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Long Dissociation Poems

Long Dissociation Poems. Below are the most popular long Dissociation by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Dissociation poems by poem length and keyword.

Premium Member Employment Trauma
My protagonist today,
a Gay Black Religious Mature Male,
not quite ready for silver-grey Obama temples

Is off this morning
to a new full-time job,
8 to 5,
Monday through Friday.

He has been out of his calming,
regular custodial collared routine,
for over...

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Categories: dissociation, betrayal, caregiving, culture, health, prejudice, religion, work,
Form: Political Verse

Premium Member Teachable Momentum
we left off yesterday
to pick up
where speaking non-violent principles 
too often neglect to listen
to liberally artistic,
green and active
yet non-reactive
compassionate healers
may need to co-invest more
in co-operating democratic research
and for
WholeEarth DiaLogical Matriotism.

Excuse me,
but co-passioned listening
to silence
speaks not...

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Categories: dissociation, caregiving, green, health, light, nature, passion, spiritual,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member ComPassion's Braver Angels
Impressive values,
like love,
claim resources that liberally breed
physically happy health
and conservatively feed
mentally glad wealth.

Oppressive disvalues
like homophobia and racism
and sexism and ageism
and ableism 
and monoculturing disregard
for threats of global anthro-supremacist ecocide,
express what we are against
because these are...

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Categories: dissociation, anxiety, earth day, health, integrity, mental health,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum
Premium Member To Grow Peace
To faith communities
and fraternities,
and sisterhoods
and sororities,
local non-profits
and friendly neighborhoods,
and counselors,
cooperative associations,
trauma-informed learning theorists
and practitioners for resilient
mind/body peace,

Do not deceive yourselves.
Continuing to gaze and daze 
on a monotonous monocultural path

internal v external
navel v social 

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Categories: dissociation, adventure, earth, education, environment, health, integrity, religion,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Restoring Inside Justice
Healing Win/Lose EgoNomial Intent

We belong together
Through all kinds of colonizing corporate weather,
We belong creolizing together.

So sings my mitochondrial DNA
when I listen deeply
to all prior matriarchal regenerations
speaking in still 
timeless win/win voices

Especially about polycultural outcome...

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Categories: dissociation, culture, education, grandmother, health, integrity, language, racism,
Form: Political Verse

Premium Member Inconvenient Wisdom
Instant individual redemption
from predative enculturation
is overly spiritualized,
under naturalized,
rightwing evangelical dogma
more likely found in empire-building
strong business-loyalty development texts
than multi-enculturing
re-ligioning nature/spirit scriptures.

If spiritual 
and capital redemption from baseline natural evils
is good news for individuals,
yet inapplicable to global...

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Categories: dissociation, anti bullying, bullying, community, forgiveness, political, psychological,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Gods For Power
If God
and gods
and other paternal powers
resource love,
and not hate

And if we believe
that love fades
with encroaching fear

Which can overwhelm 
and professional
and economic
and local
through global 
and not traumatic, 
peace passion experience

And if god
and great paternal rulers
and warriors

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Categories: dissociation, courage, earth, god, health, passion, peace, power,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum
Premium Member Therapeutic Talking
Talk therapy
among braver angels
and curious devilish advocates,

Evolves natural contemplative thoughts
of healthy minds and bodies
felt sacredly neuro-systemic

dynamic systems
reconnecting sensory consciousness
and mindful sexual experience
with worldviews recombining
Liberal YangTruth and Conserving YintegralBeauty
in co-empathic compassion

Nonviolently hopeful
win/win bicameral intelligence
exploring why

And healthy...

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Categories: dissociation, health, humanity, humor, peace, senses, sensual, stress,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Peace Rings True
Speak gently when you offer criticism,
but don't be so soft as to sacrifice the truth.

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Categories: dissociation, beauty, community, culture, inspiration, peace, violence, war,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Empowering Regenerative Healthcultures
is our shared regenerative tradition
as Earthlings,

And dying
is our autonomously
fading degenerative position
as former organic life systems
living ego-identified upon
and economic-ecologically within
an organic Sun/Earth Revolving HealthSystem
spiraling through Time
revolving through Space,
a global organic ecohabitat network.

Anthropoid memory
of matriarchal history
proscribes unrealistic...

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Categories: dissociation, culture, earth, health, history, integrity, life, mother,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member On Naming Plants and Animals
A Commentary on

"A Note on the [Patriarchal-Colonizing] Treatment
of Plant Names"
by Robin Wall Kimmerer, p. 385

I too often accept
with nary a LeftBrain dominant thought
that our verbalized labels
for individual EgoPersons

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Categories: dissociation, earth day, health, humanity, integrity, nature, planet,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Choir Dissonant Practice
I am a right-brain prominent writer
which must not be confused with
a prominent left-brain writer,
which I am almost decidedly not
nor would I aspire
toward such all or nothing thinking
and not at all both/and feeling.

Like most writers,
I feel...

