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Poems by Colleen Laforme

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Below are poems written by Canada poet Colleen Laforme. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Colleen Laforme.

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
03/09/2016 I Was Not You 513 Rhyme
01/01/2009 My Pathway 495 Rhyme
12/10/2008 Innocent 480 Light Verse
12/06/2008 Sweet Moment 396 Rhyme
05/24/2008 Relentless 429 Rhyme
05/20/2008 My Kingdom 440 Rhyme
04/29/2008 Shine On 532 Rhyme
03/30/2008 Memories 347 Rhyme
03/30/2008 Tears 455 Rhyme
03/21/2008 Bliss 457 Rhyme
03/17/2008 Please Everyone Read 419 Rhyme
03/10/2008 Blood Rain 673 Rhyme
03/09/2008 Doris Lee 383 Rhyme
03/09/2008 Fear Not 462 Rhyme
02/10/2008 Eternal Cell 451 Rhyme
01/03/2008 Good-Bye My Friend 645 Rhyme
12/10/2007 Deception 488 Rhyme
12/09/2007 Love 423 Rhyme
12/04/2007 Memories 486 Rhyme
12/02/2007 Excuse Me For Saying 415 Rhyme
11/14/2007 Thinking 471 Rhyme
11/14/2007 Forever 410 Rhyme
11/06/2007 With You Not There 384 Rhyme
11/06/2007 Ants In My Pants 2858 Rhyme
11/04/2007 Excuse Me Please 474 Rhyme
11/01/2007 Lier 482 Rhyme
11/01/2007 A Wedding Story 887 Rhyme
11/01/2007 Among the Walking 403 Rhyme
11/01/2007 Broken Promises 423 Rhyme
10/23/2007 Loved 370 Rhyme
10/14/2007 Always 565 Rhyme
10/03/2007 Heavens Riches 378 Rhyme
10/01/2007 Bugs 482 Rhyme
09/19/2007 A Gift 485 Rhyme
09/16/2007 Beauty 390 Rhyme
09/16/2007 In Spite of It All 660 Rhyme
09/14/2007 Drowning 461 Rhyme
08/29/2007 Once Tranquil 414 Rhyme
08/16/2007 Heaven 443 Rhyme
08/14/2007 Just In Case 350 Rhyme
08/12/2007 Swinging 373 Rhyme
08/08/2007 Unconditionally 452 Rhyme
08/04/2007 Contribution 457 Rhyme
08/01/2007 Mighty Weakness 378 Rhyme
07/21/2007 The Letter Life Can Be So Unfair 427 Rhyme
07/19/2007 Me and My Shadow 377 Rhyme
06/10/2007 Innerself 365 Rhyme
06/08/2007 Broken 350 Rhyme
05/27/2007 Music To Dance To 523 Rhyme
05/09/2007 Taken 338 Rhyme
05/06/2007 I Can Only Dream of This 447 Rhyme
04/17/2007 Angel Kisses 362 Rhyme
04/16/2007 No One the Same 570 Rhyme
04/13/2007 Wings 339 Rhyme
02/15/2007 Valentine 314 Rhyme
01/27/2007 Mend 375 Rhyme
01/26/2007 Letting Go 377 Rhyme
01/26/2007 Forever 354 Rhyme
01/23/2007 Surrounded 332 Rhyme
01/23/2007 Abused 387 Rhyme
01/23/2007 Mess 342 Rhyme
01/22/2007 Darlene 423 Rhyme
01/21/2007 Me 543 Rhyme
01/21/2007 The Rose 349 Rhyme
01/20/2007 Whispering Words 305 Rhyme
01/17/2007 Hope 328 Rhyme
01/16/2007 Lost Soul 430 Rhyme
01/15/2007 To the Men That Stand Against the Dragon 567 Rhyme
01/14/2007 Missing 340 Rhyme
01/14/2007 Star Babies 376 Rhyme
01/13/2007 Nobody Wins 409 Rhyme
01/12/2007 Please Participate the Add On Poem 375 Rhyme
01/12/2007 Shhhhhhhh Im Thinking Two 336 Rhyme
01/10/2007 Be Nice 370 Rhyme
01/10/2007 Not Yet Darling 465 Rhyme
01/09/2007 Loving You 307 Rhyme
01/09/2007 Baby Wants a Rocket 411 Rhyme
01/08/2007 My Computer Is a Fine Friend 591 Rhyme
01/08/2007 Veronica 662 Rhyme
01/08/2007 Imagine All Over Toilet Paper 887 Rhyme
01/07/2007 My Beautiful Baby Girl 363 Rhyme
01/07/2007 Bad Day On the Horizon 533 Rhyme
01/07/2007 If Your Asking 461 Rhyme
01/07/2007 Ya You Think 362 Rhyme
01/07/2007 Teenagers 416 Rhyme
01/07/2007 Take My Hand 349 Rhyme
01/05/2007 Take Me 340 Rhyme
01/05/2007 Setting the Mood 343 Rhyme
01/05/2007 Your Words 316 Rhyme
01/05/2007 Serenity 364 Rhyme
01/05/2007 Team Players 2299 Rhyme
01/01/2007 The Lovers Game 373 Rhyme
01/01/2007 Growing Old 370 Rhyme
01/01/2007 Letting Go 484 Rhyme
01/01/2007 Love Sweet Love 377 Rhyme
01/01/2007 Someone Sent Me a Rose 666 Rhyme
12/28/2006 Will Remain 670 Rhyme
12/28/2006 Puppy Dog 358 Rhyme
12/28/2006 The List 394 Rhyme
12/27/2006 Does Someone Care To Share 426 Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry