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Best Science Fiction Poems

Below are the all-time best Science Fiction poems written by Poets on PoetrySoup. These top poems in list format are the best examples of science fiction poems written by PoetrySoup members

Premium Member The Time Traveler - a Visual Art Poem - POTD
POTD 6th Sept 2019

When the dawn kisses the dew on all thing that grow
and that first melancholy thought, ponderous and low
questions any relevant notions to...

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Categories: romantic, science fiction,
Form: Dramatic Verse

Premium Member To Boldly Go
My training at Starfleet was over, they were now deploying me
I was over the moon when they called; I was full of glee
I entered the...

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Categories: science fiction, space,
Form: Rhyme
Robot Revolution
Abandon futile attempts to run
Behold the process has begun
Step toward your darkest fear
Let’s flip the switch to a new frontier

Penetrating deep within
Evacuate your mortal sin

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Categories: computer, dark, science fiction,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Visitor - POTW- A Collaboration With July Morning
POTW 28 January 2018

A beautiful extra-terrestrial female researcher is sent down to a remote island to observe earth and beam her findings back to her...

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Categories: adventure, romance, science fiction,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Visitor Finale - a Collaboration With July Morning
The Story so far…
Makani (The Rising Wind), a beautiful extra-terrestrial researcher is sent to a remote island to observe earth. She finds Sam, a shipwrecked...

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Categories: adventure, romance, science fiction,
Form: Narrative

Elemental Designs

Hydrogen to Helium
A fusion formed by gravity
A carbon-based delirium
Molecularly infinite energy

An ancient discipline known as alchemy
We’re consciousness - the explosion - amorous 
We dream...

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Categories: science fiction, heaven, moon, science, science
Form: Free verse
Star Trek and Captain Kirk's Final Frontier
Kirk: ‘Lt. Uhura, come to my quarters at 1800 hours’
Uhura: ‘Yes captain, might I ask what’s up?’
Kirk: ‘Nothing now but something WILL be at 1800...

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Categories: parody, science fiction,
Form: Narrative
The Last Word of Hunter
As I seize from greener pasture
Forgive me for taking away nature
lives have always been in vain
stopping them from breathing with pain
I toil never to hold...

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© Amin Tres  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: science fiction, imagination, places, science, science
Form: Personification
Premium Member Sci-Fi
Once long ago there was a clear blue sky
Where roamed free bird and butterfly
That’s when came the idea to super citify
And to pollution creators deify

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Categories: science fiction, city, humanity, loss, nature,
Form: Monorhyme
I Am He As You Are Me
When the night wind changes course
sending breezes from the north,
when farmer's fields lie brown and fallow
and empty ropes swing from the gallows,
when children's faces are...

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Categories: science fiction, adventure, fantasy, imagination, science,
Form: Ballad
Premium Member Visitor - Part 2 - a Collaboration With July Morning
The Story so far continued from 'Visitor'…
An attractive extra-terrestrial female researcher sent to a remote island to observe earth and beam back her findings is...

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Categories: adventure, romance, science fiction,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Vaccinate the Yawn
News is abhorring
And so boring
Starting from the break of dawn
I think we need
To be indeed
Vaccinated for the yawn

They always try
The same tired lie
Their old shtick...

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Categories: parody, science fiction,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Audouin's Hunger
Had a thought a moment ago, just before I broke your aura'd wing, 
trapped here, forever, within Audouin's vast crater alone and pining. 
Starved for...

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Categories: science fiction, flower, heart, heaven, loneliness,
Form: Verse
Premium Member The Question of All Questionku's
#1~Science Fiction~

Is intelligent 
plan based on the Bible?

#2~Inward Meditation~

knowledge, ego
during my lifetime
one question, Who Am I?


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Categories: religion, science, science fiction,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member The Ghost Train
Along the mountain pine valley did the Iron Horse roar,
A steam belching black demon, burning red hot coals
Within it's steel belly.
Speed's hell bound creation, driven...

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© Cherl Dunn  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: science fiction, adventure, america, fantasy, halloween,
Form: Free verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things