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Feedback Poems - Poems about Feedback

Feedback Poems - Examples of all types of poems about feedback to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for feedback.
Friendliness equals self sustaining positive feedback fruit loop
Friendliness equals self sustaining positive feedback fruit loop My humble apology for inducing thee to manure yourself thru figurative following poop, best flushed down the toilet of the behavioral sink why yours truly wretchedly reaches out cuz I never experienced popularity...Read the rest...
Categories: feedback, adventure, anti bullying, appreciation,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Flashes Of Feedback
There are flashes of feedback when I try and listen; Not from you, you play with precision; It’s your echo; The silence of what once was, the times filled with just because; It’s static that just won’t go away, it’s your...Read the rest...
Categories: feedback, deep, emotions, feelings, music,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Feedback
Feedback has beginnings and endings beyond one's control, disorder, and manipulation are the results of ...Read the rest...
Categories: feedback, bullying, business, confusion, creation,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Strictly Positive Feedback
"Come over here guys... What a spectacular performance! Were the judges as impressed? I think there's a very good chance..." "My darling, that was FAB-U-LOUS! It had elegance. It had style." "That was so so beautiful! It...Read the rest...
Categories: feedback, dance, judgement,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member My Amygdala's Disambiguation
Methinks it's time for me to create A rhyme. My marbles have been scrambled and Methinks it's quite a crime. To lose the grand red Highway running athwart my mind. all my T's and F's and Z's are running amuck. It...Read the rest...
Categories: feedback, anger, angst, anxiety, depression,
Form: Burlesque

Thanks Ii Eucharis
I Skills galore Wills afore Adam before Uneven score Evils galore II Reading, re-reading Poems, Writing Encouraging, engaging Lisa, Linda, Harry, Joe Suzette, Michelle, Insolent Rib III Mystical Roses Lyrical Crosses Sometimes Glosses Savior's Losses Love's Roses...Read the rest...
Categories: feedback, appreciation, beauty, growth, inspiration,
Form: Other
Lovely feedback, makes me glow, Taking time to let me know That my efforts hit the mark And even caused some smiles to spark. A job well done feels great inside But emails, texts and calls provide An extra boost that’s...Read the rest...
Categories: feedback, happy,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Sponsor's Feedback Minichu
Innocent memories Was a first trial on the Minichu contest Some queries Date extended Few more muses trickled in next Splendid! Bizarre drew out the best Par! Innocent memories Few more muses trickled in next Par! 3.10.2020 Note: Example...Read the rest...
Categories: feedback, feelings,
Form: Rhyme
Number of Views
I once posted a poem on poetry soup I checked for feedback a while later I smiled to find I had one view It was enough to be a motivator Every time I checked my views they increased by...Read the rest...
Categories: feedback, art, hilarious, literature, poems,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Effective Feedback
Who would want a thermostat unable to effectively regulate talking to itself? We all long for recreative environmental response systems of mutual listening wonder, sacredly transcending mere domination of will-power without bilaterally cooperative holistic prominence of systemic identity ourselves. Who wants a...Read the rest...
Categories: feedback, anti bullying, health, integrity,
Form: Political Verse
Feedback Echoes
Feedback Echoes? I shout out into the dark void! I cast my tunes out wondering? My words transmit the pictures. Mind floats on the notes I hear. Giving heart rises and falls with the melody. Great hurts and pleasures flow with...Read the rest...
Categories: feedback, music, poetry,
Form: Free verse
My thoughts The bridges in my brain My memory My courage The baggage of a name Letters scripts projecting all the same Contacting the central station of my brain My brain It holds and release Messages increases Para-thesis Sneezes Cripple loads paraplegic Pieces Brought together whether...Read the rest...
Categories: feedback, freedom,
Form: Free verse
Good Faces Feedback
sweet so worm's hidden sour's...Read the rest...
Categories: feedback, abuse, conflict, environment, philosophy,
Form: Senryu
Feedback On Baltimore
A few soaring trees Here and there On a green earth Flowers with flesh in girth The costume bear No wear and tear Air going out in BMW Air coming in seven hues This show is likely due to System in a capital...Read the rest...
Categories: feedback, anger, autumn, beach, bird,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member God Is Correction, Feedback and Bifurcation
Vivacious, practical, self-directed Mary Bailey, nice body it makes no sense that just because George might never have been she suddenly becomes a shy, homely, lonely librarian without a dog or god. No, it did not fundamentally matter whether George was...Read the rest...
Categories: feedback, body, butterfly, dog, god,
Form: Verse

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry