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Long Motivation Poems

Long Motivation Poems. Below are the most popular long Motivation by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Motivation poems by poem length and keyword.

Falling Into Place: Solace Solitude
Let me take a little sip
Of your blessed, breathtaking brilliance that will numb...
This pain I have in this heart of stone
The voices in my head won't leave me alone
I thought I was on my own,...

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Categories: motivation, deep, desire,
Form: Lyric

Below the Horizon - Shallow Shame
Agony be to society's demise
Labels are for fools, not for the wise
Play the familiar tune of in-unison serenity 
Fatality won't come any time soon, thankfully...

Homeless people were on the news not to long ago...I weep...

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Categories: motivation, cute, deep, depression, desire,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member FireGod Speaks Out
Angry FireGod sneers sarcasm,
"Not warm enough yet?"
"Still too much clean water and air
and other healthy stuff,
like sun-baked red chili peppers?"

Excuse me,
I was under the impression
that I invited you for my interview,
which would involve me asking...

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Categories: motivation, culture, destiny, fire, health, religion, science, universe,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Have Faith - the Egg Timer Style
~ Have   Faith  ~
( Egg  Timer )


Lord wants you live right
Have Love Faith Hope
Enjoy Peace
Enjoy Peace
Have Love Faith Hope
Lord wants you live right

Just Believe in God
Love with all heart
Worship Pray
To Him

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Categories: motivation, christian, faith, hope, love,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member God As Brown As An Egg
If God is EggWhite
then Tao is His embryonic EarthYolk.

Why would you say such a confusing and silly thing?

What is the difference between a Paradise Tree of Life and Death
and a Great Chain of Being?

Is this...

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Categories: earth, god, health, history, motivation, power, psychological,
Form: Political Verse

Premium Member Indignation 1-6-21
How dare you desecrate the Capitol with urine and feces!
Even filthy pigs refuse to defecate near their own dwelling place.
How dare you flaunt confederate flags, grim reminders of our bloody history, 
Alongside swastikas, hate symbols...

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Categories: motivation, anger, discrimination, emotions, hurt, prejudice, racism, violence,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member A Dream of a Rainbow Coloured Family
A dream of a Rainbow coloured family

In the ocean there is a raging storm 
And a lot of boats 
With rudders that are shattered,
Compasses lost, sails that are torn.
And dreams that are faded or tattered

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Categories: anger, conflict, humanity, inspiration, love, motivation, rainbow,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Dillen and the Dmv
TO:  Department of Motor Vehicles Commissioner, Chief States Attorney

FROM: Dillen Dye’s Employer


RE: Some apparent non-compliance with the Americans With Disabilities Act; common courtesy, civil respect; freely accessible pursuit of health, happiness, and prosperity

I don’t...

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Categories: motivation, culture, discrimination, health, political, race, perspective, integrity,
Form: Prose Poetry
Hurt People Hurt People
Flirt with Whitney
Flirt with fear 
Life is good
But I rather be anywhere but here
Body aches from pushing out tears
Driving on the road of life
Eyes is watery
So I can't steer 
And I'm getting dizzy 
Stomach very...

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Categories: motivation, deep, depression, feelings, longing, meaningful,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Misguided Meditations
I am sorry
about my judgmental,
sadly disdainful,
in earlier messages.

Even worse,
I remain embarrassed
for spreading it out
for key staff
and leaders
to well-positioned see
and hear
and feel,
touched by wounded toxicity.

My training 
and experience
includes victimized by homophobia
and healing through community mediation.

Within this...

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Categories: anxiety, appreciation, health, humor, motivation, peace, power,
Form: Political Verse
Understand Where I Stood
Good boy gone bad enters the stage with a spotlight overhead, despite being misunderstood in my ghetto neighborhood

The lonely applause celebrates in my cracked, corrupted, and crazed cranium
I exaggerate too much and so too much,...

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Categories: motivation, anger, angst, anxiety, conflict, courage, dedication, deep,
Form: Free verse
The Love-Hate Relationship
Instead of building your house on the sand,
You should build your house on a rock
I can hardly make out if you truly understand
That you are making it difficult for me to express my feelings to...

