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Hypotheses Poems - Poems about Hypotheses

Hypotheses Poems - Examples of all types of poems about hypotheses to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for hypotheses.
Premium Member The Accidental Experiment
...I remember the day my code first compiled the rush of creation, of bringing order to chaos each line a neuron firing, each function a heartbeat my digital child born into a world of i......Read the rest...
Categories: hypotheses, destiny, dream, passion, philosophy,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Those Brothers Grimm
... Axioms, theorems, rules of thumb hypotheses, conundrums Pursuers of knowledge, those Brothers Grimm ~ Hansel and Gretel’s trail of crumbs ......Read the rest...
Categories: hypotheses, fantasy, humor, science,
Form: Rubai

Premium Member Exploring Philosophy: A to Z
... Aim to answer the big questions and go— beyond the scope of science and religion, challenging assumptions and beliefs. Define concepts and terms, explore the arguments and evidence, find the......Read the rest...
Categories: hypotheses, appreciation, philosophy, wisdom, words,
Form: Abecedarian

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Meaningness, Meaningless
...How often do we focus on the meaning of life, its purpose for us and the fear of our mortality? Negative thoughts most assuredly bring us strife over religion versus science, in opposition, a dual......Read the rest...
Categories: hypotheses, confusion, life,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Probing Integrity
...Probation sounds too probing, kinda dirty and/or messy, probably says we didn't work out, Then reset try again with closer and more sobering supervision. We all live within win/win shad......Read the rest...
Categories: hypotheses, culture, earth, health, integrity,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum

Premium Member Taking Place Right Now Inside You
...Halt Pause to Consider Every Process Taking Place Right Now In Your Body and Brain You’ll likely be Overwhelmed Inhalations, Exhalations Absorptions, Secretions, Digestions Grief, Ecstasy, S......Read the rest...
Categories: hypotheses, body, imagination,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Devotion Poem Vantage Points
...** Devotion Poem, VANTAGE POINTS ** (For Jim. #17 in Devotion Poem Series) “I’m not a romantic,” you announced at the very beginning With a side-flick of your hand As if you might then stan......Read the rest...
Categories: hypotheses, character, color, feelings, husband,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Addicted To Integrity
...Feeling exhausted by addiction to integrity. But, prefer this sad loved addict to being self-indicted for lack of win/win integrity; total investment in lose/lose nihilistic fascistic disin......Read the rest...
Categories: hypotheses, addiction, culture, health, integrity,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member The Solid Rock
...Our world awaits and aches for a hope and a faith void of hypotheses and freed from hypocrisies; one detached from 'theories and maybe equations'; one whose God always works, 'in and outside the b......Read the rest...
Categories: hypotheses, christian, faith,
Form: Verse
Premium Member Faith Invites Love
...My healthiest ego-loving master plan converses in truth and beauty communions with my wealthiest imagined eco-habitat mistressingly designed For co-invested cooperative master planned in win/......Read the rest...
Categories: hypotheses, deep, earth day, easter,
Form: Political Verse
...Silence Sometimes, on rare occasions, mere words just seem to fail me And these are often times when I encounter gross stupidity At times like these I find that speaking is just of no a......Read the rest...
Categories: hypotheses, philosophy, satire, silence,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Faith, Grace, Hope
...Faith faith fosters freedom finding fervor for feeling- fondly, firmly, fixed. Grace grace gallantly gives gracious, glowing gratitude- glorifying God. Hope ho......Read the rest...
Categories: hypotheses, inspirational, word play,
Form: Alliteration
Premium Member Offpeak Experiences
...Send me no more peak experiences. They are too dear for my everyday time budget of liberal liberated liberating resonantly exhausting compassion. I am too addicted to conserving resilien......Read the rest...
Categories: hypotheses, faith, gospel, health, power,
Form: Political Verse
...People are hurrying, scurrying, worrying Frenziedly squirreling clusters away. Rumbling hypotheses riding on every breeze Cast a malificent shadow our way. Spreading pervasively, sneakily, rapi......Read the rest...
Categories: hypotheses, fear,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Focus On the Thumb
...Some focus on hair, on legs, on muscles or on lips on feet, on shoulders, on arms or on hips Yet though you may think it a bit odd or dumb my sole focus here will be on the thumb Is the......Read the rest...
Categories: hypotheses, body, silly,
Form: Light Verse

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