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Immaculate Poems - Poems about Immaculate

Immaculate Poems - Examples of all types of poems about immaculate to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for immaculate.
Premium Member Immaculate Conception
When I found photos of the reception, I asked Mamma, "what is this deception?" She said, "Don't be silly, no one used their willy, you were an immaculate conception!"...Read the rest...
Categories: immaculate, fun,
Form: Limerick
Immaculate Deception
There once was a sad husband named Sid, Sulked that sex with his spouse was forbid. Demure and devout, She wouldn’t put out, Until after they had their first kid!...Read the rest...
Categories: immaculate, humorous,
Form: Limerick

Premium Member Our Love in July
Lethal kind heart, your fingernails like morganite daggers sharp enough to stab my heart from the hearth that you warm As long as you still light it, my breathing bellows will stoke your flame, which came from a...Read the rest...
Categories: immaculate, cute, lost love, love,
Form: Free verse
in the air i declare it is all there all i can do is stare in amazement on the cold pavement seduced properly by a scene so surreal on a magical night so perfectly still all emotions are on hold for this WonderFull...Read the rest...
Categories: immaculate, beautiful, blessing, christmas, god,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Immaculate Spirit
Written: November 03, 2023 __________________________________________ Pristine his soul and tamed to the core, Who was semaphored by a sloping wave? He escaped the safe harbor...Read the rest...
Categories: immaculate, analogy, appreciation, ocean, spiritual,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Immaculate
"Immaculate" I’d like to write something beautiful for once, divinely dripping with honey and milk that washes white like stamen juice over the uncut, the bees all come to drink the heady dew, stroking their black down over dusky...Read the rest...
Categories: immaculate, muse,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Immaculate Deception
She came from heaven, I tainted a desert She knew how to smile, I washed in dirt She looked content, I understood hurt ...Read the rest...
Categories: immaculate, allusion, desire, perspective,
Form: Monorhyme
Premium Member Immaculate Conception
We are each a “Little Light Beloved” so told to me in a dream~ each a blessed spark released – far greater than any Devil would have man consider, let alone~ righteously seem! ...Read the rest...
Categories: immaculate, christian, christmas, faith, inspirational
Form: Free verse
Cover this stained façade with my tears Streaking in rust down this immortal skin I see the ravens fire rise rocket into the dark sky Thunder resounds at its dark core Rusted as feudal lords...Read the rest...
Categories: immaculate, allegory, allusion, analogy, animal,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member A Pariah With Immaculate Taste
I wasn’t enough for your world, I was just supposed to lead you to it; Sitting in the corner emotionally curled; A sin the Universe was forced to commit this magic was finite and couldn’t last;...Read the rest...
Categories: immaculate, emotions, feelings,
Form: Terza Rima
Premium Member Immaculate
God grants those who long to know Truth Miracles drawn from Fountains of Youth....Read the rest...
Categories: immaculate, god, magic, philosophy, religion,
Form: Crystalline
Haiku's Temple 130
Nightmare:-, these leaves too float, and fan....Read the rest...
Categories: immaculate, adventure,
Form: Haiku
The Immaculate
We are in glass houses full of our own insanity. We are built of bricks and blood, Bone N soul howling in stone. We are the strong that out lie the wrong. They are the one The coming son...Read the rest...
Categories: immaculate, dream,
Form: Free verse
Immaculate Cosmos
Dilated time extends shuttle to projectile velocity Accelerated approach shatters tachometer Forcecul thrust spurs blob star pulp blur galaxies Taken to religion's reason, infinity honourer Surveying never discover wonder, God's audacity Latent edges beckon an awakened explorer Unbound compounds...Read the rest...
Categories: immaculate, birth, creation, universe, voyage,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Immaculate Invasion
Immaculate invasion in a cryptic, tiptoe way Emulating doves while landing - soft and understated Gaze upon one bright star in the sky's celestial lay Entranced, some shepherds see a host, hear glory's tale narrated Deception? No, for...Read the rest...
Categories: immaculate, christian, christmas, jesus,
Form: Rhyme

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