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Humvee Poems - Poems about Humvee

Humvee Poems - Examples of all types of poems about humvee to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for humvee.
Premium Member Tales from Iraq
...Some camels have spiders that assault their riders, or so come the tales from Iraq. They’re known to eat horses in multiple courses and carry them home on their backs. They’ll chase down a Hu......Read the rest...
Categories: humvee, insect, silly,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Afghanistan Prophecies
...Tick tick tick tick boom in an instant macerated flesh would be the last images of me I never wondered just what damages would occur from a car bomb being ignited right in my face my limbs we......Read the rest...
Categories: humvee, allah,
Form: Rubai

Premium Member The Caring Bridge
...I crossed over this caring bridge the sun shined so bright I hardly noticed the humvee at the light signaling green to go and what do you know bam in the blink of thee eye glass went everywhere......Read the rest...
Categories: humvee, allah, memory,
Form: Ballade

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Chickadee Chimpanzee Bumblebee and Little Me
...Sweet merry happy chickadee was terrified of the old racer chimpanzee He is not so bad threw in the bumblebee If you knew him well, you could easily see… But he has such a loud monster truck-li......Read the rest...
Categories: humvee, 3rd grade, 4th grade,
Form: Monorhyme
Armchair Qua Laptop Traveler
...Pennilessness disallows me luxury tubby globe trekker hence, my imagination takes me random places minus the hassles of any rubber necker gawkers always staring at maj......Read the rest...
Categories: humvee, adventure, africa, america, chicago,
Form: Free verse

...Squire - a recollection of war I'm twenty seven years old Not, old by any standard But, in my world...I'm seven Seven years removed from an IED Seven years away from the day that changed me Sev......Read the rest...
Categories: humvee, animal, anxiety, beautiful, care,
Form: Free verse
Squire the Service Dog
...I'm twenty seven years old Not, old by any standard But, in my world...I'm seven Seven years removed from an IED Seven years away from the day that changed me Seven years into my new life We we......Read the rest...
Categories: humvee, freedom,
Form: Epic
A Warm Cup of War
...As the suicide bomber detonates himself at a roadside check I wait for my coffee machine's light to turn green and beep Carnage unfolds after all bits of shrapnel finish their courses I add my spo......Read the rest...
Categories: humvee, conflict, death, death of
Form: Free verse
I Hope Your Pen Bleeds
...I hope your pen bleeds And ruins your tweed Stains your skin Gets infected Makes you ill And you spill your jello Get a scuff On those new white shoes I hope your birthmark Turns out to be s......Read the rest...
Categories: humvee, nonsense,
Form: Free verse
Lighthouse On the Rock
...He lived on the stairs behind the old house, Sheltered from the storms in his small retreat. There were four wood steps shaded from the light; This old lighthouse, high atop the big rock. Abandon......Read the rest...
Categories: humvee, deep, feelings, freedom, growth,
Form: Iambic Pentameter
Hawaiian Winds
...The humid Hawaiian heat hobbles my head and heart too, Hitting as the Humvee high-tails past on the highway, Sweat seeps steadily south from scalp to shoes Convection current cooking, keep pedali......Read the rest...
Categories: humvee, beach, mountains, nature, ocean,
Form: Rhyme
In a Gentle Way You Can Shake the World
...When they draped the flag on your coffin mate I was dumb, dead with it- they ought to at least give you one last chance to dance the dance of life- you were the grass growing and the earth ......Read the rest...
Categories: humvee, bereavement, war,
Form: Free verse
What Happened
...As you ended our video call, You suited up, Helmet, Armor, Gun. Just another day in that god forsaken place, As soon as you stepped off the plane it felt like being in an oven. But hey, What ......Read the rest...
Categories: humvee, brother, death, farewell, pain,
Form: Dramatic Monologue
Daniel Doc Jacobs
...He's the one they call "Doc", tending to those who need his care, always putting others before himself, whether in foreign land, sea or by air. Here's his story, about the time he served, and ev......Read the rest...
Categories: humvee, inspirational, life,
Form: Rhyme
Small Hands, Small Feet
...Her life is not one of shopping malls, those fancy purses, and shoes to match. No her life is not fifty dollar hair cuts, and manicures, followed with a pedicure, to show off her french style toe......Read the rest...
Categories: humvee, adventure, passion, places, teen,
Form: Lyric

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry