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Amelia Poems - Poems about Amelia

Amelia Poems - Examples of all types of poems about amelia to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for amelia.
Amelia Lane
Every day I spoke to Amelia Lane The voice of my very dear sister And although her words gave me great pain I always had to be with her She lit up a room, filled my TV screen My wife...Read the rest...
Categories: amelia, addiction, corruption, death, depression,
Form: Narrative
In the morning as I sit and watch you lay, in what seems to be a playful bliss. My attention is quickly taken by your milky white skin. Caressed by lotions and perfumed by oil. Forever young you...Read the rest...
Categories: amelia, love,
Form: Free verse

Amelia Earhart's Plane
They found Amelia Earhart’s plane! An under-water drone, Using sonar, sent an image Of the Lockheed she did own. In 1937, Out to circumvent the globe, Earhart disappeared and searchers Had no clues with which to probe. She’d planned a fuel stop on...Read the rest...
Categories: amelia, appreciation, flying, history,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Amelia
So now a little sister has come into James’s life pretty little Amelia is here to cause him strife He loves his little sister and is always by her side helping his mother when he can his heart so full of pride. I...Read the rest...
Categories: amelia, emotions,
Form: Rhyme
Looking Into the Eyes of Amelia
Asleep at two with curling wisps around your precious face Brow furrowed in concentration of your dream playing out within Then the lashes part revealing eyes A startling tourmaline blue Eyes that look into a horizon masked in thinning fog What do...Read the rest...
Categories: amelia, encouraging, engagement,
Form: Free verse

They Called Her Amelia Airho
She was known as Amelia Airho Air hostess premier on the go Many men she took to bed And not one of them she wed She had a lot...Read the rest...
Categories: amelia, humorous, sexy, silly,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Miss Amelia Havisham's Garden Shed
between the plant pots and the trays the cobwebs had seen better days and for all the wood and damp and soil the smell was one of paint and oil as flies and wasps lying in state were curled...Read the rest...
Categories: amelia, death, garden, literature,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Amelia Earhart
Amelia Earhart David J Walker Betcha didn’t know A previously undiscovered crater on the moon Was named for Amelia Earhart. And if I go real soon I’ll take part In the tourist excursion And swoon at the Armstrong flag and Ace...Read the rest...
Categories: amelia, allusion, immigration, nonsense,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Tribute To Amelia Earhart
Amelia, what were you thinking? It was still the dark ages for women Your parents and your husband spoiled you. You had no idea what was waiting Large greedy hands could not wait to get you To make you what...Read the rest...
Categories: amelia, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Light Verse
Amelia Earhart
She started off in Kansas Where dreamers often do But this child with mind on flight Never owned a pair of ruby shoes Spending days out in the fields Underneath the bluest skies Twirling round in circles Arms out open...Read the rest...
Categories: amelia, inspiration, visionary, woman,
Form: Light Verse
Premium Member Amelia Lorelei
I’ve waited months for the day of your birth to arrive. The time for you to enter this world is long overdue. Your mother and I have been married for year number five. It’s just before Christmas and...Read the rest...
Categories: amelia, writing,
Form: Rhyme
From Amelia
I hate this feeling, feeling like a third wheel an un-needed spoke on a tire that'll just keep spinning without me Well it shouldn't be too hard now cause I'm back to my role on Earth falling because...Read the rest...
Categories: amelia, how i feel,
Form: Free verse
Happy 3rd Birthday Amelia Jane
Happy 3rd Birthday Amelia Jane Your eyes are the loveliest shade of blue, Cerulean I think, oh yes, that will do; Honey gold hair, a pretty little smile, I love you so much, this could take a while. I...Read the rest...
Categories: amelia, birthday,
Form: Couplet
Amelia Harmon- a Bio
Amelia, writer, reader, shower singer, kitchen dancer, Sister of James, Lover of family, friends, and a badly-named boy, who feels the weight of the world, love, pain, who fears bones, secrets, fights Would like to see a published book of mine,...Read the rest...
Categories: amelia,
Form: Bio
As the sun shines so brightly I am always playing cheerfully Makes me realize that I have grown into An energetic personality I can call my own;...Read the rest...
Categories: amelia, happiness, heart, joy, love,
Form: Acrostic

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