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Gardenia Poems - Poems about Gardenia

Gardenia Poems - Examples of all types of poems about gardenia to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for gardenia.
Premium Member gardenia cottage is selective
Gardenia cottage is unseen by most Built by a mushroom finger hut ghost Deep in the blue forest, only seen by a few She only shows herself when she thinks you are true...Read the rest...
Categories: gardenia, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Gardenia
In your garden, I am gardenia, My petals pure, a fragrant white, Bloom, forever bright, A symphony of scents it exudes. Petals soft as whispers in the breeze, Amidst the birds, bees, butterflies, and chipmunks. Gardenia stands with...Read the rest...
Categories: gardenia, 12th grade, flower,
Form: Personification

Premium Member gardenia
sweet fragrant zephyr gracious gardenia gift ~ blissful eyelids close...Read the rest...
Categories: gardenia, appreciation, environment, flower, giving,
Form: Haiku

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Jungle Gardenia
Just One Haiku - Sponsor Sara Kendrick #2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ jungle gardenia jungle zephyrs rest on drowsy gardenia eyelids ~ lush pearls of perfume...Read the rest...
Categories: gardenia, flower, sleep, wind,
Form: Haiku
Gardenia Lemmings
fresh on her eyelids a zephry wind softly stirs gardenia lemmings 2) zephry eyelids ...Read the rest...
Categories: gardenia, appreciation, beauty,
Form: Haiku

Premium Member Gardenia
floral scent divine gardenia permeates air groom's boutonnière...Read the rest...
Categories: gardenia, flower, wedding,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member A Gardenia Nosegay
Cape Jasmine One last white blossom Memories Of our youth You brought three green stems with buds Fragrance filled the room Long ago When you desired love Memories Flood my mind Now you bring me muscadines From your garden, love ...Read the rest...
Categories: gardenia, love,
Form: Shadorma
Premium Member Teen Daydream
I swim slowly, almost languidly, But alert, careful not to let my hands Break the surface, make the faintest sound. Oppressive stillness into which a tropical bird Cries with an old man's voice. Only my eyes and nose above The...Read the rest...
Categories: gardenia, 7th grade, dream, flower,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Couldn'T Think of Gardenia
A sweet young lassie from Estonia Was besought by a boy from Bologna Taking her to a dance, He wore his best pants And gave her a corsage of begonia. written September 1, 2021...Read the rest...
Categories: gardenia, crazy, dance, flower, humorous,
Form: Limerick
Smell of Gardenia Connection
Your house is simple to reach Marina, you must not handle me the direction, quite elementary is...Read the rest...
Categories: gardenia, allegory, allusion, flower, metaphor,
Form: Quatrain
Premium Member Want To Replace Gardenia With a Claw
My hat has a gardenia that refuses to behave. She throws a fit that would make a Neanderthal cave. I asked what she needed, what helps, what does she crave? She said she always wanted a close straight...Read the rest...
Categories: gardenia, 1st grade, 2nd grade,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Gardenia
Her shimmering lavender gown of satin and lace Made her look like a fairy princess dressed for the dance. The lad held a delicate, creamy-white gardenia On her shoulder next to her radiant, beaming face. She had requested an...Read the rest...
Categories: gardenia, flower, memory, sweet love,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Call of the Gardenia
intoxicating ...Read the rest...
Categories: gardenia, beautiful, imagery,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Oh, Gardenia Mine
        ~Oh, Gardenia Mine~   ...Read the rest...
Categories: gardenia, flower, how i feel,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Gardenia Scented Poetic Cart
Be thou kindness, ruler in my heart! Shake any evil from my quill. No harsh words to depart, To soil another poets will. Let rays of sunshine beam from every line, To brighten another poets heart. My humble heart with theirs...Read the rest...
Categories: gardenia, feelings, introspection, poetess,
Form: Rhyme

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