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Poems by Bill Frew

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Below are poems written by United States poet Bill Frew. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Bill Frew.

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
04/15/2010 "rocks" 696 I do not know?
04/15/2010 "mother" 499 I do not know?
04/14/2010 "the White Knight" 848 Couplet
04/14/2010 "blue Eyes" 483 Couplet
04/14/2010 America 603 Acrostic
04/14/2010 "self-Portrait" 662 Couplet
04/14/2010 "ptsd" 866 Acrostic
04/13/2010 Water 734 Acrostic
04/13/2010 "irksome Judge's" 626 ABC
04/13/2010 "enviable Farrari's" 592 ABC
04/09/2010 "quilted Rugs" 703 ABC
04/09/2010 "buttercup" 1212 Limerick
04/04/2010 "the Old Farm" 832 Couplet
04/03/2010 "journey of Change" 647 I do not know?
04/02/2010 "eel Pie" 1096 Limerick
04/01/2010 "pugnacious Pooch" 763 Limerick
03/30/2010 "the Fortune Teller" 639 Limerick
03/29/2010 "toast & Ale" 494 Limerick
03/28/2010 "nine-Eleven" 653 I do not know?
03/28/2010 "nightshade" 828 Limerick
03/27/2010 Amorous 1200 Limerick
03/27/2010 "beguiled" 691 Limerick
03/27/2010 "spark of Hope" 600 Iambic Pentameter
03/27/2010 "i Like To Write Because...." 639 I do not know?
03/27/2010 "the Bass" 629 Limerick
03/26/2010 "antics" 584 I do not know?
03/24/2010 Raven 782 Acrostic
03/24/2010 Avocado 891 Light Verse
03/24/2010 "hippie" 776 Acrostic
03/24/2010 "they Come Out At Night" 544 I do not know?
03/23/2010 "battle-Axe" 868 Couplet
03/23/2010 "my Pretty" 467 Limerick
03/23/2010 "sssh!" 791 Limerick
03/22/2010 "create" 494 Acrostic
03/21/2010 Poverty 579 Acrostic
03/20/2010 "being Daisy" 725 ABC
03/20/2010 "a Knights Renown" 470 Couplet
03/19/2010 "reversi" 676 ABC
03/19/2010 "flying Kites" 658 Rhyme
03/19/2010 "alphabet Playground" 763 ABC
03/18/2010 Bats 1032 ABC

Book: Reflection on the Important Things