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Long Creolization Poems

Long Creolization Poems. Below are the most popular long Creolization by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Creolization poems by poem length and keyword.

Premium Member Starting With Beginnings
Let's start at the beginning
of your ecotherapeutic day.

I'm talking today with Fr. Time,
Earth's only fully self-ordained ecotherapist,
and recently published author of
"Journals of MotherEarth."

We have no corporate sponsorships to report,
although we are for sale
especially if you're...

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Categories: creolization, gender, health, humanity, humor, integrity, perspective,
Form: Prose Poetry

Premium Member Pequot River Land Trust
or twice, 
maybe thrice,
surely not
not fractal

A clan of crazy ecofeminists
conspired within an 88 unit residential castle
in their historically converted 
sometimes hysterically clueless condo
colonial-red predative brick 
badly bald aging building

With a sometimes soggy south walled school,

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Categories: creolization, blue, culture, environment, green, health, humor, math,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum
Premium Member Solo Performance
It had been a hellish week.

On Monday
my lonely and tired AfricanAmerican husband
told me, as gently as possible,
that what I had hoped was a temporary separation
is to be extended into perpetuity.

This separation had been scheduled to...

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Categories: creolization, age, earth, family, health, integrity, nature, spiritual,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Our Earthcafe Coop
In one sense,
the Cafe CoOp
started as my therapeutic retirement dream.

in quite another
the CoOp goes back to when I was eight,
and I thought,
assumed really,
everyone indulged in Thought Experiments
about what would my optimal Eden Paradise.
restoring peace and...

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Categories: creolization, business, education, games, health, humor, integrity, retirement,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Healthy Politics As Unusual
soars Dr. Jane Anna Gordon,
turns our co-empathic evolving democracy project
into a verbal,
regenerative more,
degenerative less,
occasionally Elite-Pirates v NonElite-MultiCultural Prey revolution,
and even more unconsciously occasionally 
Elite/NonElite Creolizing-SelfReGenerative
crave to grave multicultural experience.

What could all this Elite and NonElite...

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Categories: creolization, beauty, body, community, culture, health, philosophy, power,
Form: Political Verse

Premium Member Cooperative Family Politics
I think he's talking about a cooperative bicameral political system,
with "How to talk to the other side".

And what could that possibly mean, dear Yang?

I was watching this Ted-talk from Marin,
by Robb Willer, as I anciently...

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Categories: creolization, culture, earth, family, freedom, health, humor, parents,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Perennial Problems
I suppose you might have missed out on Paul Feyerabend's,
and especially Thomas Kuhn's Problem of Incommensurabiity.

Oh, not at all.
I have not looked at science or culture
or language
or even your attempts at communication
quite the same since...

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Categories: creolization, culture, history, humor, philosophy, religion, science,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Same Ol' Song and Dance
As I look back across more musical times
of rhythmic reflections,
ceremonies and commemorations
of each dawn and dusk eremitic liturgy,
if that is not an oxymoron
of sound and sight,
song and dance,
tragically sad, yet also bilaterally bound with happier...

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Categories: creolization, community, dance, humanity, humor, integrity, love, music,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Theories of Every Big and Little Thing
Key CapitalistYang/CreolistYin EcoHistoric Concepts

I find a fuzzy irony in this morning’s early search for a new journal notebook, having filled my last from what had been, five years ago, an inconceivably high pile of empty...

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Categories: creolization, culture, earth, health, history, political, science, trust,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Terrorist Deserts Into Bountiful Rivers
I'm continuing to read Jane Anna Gordon's "Creolizing Political Theory"
although now with Antonio Damasio's "Self Comes to Mind: Constructing the [WinWin Creolizing-Bilateral] Conscious Brain."

Right now,
Dr. Gordon is discussing various academic attempts,
and some of them actual...

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Categories: creolization, africa, body, culture, health, mental illness, psychological,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member The Climatic Collaboratory
I don't recall whose inspired idea it wasn't
to invite the math professor
into our Therapeutic Collaborative Laboratory.

I do recall when I first heard her speak
of cooperative polynomial qualities
for improving ego/eco-therapeutic communications.

She was, of course,
in the back...

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Categories: creolization, culture, earth, education, environment, health, humor, math,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Sacred Energy
Fascism lives in tension with holy optimism,
as hatred fades in presence of mutual love,
as WinLose evolutionary models
give way to WinWin sacred Energy
stories and songs and dances,
as patriarchal colonization
gives way to matriarchal creolization.

synonymous with Totalitarianism,
as written...

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Categories: creolization, anti bullying, caregiving, education, health, integrity, parents,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Liberal Operatic Lovers
What cooperative evidence
could we final climate find
for WinWin cooperation lovers
including LeftBrain secular humanities
inviting no more or less valueflow
than RightBrain WiseElder root-branch dipolar etchings
neurologically ancient bipolar temporal systemic 
body-branch, mind-root DNA enscriptured holonic trees,
DNA  river...

