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Carnation Poems - Poems about Carnation

Carnation Poems - Examples of all types of poems about carnation to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for carnation.

Carnation Eating Imagination Creation
What a creation! A creature of elation Gave me a sensation Of heart palpitation It ate a carnation In the midst of lunation And grew with inflation For such a duration That held my fixation Itself a flotation Until it's deflation And sunk for hydration Spotted like...Read the rest...
Categories: carnation, imagination,
Form: Monorhyme
The toy box made of plywood painted white my grandfather built for me when I was three has become a time machine a tool of torture Why haven’t I burned its contents to ash as I did all his letters...Read the rest...
Categories: carnation, betrayal, first love, flower,
Form: Free verse

Carnation and Rose Romance
The jealous carnation observes with piercing eyes, ...Read the rest...
Categories: carnation, allegory, allusion, appreciation, fantasy,
Form: Light Verse
Premium Member The Carnation
Bright in colour A glory of love Zig-zag edges of the petals A symbol of life-long worry of a mother Layers of petals A symbol of the eternal love of a mother...Read the rest...
Categories: carnation, love, mother,
Form: Free verse
There are carnations I shower them all with life so straight and so clear....Read the rest...
Categories: carnation, assonance, beautiful, devotion, encouraging,
Form: Haiku

Premium Member Carnation
With a slight glow of early morning sunlight a single flower-bud unfolds bright from its green protective wrap to serrated knap revealing soft pink appealing velvet petals of a carnation, Mother's Love with a fresh spicy clove-like perfume coursing through benignly...Read the rest...
Categories: carnation, flower,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Carnation Yellow - a Haiku
Carnation Yellow - A Haiku sunshiny sunlight shall carnation yellow flies pollinates the bee beauty to the eyes good smells aroma so nice carnation yellow 6/7/19...Read the rest...
Categories: carnation, beautiful, environment, flower,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member The White Carnation and Red Rose Bouquet
The white carnation and red rose bouquet - How beautiful it was with its array of baby’s breath – as beautiful as she - our innocent sweet girl, a bride -to – be. It was so perfect for the...Read the rest...
Categories: carnation, sad,
Form: Quatern
Re Carnation Vision
Warning for the storm the cast before the barrier dear god carrier me home, For the understanding may full understand is taken the truth under neath, The bird cage to set one free to bridge...Read the rest...
Categories: carnation, art, love,
Form: Prose Poetry
Rose To Carnation
"Cherished; Loved, Parting, A blue rose bloomed. Loyalty. Then it was shattered, Unfortunately. On the ground, Broken. Swirling pieces, Changing, Morphing, Rejected. A new flower, A new meaning. A Carnation....Read the rest...
Categories: carnation, dedication, flower,
Form: Free verse
Carnation Orchid Daffodil and Rose
How softly sweetly,gently flowers pose Carnation,orchid ,daffodil and rose. Their intricate petals form a shield Yet bees with much striped force shall make them yield. Appearances,both natural and contrived, Mixed with the wiles of human nature thrive. As, knowing not,...Read the rest...
Categories: carnation, beautiful, feelings, god, world,
Form: Sonnet
The Pink Carnation
The pink flower that is called a carnation I received a sad but yet odd invitation, To a get together with all my family and no strangers It seemed nice knowing there was no danger, Why does everyone have...Read the rest...
Categories: carnation, beauty, bereavement, death, family,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Limerick: Once the Un Wore a Carnation
Limerick : Once the UN wore a carnation Once the UN wore a carnation Now in the shade looks like damnation Halls echo inane talk House for rent at New York Is UN ever on vacation ? © T. Wignesan –...Read the rest...
Categories: carnation, political,
Form: Limerick
Happy Carnation Revolution Day Manif With 40 Min Delay 1002 Characters
Elections One party is discussing with the Marketers, Public Relations Team about the Propaganda with the Advertisement Director -Dr what do you think? - Dr - Fantastic -It is really good Dr -Awesome (So I can see You are...Read the rest...
Categories: carnation, april, holiday, humorous, write,
Form: Prose

Book: Shattered Sighs