan  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: not yet, america, conflict, culture, , literature,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Pencils In September
I smell like pencils in September.
After they’ve been brought to that…to the machine hanging on the closet wall where our coats, our boots, our bags, and nonsense lived.

You stared me in the eyes, since the...

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Categories: not yet, 3rd grade, america, betrayal, child, child abuse,
Form: Free verse
Sunday Evening Spree
I see people moving, but going nowhere
I see people moving with their hands thrown in the air
I see people moving but they have nothing to share
Bags and pans, old kettle, and old man
The scavenger, the...

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Categories: not yet, betrayal, community, cute love, education, encouraging, faith,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member The Messenger
"The Messenger"

Love is rich with 
venom and honey. 

there was a female ...

it watched 
with green-eyed 
avarice, covetting
a dove’s nest

the dove, 
was white as snow, 
not young, getting on,
tiny flecks of grey

the dove 

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Categories: not yet, dark, journey, mystery,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Blue Sky, Why
"Blue Sky, Why?"

stories speak to us.
inside our heart 
is crying.

Blue Sky, Why?

why do children
holding sunflowers
watch their parents die

why do sweet children,
now war torn, 
some the battle's orphans,
daily lose their lives

lying in their sick beds
bombed in...

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Categories: not yet, courage, humanity, leadership, light, peace, truth, war,
Form: Narrative

Poems About Poems Vi
Poems about Poems VI

The Board
by Michael R. Burch

Accessible rhyme is never good.
The penalty is understood?
soft titters from dark board rooms where
the businessmen paste on their hair
and, Walter Mitties, woo the Muse
with reprimands of Dr. Seuss.


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Categories: not yet, extended metaphor, heaven, muse, passion, poems, poetry,
Form: Rhyme
Poems About Icarus
Southern Icarus
by Michael R. Burch

Windborne, lover of heights,
unspooled from the truck’s wildly lurching embrace,
you climb, skittish kite...

What do you know of the world’s despair,
gliding in vast solitariness there,
so that all that remains is to

Only a...

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Categories: not yet, analogy, angel, bird, butterfly, extended metaphor, flying,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Healthy Caring Systems
Too many times sadly
too seldom gladly
I must learn to trust
Earth's future more

Both Father Sun's timeless 
rounds of enlightenment
and Mother Earth's
codependent rhythms
regenerating rich 
soulful soil
and surfing seas

And this trusting more
impels healing trauma's lessons,
surviving hale and...

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Categories: not yet, culture, earth, earth day, health, integrity, passion,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum
Premium Member The Book of Changes

"The Book of Changes"

Thoughts arrived before words,
1000s of years before
the crossing of curves

always seen to be 
swimming upstream 
against the current

thoughts … and feelings,
in the flow, always arrive 
before words, they are cast 

in the...

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Categories: not yet, muse, mystery, spiritual, symbolism,
Form: Narrative
Malkavian Three
His glowing golden eyes glistened with a comprehension beyond the mortal condition

A well-toned, tall, and tanned man, who most, not all, would call handsome

A brightly bleached stalactite overbite gleaned between the mean features of an...

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© Nathan D.  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: not yet, dark, psychological,
Form: Bio
Premium Member Pandemic-Climate Recovery Teams
In Colchester, CT,
and possibly in your town too,
we have a LongTerm ReCoVery Committee
looking at 20/20 prevision
for post-pandemic climate health revisions
for wealthy local and global EarthJustice.

So, what have I noticed
that might be economically
and ecologically win/win useful?


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Categories: not yet, community, earth, health, integrity, peace, political, power,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Restoration Towns
I was skeptically listening 
to a retiring social researcher,
and problem-solving imaginer,
from the American Enterprise Institute;

An Institute
I usually find more destitute
of bicameral consciousness than not,
and thereby with less healthy resonant imagination
than more pathological dissonance.

But, I found...

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Categories: not yet, community, culture, earth, health, integrity, love, peace,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Caregiving Stories Reprise
Wounded Sacred Dementia: Part Two

Dementia's derelict WinLose SocialWorker
suboptimizingly hesitates
when I tell her
I have not changed my mind
about not adopting Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
into my vulnerable home
with a seven-year-old AfricanAmerican boy
and unable to defend himself,
or even run...

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Categories: not yet, caregiving, culture, earth, health, integrity, love, parents,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Community Health Assurance
Transparently robust private/public healers,
investigate, with appreciation,
cooperative health insurance
for people,
healthy homes,
resilient transportation,
and cooperative tree and plant and children and elderly nursing
preserved through winter kitchens
and solar-fueled composting centers.

Health insurance assurance,
transubstantiating health/wealth reassurance,
investing in cooperatively-owned and eco-managing
therapeutic non-violent...

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Categories: not yet, community, conflict, corruption, courage, freedom, green, health,
Form: Political Verse
Free Verse Ii
by Michael R. Burch

“We will walk taller!” said Gupta,
sorta abrupta,
hand-in-hand with his mom,
eyeing the A-bomb.

“Who needs a mahatma
in the aftermath of NAFTA?
Now, that was a disaster,”
cried glib Punjab.

“After Y2k,
time will spin out of control anyway,”

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Categories: not yet, angel, child, childhood, children, family, time, world,
Form: Free verse
Light On the Devil's Chord - Day 34
I listened to his heart profusely, 
For a beat like his was much to ponder
I often wondered, his thoughts, and,
A light in me knew, with wretched wonderment
What the whispers in his mutterings meant to me


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Categories: not yet, desire, destiny, endurance, feelings, heart, leadership, psychological,
Form: Epic
Premium Member Chapter 86 -- Damian Delilah Mallory: Young Solomons Exclude Desharah
Date December 31. 2040

Damian Stood on the ground floor
Of the new Mansion while 
GrandDad Hakim rested In the
Living room watching TV.  The
First level was half complete. 
Damian thought the pace needed
Quickening. He would have...

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Categories: not yet, angst, emotions,
Form: Alliteration
Premium Member Permacultural Trust
The organic building of a coordinated artist
begins with reconstructing competitively clumsy LeftBrain technicians.

Whether learning to play the piano
or learning to communicate in some new language
or learning to adopt,
and/or adapt,
norms and nuances of some new cultural...

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Categories: not yet, art, birth, bullying, earth day, giving, health,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Chapter 114 -- Damian Delilah Mallory: Godfrey and Barrington's Fiesta and Food Reperation Shift
Damian was on the tele-video 
conference with various Prestigious 
Proper people of distinction. The US
Vice president was on Skype along
With Secretary of State. He spoke 
With Russia's top diplomat, Valeiry
Sergei Shonikov, South African president 

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Categories: not yet, color, husband,
Form: Alliteration
Rejection Slips 1
Rejection Slips

With over 5,700 publications if I count poems that have gone viral, I suppose I shouldn’t complain … but I do have some poems that have never been accepted for publication. Here are a...

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Categories: not yet, day, love, memory, night, rose, seasons, winter,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Portraits of Racial Politics
“It is the custom of scholars when addressing behavior and culture to speak variously of anthropological explanations, psychological explanations, biological explanations, and other explanations appropriate to the perspectives of individual disciplines. I have argued that...

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Categories: not yet, culture, earth, health, love, political, race, trust,
Form: Prose Poetry
Free Verse Iii
by Michael R. Burch

for the victims and survivors of 9-11

The world is unsalvageable ...
but as we lie here
in bed
stricken to the heart by love
despite war’s
flickering images,

sometimes we still touch,

laughing, amazed,
that our flesh
does not despair
of love

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Categories: not yet, body, desire, kiss, love, together, war, world,
Form: Free verse
The Badly Drawn Goat
The pencil now resting the image was 'testing' for the creature before him, (his badly-drawn drawin') had come out 'not right' somewhat twisted and tight.

The picture in question, it burst with suggestion, for lines that...

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Categories: not yet, animal, creation, funny,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Caregiving Stories Continued
Wounded Sacred Dementia

My last foster care-provider
and -receiver story
is also a sad story
of my last special needs adoption
of bipolar born,
and oppositionally reared,

My BiPolar Wounded Child
turned an auspicious five
on the day I first saw her,
and promptly rejected...

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Categories: not yet, caregiving, health, humor, love, parents,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Dear Republicans For God and Country
Thanks for your letter
asking for a free Taoist consult
on how to bring God talk
and experience
back into our Big Agri-MilitantIndustrialized Busyness Schools
and possibly our extended family lives,
on into our inside Holy of Holies,
our Climates of PanEntheistic...

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Categories: not yet, caregiving, education, happiness, health, integrity, leadership, parents,
Form: Political Verse

Book: Shattered Sighs