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Killer Whale Poems - Poems about Killer Whale

Killer Whale Poems - Examples of all types of poems about killer whale to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for killer whale.
Brain Heal
...Let the revival and return of vitals be crucial to expose your potential/ Drop denial it’s a vicious cycle/ This brain heal doesn’t appeal to what his feelings reveal or what he is mentally able to......Read the rest...
Categories: killer whale, conflict, courage, future, inspiration,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Pilchard the Penguin Does Blue Planet
...Penguin the pilchard leapt onto the ice He flipped and he flopped and arrived in a trice He took a deep breath and he held it and then He bellowed with all of his might… “MEN!” Pilchard the pen......Read the rest...
Categories: killer whale, humorous,
Form: Rhyme

...The spine of a hedgehog, The horn of a stag, The teeth of an eel, The dearth of a seal. Inside us all, the killer whale, Searching, fishing its bale; Settling, cradling the loser, In a bol......Read the rest...
Categories: killer whale, analogy, animal, i am,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Fathoms Deeper
... "Fathoms Deeper" What are these strange creatures? They swim in skins not their own calling us into them they amuse us we are fathoms deeper they are a lon......Read the rest...
Categories: killer whale, beautiful, life, light, mirror,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Killer Whale Ambush
...sea lions crying loud orcas don’t sleep very much ~ one blubbering mess A BRIAN STRAND PREMIERE CHOICE Sponsored by Brian strand Syllable counter PS 5/7/5 02/05/22......Read the rest...
Categories: killer whale, allusion, sea, sleep,
Form: Haiku

Dragon Kron
...Dragon spines and flames Burn away you animals! Cook your own skin! Fry your eyes! Dragon Kron dives through the sky flames combust in its nose flames burn its prey eating it with one bite ......Read the rest...
Categories: killer whale, fantasy, fire, imagery,
Form: Free verse
Crashing Through the Ocean Waves
...Crashing through the ocean waves. Seals swimming,seagulls fishing, lazy penguin is delayed. A thousand feet deep under lies a killer whale who died from hunger. Searching in a submarine looks like bi......Read the rest...
Categories: killer whale, creation, earth, god, memory,
Form: Rhyme
Black Beauty
...Black like a rare diamond. Perfectly sculpted. White as a snowy peek . Reflecting off the glistening waves. Your beauty and grace challenge us. Mostly free, we morn for your captured brothers. ......Read the rest...
Categories: killer whale, animal, blue, ocean, sea,
Form: I do not know?
Premium Member Orca's Revenge
...A fishing boat left the port of Kinsale The rain was lashing and blowing a gale Fishing grounds were in sight Then they had a great fright Along side swam a giant killer whale. A fish pong......Read the rest...
Categories: killer whale, fishing, humor, sea,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Polar Anthology and white landscape a colony of penguins ~ standing and waddling in the oceans depth lives a black and white giant~ orca killer whale seal on an ice flow oblivious to danger ......Read the rest...
Categories: killer whale, bird, nature, ocean, snow,
Form: Haiku
...Blinking my eyes, not wanting the light, missing the familiar warmth and darkness loud wail ; half angry, half astonished My voice? Careful hold, familiar yet strange a croon that has been a pa......Read the rest...
Categories: killer whale, childhood, daughter, family, mom,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Grit and Guts On the Gridiron - 1
...Mud and leather dirt and nerve bloodied laughter collision to serve, distance, drive and demolition battle axe ambition in the wild air muscle and mind joined in steeled instinct, a stitched ......Read the rest...
Categories: killer whale, america, sports, war,
Form: Epic
Premium Member A Wonderful Thing
...What a wonderful thing is an elephant, He is savvy and witty and eloquent, He remembers your name and he'll never forget Everything that you said every time that you met, What a wonderful thing i......Read the rest...
Categories: killer whale, animal,
Form: Lyric
An Inuit's Longing For Home
...Oh that I could speak with the Northern Lights, And commune with the Spirits therein. Or dance to the tunes of the Arctic wastes, Return to a life - sanguine. Oh that I might commune with Wolf ......Read the rest...
Categories: killer whale, nostalgia,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Whales - the Acrostic Style
...~Whales~ (Acrostic) W hales are one of the largest an most beautiful magnificent marine mamals in the world H ave been hunted for centuries for oil, meat, other raw materials. A nd some of th......Read the rest...
Categories: killer whale, animal, appreciation, beautiful, sea,
Form: Acrostic

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