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Antony Poems - Poems about Antony

Antony Poems - Examples of all types of poems about antony to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for antony.
Premium Member Bad news infects the teller
...Bad news Infects the teller.. The teller Conveys news which Is believed to have Arisen in a fictitious Past In the telling Colored with belief Is what is happen......Read the rest...
Categories: antony, fantasy, self,
Form: Light Verse
The Borderlands of Sleep
...I shall wait for you this evening, at the frontier of your dreams; that warm, soft place ten seconds into nothingness... where it would seem reality and fantasy entwine... the borderlands of sleep;......Read the rest...
Categories: antony, dream,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Famous People Limerick Contest Rejects
...There once was a man named Galileo. To him, scientific knowledge we owe. He was the brainy inventor who said, "the earth ain't the center." I guess that was his basic ideo. There was a lady n......Read the rest...
Categories: antony, humor,
Form: Limerick

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

The Art of Being Blind
...She never got spoon-fed and started licking off the knives But knives cut her tongue Her home is in the white spaces but not the words You claim to know the flower, but do you know its pollen grai......Read the rest...
Categories: antony, 11th grade, abuse, anxiety,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Loss of Reason
...“O Judgement! Thou art fled to brutish beasts, and men have lost their reason.” Willian Shakespeare (from Julius Caesar, spoken by Marc Antony) The pendulum of time has swung, From yester years w......Read the rest...
Categories: antony, confusion, dark, fantasy, heartbroken,
Form: Free verse

From the Abyss
...A radiant smile spreading cheers has lost the dimple penetrating fine cheeks. Dwindled memories of someone has rooted deep into her veins. She is forgotten like a stowed Peafowl feather in th......Read the rest...
Categories: antony, depression, fate, hurt, lost,
Form: Free verse
Ecstasy- a Bliss
...Relishing a dream of voyage; though the sky lit by the glory of rays, my eyes squinted at the ray fluttering my lashes says, not now,don't wake me now. Impeccable sunlight splattering on ......Read the rest...
Categories: antony, dream, fantasy, good morning,
Form: Rhyme
Through the Streets Forlorn
...A rain that felled in a rhythmic beat washed away our muddy feet rain frogs croaking beside the pond has drone so as the violent rain has gone; drenching each tiny leaves of oaks reminding us o......Read the rest...
Categories: antony, emotions, forgiveness, future, nature,
Form: Rhyme
The Anchored Heart
...In that hours of light when the ocean adorned us with the kiss of the waves, affection for its beauty reformed to a worshiping deity. Oh my sailor,you've anchored my heart making me a perfect ......Read the rest...
Categories: antony, for him, i love
Form: Blank verse
Premium Member Cleopatra
...Cleopatra ruler Captivating beauty Collected four husband Caesar was her lover Claimed Caesarion son Crucial Roman nation Chose Mark Antony last 10/21/2020 Cleopatra VII Philopa......Read the rest...
Categories: antony, history,
Form: Verse
Premium Member Antony and Cleopatra
...Egyptian goddess impetuous and pompous Cleopatra’s conquests at history’s bequests wielded a propensity for dramatic intensity She snared the great Marc Antony lured him into salacious surre......Read the rest...
Categories: antony, games, longing, love, passion,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Cornucopia Charm
...Her goodies stuffed inside, petrified fine. String of pearls, perfectly round, peachy keen. Courting spicy cerise bottle of wine. Silver flute melody apt to be seen. An hourglass fi......Read the rest...
Categories: antony, beautiful, imagery,
Form: Dizain
Premium Member A Dissing of Shakespeare
...Today there's a dissing of Shakespeare His penning's dismissed as old-hat Take time to get know him -- He's wittier than Dr. Seuss' Cat Many point to the Merchant of Venice To prove h......Read the rest...
Categories: antony, judgement, literature,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Cleopatra and Mark Antony
...Cleopatra and Mark Antony Cleopatra fell in love with Mark Antony She became ruler of Egypt by Antony's decree. Forced to flee Egypt, her rumored suicide plan... She let an asp kill her ov......Read the rest...
Categories: antony, africa, devotion, history, lost
Form: Clerihew
Premium Member Cleopatra
...CLEOPATRA Cleopatra, queen of Egypt, the black beauty, clever, erudite, great politician, attractive cutie. Her exotic charisma and magnetic at......Read the rest...
Categories: antony, beauty, romantic love,
Form: Clerihew

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