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Allowable Poems - Poems about Allowable

Allowable Poems - Examples of all types of poems about allowable to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for allowable.

Crossing Lines
...Inspired by the TV show, "Chicago P.D.". Being a police officer is more challenging than ever in the world. As much as there are valid concerns about issues, overall, we need our police officers. ......Read the rest...
Categories: allowable, encouraging, leadership, meaningful, motivation,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member On Writing Contemporary Poetry
...Are contemporary poets wallowing in meaningless rubbish? Can they be called poets whose works are incomprehensible? Without regard for meter, rhyme, or rhythm, I think, gibberish, They......Read the rest...
Categories: allowable, poetry, poets, writing,
Form: Quatrain

Why Is America Embracing Marxisim Part One
...Why is America embracing Marxism? When in Hong Kong, Venezuela, and Cuba people are embracing Democracy! Even willing to pay the harsh penalties of Communist regimes for the very freedom America is t......Read the rest...
Categories: allowable, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Dramatic Monologue

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Honest Ones
...Honest Ones By Franklin Price 06/10/2020 What happened to the honest ones? Ones who'd rather die than lie. Been replaced by the dishonest Makes the truthful want to cry The rich, the high,......Read the rest...
Categories: allowable, america, political, power, truth,
Form: Rhyme
Your Tongue
...Your tongue is so desirable The way it feels is indescribable The warmth of its touch I want it so much How is the sensation allowable Your tongue is so desirable It makes me melt, like ice c......Read the rest...
Categories: allowable, beauty, desire, devotion, love,
Form: Quatern

Universal Islamic Message For Lifetime
...Universal islamic Message for lifetime:Part 2. You should Praise real Super Sovereign Power Maker or Creator,The only Allah AlMighty,The True Royal King well honoured Majesty.And if you should have ......Read the rest...
Categories: allowable, allah, blessing, faith, friendship,
Form: Free verse
Monorhyme On Leadership
...All leaders are enough capable To remove problems analyzable; They set few goals achievable, And strive to solve snags tangle. Ready to meet challenges triple Without any hurry or hustle. Calm ......Read the rest...
Categories: allowable, leadership,
Form: Monorhyme
Premium Member Love Has No Reply
...Love Has No Reply Love has no reply it just waits- love has no reply - it just prays- Love understands- as it hopes that rage will be quelled- That the core of your heart will be overwhelme......Read the rest...
Categories: allowable, absence, analogy, hope, metaphor,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Yellow Aura
...At the close of the day, the air has a feel Produced by the aura that the sun creates And yellow seems to sift its way to appeal The evening has come and does implicate A calm spread of ye......Read the rest...
Categories: allowable, night, sun, yellow,
Form: Rispetto
Ghost Story
...GHOST STORY Hey! Over there ! I got a glimpse of him ! Yes, I see him now over there almost hidden behind those books Naw, doesn’t look like the fella I used to know s......Read the rest...
Categories: allowable, fantasy, son, time, son,
Form: Dramatic Verse
Plagiarists Beware
...PLAGIARISTS BEWARE My(1) dog(2) went(3) out(4) again(5) today(6) And(7) watched(8) some(9) children(10) in(11) the(12) hay(13) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......Read the rest...
Categories: allowable, funny, rights,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member American Refugee
...My Constitutional Rights as an American Citizen no longer apply to me. It's as if I were never ever born in America, My Most Beloved Country. Thanks to the Bush administration and the administrati......Read the rest...
Categories: allowable, politicalthanks, rights, thanks,
Form: Rhyme
Somebody Let Me Know!
...Please advise me if I have used up my allowable quota of writes for today.......Read the rest...
Categories: allowable, angst, art, imagination, mystery,
Form: Free verse
...Sycophancy they celebrate Insolvency they worship Profligacy they cherish Grandiosity they love. Impudence remains a force To reckon with Indolence rewarded Amidst pomp and pageantry Int......Read the rest...
Categories: allowable, education, life, people,
Form: I do not know?

Book: Reflection on the Important Things