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Categories: motivation, deep, emotions, encouraging, forgiveness, hurt, longing, relationship,
Form: Free verse
A Perfect World From a To Z
A perfect world
From A-Z…

Actually addicted attitude apologetic they assume while I'm angst in my room
Bold not blameless but blame shooting out like bullets
Critics just quit it, calculated moves, claim to have your back until you...

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Categories: motivation, addiction, adventure, beauty, perspective,
Form: ABC
The invaluable dream you had in mind
Yesterday, you said you would take steps on achieving it tomorrow,
Yesterday's tomorrow has come today, so you still postpone it to tomorrow.
When will you stop procrastinating!
What is the connection...

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Categories: inspiration, inspirational, motivation, work,
Form: Free verse
I Promise
I promise…I promise I won’t desert you
This hardship you’re facing at the moment is temporary
Tonight…tonight, I will show you love so true
By wiping your tears of sorrow and showing you tomorrow happily

I wake up to...

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Categories: motivation, deep, depression, desire, emotions, encouraging, hope, inspiration,
Form: Free verse
Inception: Tears of Bittersweet Sentiments - Collab With Mikey Part 5
He lifts me up on cloud nine
I’m a lost sheep in godly sleep
He nurtures me like His child – I’m feelin’ fine
I’m a joyful sheep in godly sleep
Dead leaves of dried hope and fervor-lacking faith...

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Categories: motivation, betrayal, emotions, encouraging, words, universe,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Depression Or Anxiety
(Seems that these days a whole lot of people suffer from anxiety and depression. Now whether that's a reflection on our world and society, whether there's actually greater incidence of it or if we just...

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© Uwe Stroh  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: motivation, absence, angst, depression, mental health,
Form: Free verse
Half Measures
This is how it starts
the decline of who we are, the decline of something more
the start of wars
Installed in us is confidence
confidence, a blessing or a curse
Without confidence we stand degraded, disenchanted, alone
while with too...

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Categories: motivation, suicide, symbolism,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member My Brother--Nelson Mandela, Umtata, South Africa--Tribute Poem
Nelson Mandela, crossed my spirited mind today, a visionary legend of peace, love, equality, and unity of all people.

As a prevailer of great affliction, he was like a Greek God fighting for the—"Common man!”

I had...

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Categories: brother, confidence, dedication, discrimination, inspiration, motivation, strength,
Form: Couplet
I Could Not Do It Before
I Could Not Do It Before
By Dr.  Tina Medina

I could not do it before
I dare not shut the door
My heart yearned for something more
I loved you to the core
Even though I did not keep...

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Categories: adventure, betrayal, conflict, inspirational, integrity, motivation, spiritual,
Form: Rhyme
Make It Up To Me
Insecurities is gone in a heart beat now
Emotional injuries fade away somehow
I can feel the tension as it sheds away 
I can deal with the motion of your sway

I feel you here with me, no...

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Categories: motivation, abuse, angst, depression, emotions, endurance, hurt, love
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Cooing Birds Announce It's Time
a mere fledgling of twelve, with dreamy eyes,                                                   ...

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Categories: inspirational, motivation,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Let's Be Kinder
In his essay "Let's Be Reasonable" 
Rev. Todd Eklof [The Gadfly Papers]
reduces reasonable to logical;

This is a common left-brain dominant error,
confusion between deductive premises
and coldly reductive conclusions
calculated assuming cause v effect linear formulas
more than feedback...

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Categories: motivation, health, humanity, integrity, math, political, power, relationship,
Form: Political Verse
Resurrected Heroe


Far from comparison, far from fear.
Failure part of the journey; shed no tears. the best you can do.
Talents in your hand's only for you. 
No body cares...what you goes through;
When you succeed,...

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Categories: motivation, beautiful, beauty, hero,
Form: Lyric
Leaning On a Failure Mentality
You keep-you keep-you keep flying,
Though I’m honestly crying…...weeping…..sighing…..
Extra careful not to snip your heart strings
Tattoo your tune in my heart that pleasurably stings
Pain is what I need not to inflict myself with – just what...

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Categories: motivation, angst, anxiety, deep, depression, desire, hope, hurt,
Form: Lyric

Book: Reflection on the Important Things