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Categories: dissociation, anxiety, appreciation, depression, health, integrity, muse, music,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Empowering Peace
All my favorite on-line EarthJustice
and Transformation
and Compassion
and Global Peace resources
are scientifically
and inter-religiously sure
we have all the information
and physical resources needed
for optimizing global healthy wealth,
and multiculturally

Yet, at yesterday's municipal youth and family services
community advisory board gathering

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Categories: dissociation, health, nature, peace, religion, spiritual, stress,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Sometimes People Share
Sometimes pandemic people share
pieces of our unspeakable personal story

That no health care worker,
sex therapist player,
or green resonant systems organizer
wants to hear,
much less smell,
or touch,
or deeply feel...

I flinch, sometimes.


Maybe flirt with longer-term
to protect myself
from suicide
to protect...

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Categories: dissociation, abuse, god, health, muse, passion, political, power,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member This Passionate Moment
Red hot and cool Green peace
passions bring us to this sacred 
synergetic EarthTime

More dialogue regenerative
when cooperative
so more redundantly competitive
when endless debate degenerative

Less producing fruit
of Future's healthy
Whole OpenSystemic 
secular and sacred 
indigenously wise potential.

Thriving individual subsystems...

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Categories: dissociation, caregiving, culture, earth day, health, integrity, peace,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum
Premium Member Disorganized Religion
As traumatized as I am
by the history of organized elitist creeds,
including religious and judicious,

I am even more terrified
by my experience of disorganized unnatural spirituality,
dissociated bicamerality,
unenchanting mono-laterality,
win/lose egocentrism,
flirting with lose/lose climates of nihilism,
anthropocentric chauvinism,
inhumane unnatural straight...

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Categories: dissociation, culture, earth, health, humanity, humor, integrity, peace,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Choosing Happiness
Tonight I heard a terminally cancered 
yet not cancelled
singer songwriter say
"I can't wait for life to not be hard
before choosing to be happy."

She spoke well from her own experience
and I remain moved,
but also curiously confused

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Categories: dissociation, fear, happiness, health, integrity, light, mental illness,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Counting Cumulative Costs
What does it cost
to love a degenerating Earth,

speak out for natural sound
defensive silence,
for spiritually medicinal fragrances
in sacred space and times
forbidding mechanized transport
across Earth's MotherLands
and feminist HealthCare Oceans.

Degenerating natural landed bodies,
spiritually disconnected minds

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Categories: dissociation, earth, earth day, health, integrity, light, peace,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member A-Gnostic About A-Theism
My bicameral strong connection
between monotheism
and anthro-supremacism
lies in dogmatic monocultural belief

created and recreated
and remade and premade
this Universal Home
MeWe bilaterally celebrate
as HealthyTrue 
enlightened resonance
and WealthyBeautiful
empowering resilient PatriCapitalist editing
while recopying

Scribes transcribing
hoping to transubstantiate
our own LeftBrain monoculturing
encultured comfort training


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Categories: dissociation, earth, engagement, god, health, integrity, religion,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Understated Yet Overheard
I'm not comfortable
talking about racial differences,

Or even racial
or sensual similarities.

I know what you mean
or maybe I do.
Something intimate and personal
about melanin
and hair qualities
and what lies red-blooded
under shared and segregated skin.

I remember when long hair quantity

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Categories: dissociation, culture, health, humor, political, power, psychological, racism,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member To the Heavens For Hope
Back again ...

Her daily hour of hope ...
She came every evening to The Hem ...
Just a big hole in the earth, really, a barren canyon of dust,
Perched on the south edge of the Congo, near...

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Categories: dissociation, absence, adventure, africa, animal, longing, science, science
Form: Dramatic Verse
Premium Member Vocations of Mercy
Restoring peace,
and "No Loser Left Behind"
win/win EarthJustice Systems
invite gift economies 
to empower future health wealthy co-investors
inside outside vocations of mercy
rooted in depolarizing faith

And sparse, yet resonant, evidence
that win/lose predative ego-intentions
are secondary
longer-term victims
of our own viral...

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Categories: dissociation, earth, integrity, passion, peace, political, power, psychological,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Spiritual Guides
Spiritual guides,
of all persuasions,
all religions,
all anti-religions,
with robust economic forecasting contracts,
and those without political capital,

Encourage their deep listeners
to avoid attachment
to positive thoughts
and feelings
and dissociation 
divestment from negatively felt thoughts.

And yet connection,
organic unity,
resilient relationship,
harmonic tone,
bullish and mountainous...

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Categories: dissociation, celebration, destiny, health, history, humanity, integrity, spiritual,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Inside Outsidenest
Coming in from outside,
Yang's deductive reception
Going out from inside,
Yintegral co-perceptions

Before nature became outside physical perception
inside spirit remained metaphysically direct intuitive reception,
ecologically wealthy 
resonantly thriving
intimate inside spirit
outside nature co-relations

We also felt
holistically healthy resilient co-passions

For quenching

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Categories: dissociation, earth, engagement, games, health, passion, peace, power,
Form: Political Verse
Concrete Cliffs
No form, no organization, no verse.
A crescendo followed by silence and screams.
A wooden home locked inside of a concrete tome,
With a world collapsing while we keep relapsing
And again the past resurges; what we bury tends...

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Categories: dissociation, fear, introspection, people, sad, social, me, truth,
Form: Free verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things