Abuse Poems - Examples of all types of abuse poetry to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets on PoetrySoup. Read
short, long, best, and famous poem examples for abuse.
FeminismFeminism an idea,
Not so new.
But its existence in society,
In reality is very few.
Everyday with evils,
She has a fight.
She does so to make, ...
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abuse, anger, discrimination, emotions,
Form: Rhyme
UPHILLDad said uphill was home
All we had to do was climb, he said
First was saying to roam,
Mom was afraid if I was dead
Could Not roam, couldn't walk
One the way had no one to talk
Masters said...
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absence, abuse, child abuse,
Form: Rhyme
HistoryGod spoke and created.' Commisioned Moses, and other
Prophets who duly narrated.' Men asked for such.' Yet soon changed
Their minds.' When comments and guidance didn't match
'With their kind' in piqu'e and rage they oft, were at...
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abuse, appreciation, bible, education,
Form: Didactic
The path to extinctionA little diversity will ensure our survival,
Too much will reduce the chance of our survival,
As we start seeing everyone else as a rival,
And give the devil an early indication for the time of his arrival,
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absence, abuse, addiction, america,
Form: Burlesque
Dress Rehearsal RagsUp to my face she came.
I knew a storm was brewing.
She pointed an accusing finger in my face,
then took a step back and screamed
a tirade of venomous abuse in my direction.
I smiled as I headed...
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abuse, conflict, relationship,
Form: Free verse
No One Wants YouChosen Prompt - Wisdom is not enough to calm your fears.
As I pushed the door slowly that evening, I was startled by the sudden jingle. I noticed that my nerves were jingling as well.
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abuse, appreciation, beauty, blessing,
Form: Free verse
I stand like a Ghost at my GraveUp on the hill, melancholy and forlorn,
I stand like a Ghost at my Grave,
Where you buried me.
You buried me deep beneath the soil,
Where your roots have touched my skin,
No regret was there, nor ever...
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11th grade, abuse, dark,
Form: Free verse
WE SHALL NOT BE STOPPEDEchoing voices can be heard from Former President Obama, Dr. Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, Medgar Wiley Evers and numerous other Afro American pioneers
It’s time to preserver
Mobilize in no fear
Stand America
Be Strong and Courageous
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abuse, anxiety, betrayal, character,
Form: Free verse
Daughters of the moonOn the streets at night lined up
Like a parade waiting to be picked
Bracing the cold nights
Hoping to get something before the night ends
To hopeless arms, they'll lay
Tough times forcing them out of options
And life has...
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abuse, night, psychological, sad,
Form: Free verse
An ode to the worker
Expectation is where the truth will be found.
Are you prepared to die at your post so that the boss can make his extra pound?
Degrees of intelligence are found all around. Commitment, pride and loyalty in...
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abuse, baptism, business, conflict,
Form: Free verse
Live to Die Alone
{"You continuously threaten me that I’ll eventually die alone, though it’s a pang against my heart I hear none of it though ferociously, the insides of me are hurricanes.
Reservoir myself, I live alone to...
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absence, abuse, addiction, anxiety,
Form: Free verse
Ring Around The Rosie’
{"-Every second of my life in which I cherish, So that I will never burden myself with the thought of you, I try so hard to cope with the idea of straying yourself away from...
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absence, abuse, addiction, anger,
Form: Free verse
Ache of MemoriesMemories of you, like shadows remain
Echoes of love, that still linger in pain
The fire we had, now reduced to ash
Leaving me with tears, and a heart that's crashed
Your smile, a ghost, that haunts me still
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Form: Rhyme
morning newswe thought Trump would bring peace
his solution is to expulse the Palestine people
into neighboring countries, it is madness
To take Gaza and turn it into a resort for the rich
and hand it over to Israel
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abuse, anger, anti bullying,
Form: ABC
The Sad Story of AnnieThe old cottage was in a dilapidated state. Fifteen years had passed
Since my sister died. The only thing of interest was a dusty old box.
I lifted the lid: a broken flute, a sort of diary
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abuse, memory, violence,
Form: Free verse
Specific Types of Abuse Poems
Definition | What is Abuse in Poetry?
Poems Related to Abuse
crime, exploitation, misdeed, injustice, wrongdoing, offense, misuse, misconduct, corruption, desecration, perversion, harm, violation, maltreatment, vilification, violate, mistreat, misuse, molest, beat up, victimize, defile, offend, revile, persecute, vilify, belittle, oppress, exploit,