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Categories: creolization, environment, happiness, health, heart, integrity, psychological,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Problems of Success
Old misunderstandings of how Earth
and Her species
regeneratively and degeneratively change,
sometimes in revolutionary expansive/implosive quick and great transitions,
but more traditionally in slow-grow emergent spacetime development,
are often summarized in secular capitalism's
Might Makes Fertile Right.

While this does capture...

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Categories: creolization, culture, earth, health, mental illness, psychological, science,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Love Lesson Planning
First, imagine, if you can,
"Love" is not just a many splendored thing,
although it is that,
but behaviorists and existentialists behavioralize
the complex of emotions and consciousness
wearing that synergetic label
as active, sometimes spontaneous
an antonym for "competition."

Imagine you grew...

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Categories: creolization, conflict, culture, discrimination, health, integrity, religion,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Let's Be Kinder
In his essay "Let's Be Reasonable" 
Rev. Todd Eklof [The Gadfly Papers]
reduces reasonable to logical;

This is a common left-brain dominant error,
confusion between deductive premises
and coldly reductive conclusions
calculated assuming cause v effect linear formulas
more than feedback...

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Categories: creolization, health, humanity, integrity, math, political, power, relationship,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Light Enchantments
Starting way back
with sixteen hundred Scientific Revolutions
in math and physics
biology and ecology
climate chemistry and analogical theology
began transubstantiating dialects
Deductive/Seductive outside
Reductive/Retributive inside
nature of ZeroSoul selves
travelers on a ZeroZen MotherEarth Land
Great time-chain of enchanted/disenchanted Becoming.

Science brought home the...

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Categories: creolization, earth, green, health, history, math, science,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Cooperative Starts
Who wants to join a sacred cooperative
with both divine and humane purpose,
secular meanings
with organic liturgical rites
of seasonal passage?

who would not
should ego's veil descend
like commodified energy's nonrenewable extinction;
LoseLose trends of nihilism
within psyche,
within a paranoid society

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Categories: creolization, caregiving, earth, health, integrity, love, poverty,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Civilizing Savages
I stumbled over Paul Tillich's translation
of the MessiahMentor's Other Great Commission.

The Great Commission we learned in Sunday School
was to go out and convert the barbarians
and savages to Christianity.

Yet this Other Great Commission feels like a...

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Categories: creolization, bible, birth, creation, earth, history, mother, religion,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Cloud of Knowing
I believe it was Buckminster Fuller
who first posited
a prime appositional,
like Yang and Yin,
but his was:
Energy is to physical nature
as Information is to metaphysically languaged systems.

if we were to add the Yin and Yang
of this positivist-regenerative...

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Categories: creolization, health, humor, language, leadership, love, mental illness,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Organic Empowerment Systems
It seems we might find
currently undervalued economic
and political health benefits
by applying organic principles
of our healthy PolyVagal NeuroSystem,
at least polyhonically shared
by all God's devilish
and angelic creations.

This NeuroSystemic structure
is fundamentally bilateral
and constantly changing
co-acclimating current experience
with past integrally...

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Categories: creolization, culture, health, integrity, mental illness, nature, power,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member The Postelection Survey
This is not really a test.
More of a survey,
so there are no right or left answers.

Did you mean to say
Answers are both right and wrong?

Isn't that what I said?

Not quite, but go ahead.

How would you...

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Categories: creolization, health, humor,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Social and Antisocial Capital
like a good creole stew,
are amazingly viral cooperators,
competitively so,
reacclimating tastes toward richer anticipations.

We have all heard of social capital
and natural capital,
of social democrats as antisocial plutocrats
and cooperatively-owned capitalist corporations,
including bipolar republics, perhaps.

These are all forms...

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Categories: creolization, culture, earth, health, language, love, religion, science,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Whole Earth Patriotism
What is patriotism?

Pride of and for national, and maybe cultural, superiority.
Maybe superior health care integrity?

What is nationalism?

Usually positive values about monocultural 
monopolistic identity,
but I guess nationalism could also include negative evaluations,
begging for more international 

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Categories: creolization, beauty, culture, growth, happiness, health, prejudice, racism,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Fundamentals Redefined
Fundamentalists compete with and through struggling evolution
as Transitionalists would further peaceful revolutions.

A patriarchal-historical view
rooted in interpretation of sacred scripture
written by nondual co-arising NatureSpirits
dipolar appositionally rooted
of and for regenerative naturehealth = spiritwealth,
that would err on the...

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Categories: creolization, earth day, environment, history, humanity, love, religion,
Form: Political Verse

Book: Shattered Sighs