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Best Friendship Love Poems

Below are the all-time best Friendship Love poems written by Poets on PoetrySoup. These top poems in list format are the best examples of friendship love poems written by PoetrySoup members

Premium Member True Colors
Eyes are the windows of a soul and they say ‘Love is blind’
But how do you describe colour to a sightless person?

Such depths to your...

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Categories: color, friendship love,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member If I Were a Flower
A blossom I’ll be on the wreaths for peace
An offering to deity to feed world’s hungry
I’ll be the garden on every troubled street
Preening as gleefully...

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Categories: friendship love, flower, friendship, love,
Form: Personification
My Empathetic Quill Bleed For the Empress Ink
The moonlight bathed her cell in pallid light while she sat hunched over her desk, clutching her pen between her confound fingertips. As she bled ink...

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Categories: community, friendship love, imagery,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Missionary and the Bum
There once was a bum. He was the neighborhood drunk. He had an unkempt demeanor. His salt and pepper hair had not been washed in...

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© Alexis Y.  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: friendship love, faith, friendship, love,
Form: Prose
Premium Member Because I Love You
I saw the bitter tears of unhappiness
Running down your agonizing face,
Ravaged with pain,

And I became a sponge of compassion
To absorb them.

I heard the howling 

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Categories: friendship love, humanity, society,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member I Acquiesce To Friendship
Your sensuous eyes render me a fool.
How clumsy I become within your mien.
I stutter, stumble trying to keep cool
While all the time envisioning a scene

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Categories: dream, friendship love, longing,
Form: Sonnet
Premium Member The Half Man
He sees no evil
only good
his right hand
does not know
what the left hand does

And in his dreams
his left leg
runs in a different
and makes him crash

He chases...

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Categories: friendship, friendship love,
Form: Free verse
Hiya's Words
 "There'll be a zealous zephyr 
    that isn't tamed by time; 
   I'll be the lunar princess, 

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Categories: appreciation, friendship love,
Form: Free verse
You said age's only a number, beauty's skin deep
Wise words to live by, now if I could only sleep
Humor never can be taken away, have...

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© Tim Smith  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: friendship love, friendship, love,
Form: Rhyme
Hoping That It Might Be You
Hoping that it might be you

Verse 1

I've got some troubles in my life...
I'll help with yours, will you, help with mine?
"Cause I need love like...

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Categories: friendship love, hope, longing,
Form: Lyric
Sweet Spring Souvenirs
Now, Spring an echo of a crazy dance
Its music still wrapping the soul in  trance.

Sweet the taste of a season of pure feel
The scent...

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Categories: friendship love, heart, how
Form: Couplet
Premium Member Mon Chevalier
He rides laughter like he owns it
exclamation marks
exhileration online

Mon chevalier galant
who uses music for shield
pen for glaive

Who writes warmth
through cold white days
and sometimes silence

He'll walk...

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Categories: friendship love, friendship, love,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Elephant and the Ant
There once was a little mighty ant
Who was extravagant and arrogant 
Known to be exorbitantly militant 
She was so combatant and petulant
They nicknamed her My...

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Categories: friendship love, allegory, animal, change, cute,
Form: Monorhyme
Test of Time
Secrets blowing in the wind

Another gift, another lift

Words whispered from the soul

Echoing in the chamber of my heart

Looking ahead to the dreams we'll have

It's what...

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© Tim Smith  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: friendship love, friendship, love,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member On Our Friendship For Jan Allison
You were eyes for the man I was - blind 
And always without strain you were kind 
Love from the heart with no edit of mind 
What a...

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Categories: friendship love, friendship, love,
Form: Monorhyme

Book: Shattered Sighs