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Antelope Poems - Poems about Antelope

Antelope Poems - Examples of all types of poems about antelope to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for antelope.

The Antelope and the Mahogany Tree
It looked lost and lonely, Probably searching for its kind, Will hope aid it to find? Its home seems to have been invaded. The tree is bare and naked, It displays feeble boughs, It seeks...Read the rest...
Categories: antelope, animal, nature, tree,
Form: Ekphrasis
Premium Member Alice Assaulted An Antelope
Amazingly, Alice assaulted an antelope Because Bobby’s beavers became bold, Considering cantilevered canines Deliberately devastating donor’s doled. Evelyn entirely excited electric eels Failing forlornly from forward fencing, Gaining ground gathering genuine gold Her happiness heralded high financing. I indicated initially incapable innocents Justifying joyous...Read the rest...
Categories: antelope, fantasy, fun, word play,
Form: Abecedarian

Premium Member Pecos Bill
Pecos Bill rode herd in the vast forlorn. His quiet Paint gobbled buttered popcorn. A tornado, in a fit, Came for a whirlwind visit. “Paint, meet Curley. His back I will adorn.” Bill grabbed his rope and threw...Read the rest...
Categories: antelope, adventure, animal, city, horse,
Form: Limerick

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member An Antelope a Reindeer and An Elk
An antelope, a reindeer and an elk walked into a bar. Which bar? The lion stared at his friend. “Does it matter?” “It does to me.” “Bar Sheeba Weebalah.” The other lion nods. “The antelope orders a beer. the reindeer orders...Read the rest...
Categories: antelope, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Light Verse
Premium Member Antelope Flees
lioness with her sights on the prize antelope feels her; pops out her eyes the chase is on one is a pawn antelope’s heartbeat is on the rise....Read the rest...
Categories: antelope, 4th grade, 5th grade,
Form: Limerick

Premium Member Antelope of Montana
Antelope of Montana, Texas and Utah too Those eyes of yours are such a fine amber hue! Your wide eyed innocence makes me smile You can outrun me for a solid country mile. Cowboys with wide brim hats sing...Read the rest...
Categories: antelope, animal,
Form: Rhyme
The Female Antelope
Long was the run to live On a May day; Running in the corners of the living world. A Female antelope, Led it's way to a stream nearby To wet it's broken feet to safety. Just now had a fight with...Read the rest...
Categories: antelope, animal, betrayal, desire, journey,
Form: ABC
Premium Member Wyoming
A man of Wyoming ate cantaloupe While watching some galloping antelope To his...Read the rest...
Categories: antelope, humor, humorous, nature, places,
Form: Limerick
Marking deep footsteps of a youthful antelope along thickened woodland-- earth's glory is replete with a creature in motion. Brian Strand Contest...Read the rest...
Categories: antelope, animal,
Form: Tanka
Much Ado About Antelope
The thickets were traitors, Front and back they cut me down Till I lost the sight of my buttery; Gasping like blacksmith’s belows I asked: What flesh did antelope even have?...Read the rest...
Categories: antelope, hurt,
Form: Verse
The Beautiful Antelope
A creature to pet and spoil like a child. Smooth- skinned, stepping cautiously in the grass. Round and plump like a newly married wife, its neck, heavy with brass rings, it eyes, Gentle as a bird. It Head,...Read the rest...
Categories: antelope, animal
Form: ABC
A Barren Antelope
____A Barren Antelope (Unedited)____ A barren antelope Visits the world of the living She is searching for the Messiah’s hands To bless her womb with living Kids, kids, everywhere, she Wants to bear her own, She wants to be a mother And be...Read the rest...
Categories: antelope, absence, analogy, animal, caregiving,
Form: Free verse
Antelope. A springbok runs fast on the savanna avoiding lions and other predators, but ultimately it is destined to become food for slayers and thus useful. Going back two and a half million years, my African ancestors too...Read the rest...
Categories: antelope, life, hope, money,
Form: Blank verse
Premium Member Where the Antelope (Used To) Play
Where the antelope used to play is now shopping malls and plats. Man in his insatiable greed has encroached upon its ancient habitats. Not so very long ago on the plains just a few miles out of...Read the rest...
Categories: antelope, nature
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry